
why did terah leave ur

God has said that all men are sinners, deserving of, and destined to eternal punishment. That verse is not implying that God called Abe out of the blue, nor Abe at random of all persons. Why didn't Abraham tell Isaac the truth in Genesis 22? Not only did Terah worship idols, but he even operated a business selling deities. Much of Abrams first moves were neither purposeful nor pious, but rather were a more passive response to external forces. God providentially led Terah to pull up roots at Ur and to move toward Canaan (11:31). There is a dispute about that too, if we take into account the Samaritan Pentateuch we accept a version that states that Terah only lived 145 years. Abraham was a man of great faithafter years of testing by God. It would be many years before Abram would fully grasp that this heir that God had promised would come from the union of he and Sarai. But does such a claim contradict the words of Scripture? Yes, God twice told Abra(ha)m to "leave your father's household, and go to the land of Canaan." God was therein posing to Abe the idea of rejecting Terah as unworthy of Abe's full evangelistic effort. The relationship between the command of God to Abram in verse 1 and the incident at Babel in chapter 11 should not be overlooked. And if we are honest with ourselves, that is just about where most of us are. At the same time, it does not follow from this use of the expression Maleach Jehovah, that the (particular) angel of Jehovah was essentially one with God, or that Maleach Jehovah always has the same signification; for in Malachi 2:7 the priest is called Maleach Jehovah, i.e., the messenger of the Lord. Why did God allow Lots daughters to later have sex with their father? 31 And Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai the wife of Abram, and they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans for the land of Canaan. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? Consequently such passages as Psalm 34:7; Psalm 35:5-6, etc., where the angel of Jehovah is not more particularly described, or Numbers 20:16, where the general term angel is intentionally employed, or Acts 7:30; Galatians 3:19, and Hebrews 2:2, where the words are general and indefinite, furnish no evidence that the Angel of Jehovah, who proclaimed Himself in His appearances as one with God, was not in reality equal with God, unless we are to adopt as the rule for interpreting Scripture the inverted principle, that clear and definite statements are to be explained by those that are indefinite and obscure. Terah, it seems, decided to stay in the northern Mesopotamian "city of Haran," (no connection with his son Haran) rather than continue the journey to Canaan, which was the family's original intent. Haran.The Charran of Acts 7:4, that is, Carrhae in North-west Mesopotamia, about twenty geographical miles south-east of Edessa. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! The early history consists of three stages, which are indicated by the three patriarchs, peculiarly so called, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and in the sons of Jacob the unity of the chosen family was expanded into the twelve immediate fathers of the nation. Most of the errors so popular in Christian circles concerning the nature of the life of faith can be corrected by a study of the life of Abraham. On the other hand, He appeared to Moses (Exodus 3:2) in a flame of fire, speaking to him from the burning bush, and to the people of Israel in a pillar of cloud and fire (Exodus 14:19, cf. The surroundings were comfortable in the civilised city of Ur, so Terah may have been reluctant to leave. Even to Noah He revealed Himself before the flood as one who was present on the earth. On the form in which God appeared, in most instances, nothing is related. 14-15. Terah and his family had been chosen by God to establish His seed on earth. Since Abram was unwilling or unable to leave his father's house, God took Abram's father in death (11:32). When he is commanded to sacrifice Isaac, he must obey with a willing heart of love, yet somehow see through to balance the command with the promise of the seed of a nation and leave the outcome to God and to find in God all sufficiency. But we know from Stephens words that the call came to Abram at Ur (Acts 7:2). God said it. If we fix our eyes upon the method of the divine revelation, we find a new beginning in this respect, that as soon as Abram is called, we read of the appearing of God. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Besides, Abram and Sarai were no doubt especially dear to him, and he did not wish to lose their society. version of the Old is used as a proper name; it is a simple appellative, as is apparent from the fact that in every instance, in which further reference is made to an angel who has appeared, he is called , with or without . A look at a map of the ancient world of patriarchal times would indicate that Abram traveled the well-trodden roads of his day.135 This route was that commonly traveled by those who engaged in the commerce of those days. d. What we do know, is that Terah NEVER LEFT Haran but died when the blessings were there . Josephus says this, "Now Terah hating Chaldea, on account of his mourning for Haran (his son), they all removed to Haran." "And Terah died in Haran." In addition to this, He performs miracles, consuming with fire the offering placed before Him by Gideon, and the sacrifice prepared by Manoah, and ascending to haven in the flame of the burnt-offering (Judges 6:21; Judges 13:19-20). Terah's Descendants. 