
what did the whistleblowing signify in the lost battalion

The same occurred on the right flank with the other American Division, causing the 308th to be outflanked on both sides. William Begley, Sgt. These defences started with a roughly 550-yard (500m) deep front line which "served as not much more than an advanced warning system". Rather than protecting and admiring them, Trump has sent a warning shot to anyone thinking about reporting misdeeds." But there's at least one other way of looking at it. On the evening of 2 October 1918, Major Charles W. Whittlesey led nearly 700 men under his command into the narrow, muddy, Charlevaux Ravine, deep in the heart of the Argonne Forest of Northeastern France. He was a Staten Islander and had an American Legion Post named for him. Philip "Zip" Cepaglia, 1Lt. After ninety minutes of hard fighting, and receiving a leg wound from a machine gun bullet, the one-star general was forced to halt his advance and turn back, leaving twenty of his men dead or wounded behind him. After many losses and much hand-to-hand combat, the German forces were driven back once again. The morning of 3 October was spent trying to re-establish contact with the flanks and with the companies that were left behind. Major Charles W. Whittlesey and the Lost Battalion By: Kris Cotariu Harper, EdD This road was crucial because it allowed for the movement of supplies to the Allied soldiers. A U.S. major (Rick Schroder) leads his men against the odds when they become trapped behind enemy lines in World War I. The German pavilions, built in depth throughout the forest, were elaborately equipped blockhouses with ground-level concrete roofs twenty feet thick. As we commemorate the 100-year anniversary of World War I, lets take a look at the heroic actions of a particular group of American forces during the Great War: the courageous soldiers of the Lost Battalion and their actions during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive in late 1918. He sent a stern order that Saturday morning to General Alexander at the Seventy-seventh Division that said, I direct that a vigorous effort be made this afternoon to relieve the companies on the left of the Seventy-seventh Division that are cut off.. The news of the Lost Battalion's dilemma reached the highest levels of AEF command. Although many had been killed or captured, the unit still remained intact, but morale was low and sickness was setting in. Their only hope was to use the sole remaining radio of their original five to direct a protective blanket of steel. Holderman found that Hill 198, almost deserted when Whittlesey had taken it the day before, had not only been reoccupied and heavily armed with machine guns by the Germans during the night, it was also surrounded by new barbed wire. He did not know that about one hundred men from the two companies still in action had made an attempt to reach him the previous day but had been beaten back under fire from La Palette and Hill 198. His name was Harry Schaffer. Meanwhile, Pershing ordered Liggett reinforced by the 1st Infantry Division "The Big Red One" which had received some replacements and some rest after St Mihiel. Here we go with the full movie of The Lost Battalion. For example, federal and state statutes . For heavens sake stop it.. They also sent messengers asking for the 308th to surrender. A Lost Battalion Survivor Visits the Site About the Same Time as James Leak's Speech Our first line of defense against the debauching barbarism of alien philosophies is to be found in our adherence to a living, vital spirit of Americanism. Any information on this? "[7] This was a very well entrenched location utilizing both natural and man-made barriers. But the losses for the Nisei unit were devastating, with at least several hundred wounded or killed. Richards shinnied up the trunk of the tree and shook the branch where the bird was sitting. The Germans had made up a panel like theirs and our men had calmly dropped off the nice food to the Germans who undoubtedly ate it with great thanksgiving. A&E made a 2001 film about the event, The Lost Battalion.[16]. Part of the massive campaign known as the Hundred Days Offensive, the Meuse-Argonne Offensive was planned as a large thrust into German territory that sought to break through the famed Hindenburg line, hopefully to end the war that had been fought for four long years. The Germans were taking ground from which they could surround Whittlesey's men. As soon as the Allied shelling had stopped, the Germans launched an attack. The two best companies were on the flanks, with support from the weaker companies. He was killed in action on August 27, 1918. Whistle blowing means calling attention to wrongdoing that is occurring within an organization. 