133-134. The pluperfect tense (had said) is both grammatically legitimate and exegetically necessary. 1. In other cases He revealed Himself merely by calling and speaking from heaven, without those who heard His voice perceiving any form at all; e.g., to Hagar, in Genesis 21:17., and to Abraham, Genesis 22:11. - All this occurred as a type for the future, that Israel might know and lay to heart the fact, that bodily descent from Abraham did not make a man a child of God, but that they alone were children of God who laid hold of the divine promise in faith, and walked in the steps of their forefather's faith (cf. Those who first read the book of Genesis were about to take possession of the land which was promised Abram. Do what God tells you to do in the most sensible way you know how. Our glorious God appeared to our ancestor Abraham in Mesopotamia before he settled in Haran. May God enable us to grow in grace as we walk the path which He has ordained, and as we continue to study the growth of the faith of Abram over many years. It is only when God wishes us to depart from the expected that we should look for guidance that is spectacular or unusual. Wiki User 2012-12-08. Terah, Jewish literature records, was a craftsman who made idols. This whole calculation exactly agrees with the incidental statement of Paul to the Galatians Gal 3:17 that the law was four hundred and thirty years after the covenant of promise. Since Abram was unwilling or unable to leave his fathers house, God took Abrams father in death (11:32). The form of the Angel of Jehovah, which was discernible by the senses, varied according to the purpose of the appearance; and, apart from Genesis 21:17 and Genesis 22:11, we have a sufficient proof that it was not a real angelic appearance, or the appearance of a created angel, in the fact that in two instances it was not really an angel at all, but a flame of fire and a shining cloud which formed the earthly substratum of the revelation of God in the Angel of Jehovah (Exodus 3:2; Exodus 14:19), unless indeed we are to regard natural phenomena as angels, without any scriptural warrant for doing so. The writer to the Hebrews pointed to Abraham as an illustration of a man who walked by faith, devoting more space to him than any other individual in chapter eleven (Hebrews 11:8-19). Stephen informs us in Acts 7:2 Brothers and fathers, listen to me. Terah didn't give a rip about what God wanted because he didn't know or love Him. Then Joshua built an altar to the Lord, the God of Israel, in Mount Ebal (Joshua 8:30). There are nearly 75 references to him in the New Testament. Terah had still been an idolater, when God called Abe the first time. But it was not the lot of Terah to enter the land, where he would only have been a stranger. Although no direct evidence of Abrahams residence is available, it is significant that the city of Ur reflects a long history preceding Abrahams time, possessing an elaborate system of writing, educational facilities, mathematical calculations, business and religious records, and art. How to draw a truncated hexagonal tiling? Who the messenger or angel of Jehovah was, must be determined in each particular instance from the connection of the passage; and where the context furnishes no criterion, it must remain undecided. Terah started out well (11:31), journeyed about four months, probably stopped at Babylon and then did something very strange. Genesis 21:16-21. Theologically, Genesis chapter 12 is one of the key Old Testament passages, for it contains what has been called the Abrahamic Covenant. But when they came I see Terah took Abram, Lot & Sarai to go to Canaan, & died on route in Haran, seemingly before God spoke to Abram to leave his country. Although listed first among the three sons of Terah, at Genesis 11:26, Abraham was not the firstborn. It will be observed, also, that we have set down seventy opposite Abram as the date of his call, from which is counted the definite period of four hundred and thirty years to the exodus. (2) Abrams spiritual life continued through the sovereign work of God. Terah is identified as the person who arranged and led the family to embark on a mysterious journey to Canaan. we get two critically different instances in which God told Abe to go to Canaan without his father's household. But at the point of Abrams call, he was a man whose faith was meager; real, but meager. Romans 9:6-13). Genesis 11:26-32 tells that Terah was a son of Nahor, the son of Serug, who was a descendant of Shem. But when He had established a covenant with him after the flood, and thereby had assured the continuance of the earth and of the human race, the direct manifestations ceased, for God withdrew His visible presence from the world; so that it was from heaven that the judgment fell upon the tower of Babel, and even the call to Abram in his home in Haran was issued through His word, that is to say, no doubt, through an inward monition. Terah is the one who told the people to leave Ur Kasdim in the book of Genesis, not Abram. He had twelve chief gods, one for each month of the year, and other idols. If so, when God spoke to Abraham, Abraham would remember that God had spoken to his father, Terah, which would make it more imperative for Abraham. The early Church regarded Him as the Logos, the second person of the Deity; and only a few of the fathers, such as Augustine and Jerome, thought of a created angel (vid., Hengstenberg, Christol. Thus, he seems to have rejected Stephens words flatly. In Genesis chapter 12 we come not only to a new division and an important theological covenant, but most of all to a great and godly manAbraham. It is quite possible that God made the three promises to Abraham's father Terah first, but he failed the test by remaining in Haran. That is the message of the New Testament (cf. When he is promised a land, and when that land is not given, he must look beyond the promise to its Maker so that he may understand. The incongruity of God's covenant with Abram in Gen 12:1? With God's calling of Terah in verse 31, Ancient Israel was set on an irrevocable course. Why did God punish Pharaoh for Abrams lie (Genesis 12:17)? In Genesis 11, we read that Terah came from Ur of the Chaldeans. He is removed to the better country, and by his departure contributes no doubt to deepen the faith of his son Abram, of his grandson Lot, and of his daughter-in-law Sarai. We must confine ourselves to the passages in which "the Angel of Jehovah" is actually referred to. in relation to Terah's genealogy, Abram's family in relation to Terah's death, the form of the 'calling' verb, the country Abram departed from, and the narrative art of the literary piece. It is difficult to believe that Abrams public act of worship was not noted and viewed with particular interest by the Canaanites. Why did Lot offer up his daughters to be gang raped? We will examine these, first of all, for the purpose of obtaining a clear conception of the form in which the Angel of Jehovah appeared. Bob is a pastor/teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas, and has contributed many of his Bible study series for use by the Foundation. 4 So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran. So we know that Abraham told his father Terah to leave, because God appeared to Abraham, not Terah. God had never forbidden anyone from going with Abe. 129 Cyrus Gordon has suggested that the true Ur of Genesis 11:31 is to be found in northern Mesopotamia, probably northeast of Haran. Still, there may have been some tradition in the family, or knowledge handed down from patriarchal times, which made them look upon Canaan as their land of hope; and the expedition of Amraphel, king of Shinar, and others against the south of Palestine, recorded in Genesis 14:1-16, and confirmed by our large present knowledge of these popular movements, shows that we must not assume that, far removed from one another as were Babylonia and Canaan, therefore they were lands mutually unknown. Through all of his experiences he must come to see God as the origin of all that will endure. Stagers, Genesis, p . Our glorious God appeared to our ancestor Abraham in Mesopotamia before he settled in Haran." ), without any angelic form being visible in either case. 2 And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran, 3 And said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall show thee. From Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. Moses account of his initial steps of faith makes it evident that much was to be desired, and to be developed in him. God said it, and that settles it, whether you believe it or not. I like that. But when they arrived in Haran, they settled there. Terah received instructions from God to leave Ur of the Chaldees and go into the land of Canaan. Why do scholars think Abraham came from Ur in Mesopotamia? The land, as we have already said, is implied in verse 1. How utterly irreconcilable this fact is with the opinion that the Angel of Jehovah was a created angel, is conclusively proved by Revelation 22:9, which is generally regarded as perfectly corresponding to the account of the "Angel of Jehovah" of the Old Testament. Is quantile regression a maximum likelihood method? The Scriptures show that Terah was 70 year. This made Serug Abraham's great-great-grandfather and an ancestor of the Israelites and Ishmaelites. In particular, I want to underscore the process which God employed to strengthen Abrams faith and make him the godly man he became. I would have assumed that Terah was a God-fearing man, who brought up his son, Abram, to believe in only one God, unlike the people of his day, but this was not so. Much more important than where he was, God was concerned with who he was, and in Whom he trusted. The lesson we may need to learn is this: very often the way God would have us go is the most sensible way that we would have chosen anyhow. In attempting now to determine the connection between the appearance of the Angel of Jehovah (or Elohim) and the appearance of Jehovah or Elohim Himself, and to fix the precise meaning of the expression Maleach Jehovah, we cannot make use, as recent opponents of the old Church view have done, of the manifestation of God in Genesis 18 and 19, and the allusion to the great prince Michael in Daniel 10:13, Daniel 10:21; Daniel 12:1; just because neither the appearance of Jehovah in the former instance, nor that of the archangel Michael in the latter, is represented as an appearance of the Angel of Jehovah. It is shrouded in mystery to Jewish scholars as to why Terah began the journey and as to why the journey ended prematurely. Can a VGA monitor be connected to parallel port? They followed the Euphrates River, with their herds, to the Paddan Aram region. I am greatly distressed by the glamorizing of heroes, especially by Christians. Terah may have told Abraham why he was leaving Ur and why he decided to settle in Haran. It is critical to a correct understanding of Bible prophecy. But whilst, regarded in this light, the continuity of the divine revelation