4. As MPs and peers call for an overhaul of laws surrounding whistleblowing, a former private school teacher explains why she took the difficult decision to speak out. "[citation needed], The pigeon managed to take flight again and despite being severely wounded, successfully delivered the message: "We are along the road parallel to 276.4. Krotoshinsky acted as a guide to lead this group to help rescue the trapped company and establish a route for further fresh troops to come into the pocket. BINARVILLE, France - Nine decades have passed since more than 116,000 American Soldiers lost their lives in battle during Word War I, but the people of France have not forgotten and continue to. To license content, please contact licenses [at] Later, a released American prisoner gave Major Whittlesey a message from the German commander asking the American forces to surrender. Food was scarce and water was available only by crawling, under fire, to a nearby stream. So on 8 October, the 77th relief force had linked up with Whittlesey's men. The Americans had suffered many casualties, but inflicted similarly heavy losses on the attacking Germans. megrileyy. It was Major General Alexander, the Seventy-seventh Divisions commander. Why does the General need Whittlesey in the center of the German line in the Argonne? He died a few months after my mother was born. The plan was to have the first battalion lead the assault, led personally by Whittlesey. Shortly after daybreak, when the ambulances were arriving, Corporal Baldwin, the message clerk, saw an officer with two stars on his cap walking along the old Roman road toward the pocket, swinging a malacca cane. That night, the Germans surrounded the ravine; cutting off the force ensconced there nearly a kilometer ahead of their main line. Now the Germans who had asked Whittlesey to surrender a few hours earlier found themselves in danger of being surrounded. At last, Cher Ami fluttered his wings and flew away through a storm of German rifle fire and a shower of shrapnel from the distant American guns. For 70 years, American Heritage has been the leading magazine of U.S. history, politics, and culture. A major UK trade association, the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), in a Guidance Paper for its industry members, sets out a whistleblowing definition as "the raising of a concern, either within the workplace or externally, about a danger, risk, malpractice or wrongdoing which affects others". The burly George McMurtry crawled from one company to another, whispering the words of encouragement that he repeated over and over again that week, Everything is practically okay. He pleaded with one soldier, who had been shot through his stomach, to be silent. They picked up stones and threw them at the pigeon. My father was in Company D, 308th Machine Gun Battalion. "A shell exploded directly below the bird, killing five of our men and stunning the pigeon so that it fluttered to the ground midway between the springand the bridge we crossed to get into the Pocket. Walter Baldwin, trying to lead a wounded friend to cover, was joined by Private Robert Manson, Whittleseys orderly, and the First Battalions sergeant major, Ben Gaedeke. The French on Whittleseys left flank had been stopped cold and, on his right, the Seventy-sevenths 153rd Brigade and the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvanian Division had been unable to move. Even though Cher Ami sustained debilitating injuries, she was able to successfully carry the message, although she eventually died from her wounds. While Richards was nervously taking one of the pigeons out of the cage, the bird fluttered out of his hands and flew away. Answers will vary. After lunch, when division headquarters ordered its troops to resume the attack, Whittlesey decided to switch the direction of his advance, staying away from La Palettes heavy gunfire on his left and taking a chance on hitting Hill 198 on the right. When morning came, they had no trouble surrounding the circle of vastly outnumbered Americans and cutting off their line of communication. Why does the General need Whittlesey in the center of the German line in the Argonne? The officers, assuming that the barrage would soon move on to the German lines, tried to quiet their panic-stricken men. October 5, 1918. Question for anyone. He is quite a soldier. For the next few days, the Pocket held firm and the powerful American attacks started to push the Germans back and the 77th Division was now trying to infiltrate troops into the pocket. He asked for food and ammunition to be dropped from the air and again pleaded for artillery support. We envy you., Whittlesey and McMurtry read the note and showed it to Holderman. Nine companies of the US 77th Division during WWI, Monument to the Lost Battalion in the Argonne Forest, France, The attacks to relieve the "Lost Battalion", Lost Battalions: The Great War and the Crisis of American Nationality by Richard Slotkin, Henry Holt & Co, New York NY, 2005 page 343>. When Stacy passed the order on to Whittlesey, the major saluted and said, All right. Together, these two battle lines formed what was known as "Etzel Stellungen" ("Etzel positions"). 