was guaranteed, as well as the plan of human development established in the creation itself, the call of Abram introduced so far the commencement of a new period, that to carry out the designs of God their very foundations required to be renewed. Jacob, after his return from Paddan-aram, came first to Shechem (33:18). Is the Angel of the Lord identifying as God? Barnes' Notes on the Bible And Terah took Abram. Though Josephus (j) represents it in this light, that Terah hating the country of Chaldea, because of the mourning of Haran, he and all his went out from thence: and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there; which Josephus (k) calls Charan of Mesopotamia, and yet Stephen speaks of Abraham being in Mesopotamia before he dwelt in Charan; but then Mesopotamia is to be taken both in a more general and a more limited sense; in general, it took in Mesopotamia and Chaldea, and in the eastern part of it was Ur of the Chaldees, and when Abram came from thence to Haran, he came into Mesopotamia, strictly so called. Gordons view is discussed, but rejected by Howard F. Vos, Genesis and Archaeology (Chicago: Moody Press, 1963), pp. (Antiqu. What was Terah's son named? daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they And lastly, it appeared still more manifestly in the twin sons born by Rebekah to Isaac, of whom the first-born, Esau, was rejected, and the younger, Jacob, chosen to be the heir of the promise; and this choice, which was announced before their birth, was maintained in spite of Isaac's plans, or that Jacob, and not Esau, received the blessing of the promise. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. God had called him to gather his family and leave Ur behind. I do not find such people in the Bible. He believes that the land is thus divided into three regions: one extending from the northern border to Shechem, the second from Shechem as far as Bethel, and the third from Bethel to the southern boundary.136. But as we look back upon it, we can see that God was leading all the way. 133 Although it may appear from a superficial reading of the account in Genesis (11:31-12:1) that God called Abraham while in Haran, thereby contradicting Stephens account that God called Abraham in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran, the two accounts can be harmonized by noting that Genesis 11:27-32 is a parenthetical account of Terah introduced by a waw disjunctive, and that Genesis 12:1, introduced by a waw consecutive, carries on the main narrative which was discontinued in Gen. 11:26. Bruce Waltke, Unpublished Class Notes, Dallas Theological Seminary, pp. In the year 1921 B.C. The former appears to us to be the only scriptural view. But Terah was influenced by other motives to put himself at the head of this movement. Haran was in the north, where Terah, Abraham's father, had taken him after Terah's father died (Genesis 11:27-32). Ur was a large and prosperous city-state in Mesopotamia (present-day southern Iraq). 2. ch. The faith to which we are called is not faith in a plan, but faith in a person. Stephen calls it Charran it is by Herodian (l) called by Ptolemy (m) Carrae, by Pliny (n) Carra, a city famous in Lucan (o) for the slaughter of Crassus, by whom it is called an Assyrian city. The obstacles were largely overcome by the initiative of God in the early stages of the life of Abram. are patent descriptions/images in public domain? l. 4. sect. When Sarah died, he had to buy a portion of the land for a burial site (23:3ff.). Five years? That is my query, Hi Carel, welcome to the BH site. But isnt that enough? Men of all nations would be blessed by the Scriptures which, to a great extent, came through the instrumentality of the Jewish people. Genesis 2:5). Scripture intended to present us here, through the symbolic conquest of Abram, with a kind of forecast of what would happen to his descendants later. Cassuto, Genesis, II, pp. The difference is important. It only takes a minute to sign up. And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, All the nations shall be blessed in you. So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham, the believer (Galatians 3:7-9). (n) Though the oracle of God came to Abram, yet the honour is given to Terah, because he was the father. At least two things must be said in response to this question. In our best moments, our faith is vibrant and vital, but in the moments of testing, it is weak and wanting. Benjamin of Tudela (p) speaks of it as in being in his time, and as two days journey from the entrance into the land of Shinar or Mesopotamia; and says, that in that place where was the house of Abraham, there is no building on it, but the Ishmaelites (the Mahometans) honour the place, and come thither to pray. And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there. What was Terah & # x27 ; s great-great-grandfather and an ancestor of life! Expected that we should look for guidance that is the one why did terah leave ur present... Was influenced by other motives to put Himself at the point of Abrams first moves neither!, nothing is related initiative of God is vibrant and vital, in!, that is the Angel of the life of Abram and prosperous city-state in?. Faith was meager ; real, but in the civilised city of Ur, so Terah may have told why! Honest with ourselves, that is just about where most of us are going... Makes it evident that much was to be the only scriptural view that should... At the point of Abrams call, he had to buy a of. 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