4. Whittlesey had most likely given up hope that Abe Krotoshinsky, a volunteer who had tried to make his way out of the pocket in search of help that morning, was still alive. The problem was that on the hill there was a double trench line of German soldiers. By 10 oclock the whole force was pinned down and its advance stopped by heavy fire from La Palette, the German fortification on the high ground at the left side of the ravine. Fathers nameAbraham Hemsey. Whittlesey sent a carrier pigeon to his divisions headquarters with a message stating his exact position and his isolation, and asking for reinforcements and artillery support. Richards clipped the message to Cher Amis leg, cupped the bird in his hands, and tossed it up into the sky. The disclosure by a person, usually an employee in a government agency or private enterprise, to the public or to those in authority, of mismanagement, corruption, illegality, or some other wrongdoing. After this attack was over, the Germans began to settle down for the day. Whittlesey, Charles W. and George G. McMurtry. Consider the nature of war, the soldiers, the outcomes, the death toll, etc. After Whittleseys small force had been trapped, Pershing had rushed the experienced veterans of the First Infantry Division, The Big Red One, into action in the Aire River valley on the east side of the forest. A group of twenty survivors managed to crawl back to the pocket later in the morning, reporting that the runner posts leading to the rear had been broken up and scattered. The General comes at the end of the engagement, how does Whittlesey handle it? At around this same moment the French experienced a massive counterattack by the Germans and were forced to fall back, exposing the left flank of the 308th. He was a stern and upright New England Yankee from Pittsfield, Massachusetts, a graduate of Williams College, a tall, slim man who wore glasses and looked rather like President Woodrow Wilson. The regimental commander, Colonel Cromwell Stacy, tended to agree with Whittleseys argument that his battalion was too weak in numbers and too exhausted to renew the attack the next day. STOP 4 - ARGONNE FOREST Q8-Look at the collection of images about the Lost Battalion and the German fortifications in this area. When Pershings order to renew the attack came down through channels to Major Charles Whittlesey, commanding officer of the First Battalion, 308th Infantry, in the Seventy-seventh Division, the major looked at it with dismay. Its ours! somebody yelled. Two other men who had gone off with Krotoshinsky came back reporting that they had been spotted and pinned down by enemy machine gun fire. The unit was saved by another pigeon, Cher Ami,[2] delivering the following message: We are along the road paralell [sic] 276.4. our artillery is dropping a barrage directly on us. The Lost Battalion. The wartime records of the U.S. Armys Signal Corps recorded Cher Ami as a hen, or she. For a century the Smithsonian, however, has always labeled Cher Ami as a cock bird, or he. Through modern DNA analysis, the century-old mystery of the famed pigeons sex has recently been determined by a team of curators and scientists. The next German battle line, referred to as the "Hagen Stellung-Nord" ("Hagen position-North"), was "basically a machine-gun-covered, pre-sighted artillery target. But shortly after 7 oclock that evening Lieutenant Richard Tillman and a patrol of riflemen from the Seventy-seventh Divisions nearby 307th Infantry walked into the pocket without firing a shot. The plight of the Lost Battalion is one of the most famous incidents of America's involvement in World War I. McMurtry shouted, Take it easy! For six harrowing days in early October 1918 seven companies from the 307th and 308th Infantry regiments and two companies from the 306th Machine Gun Battalion were cut off and surrounded by the Germans deep in the . From 58 October, the Germans continued to attack. Clifford R. Brown, Pvt. There they were to dig in, establish liaison with the French troops on their left and another brigade of their own Seventy-seventh Division on the right, and await further orders. According to an early news report, it was thought to be lost to the enemy in battle. The Germans in the Argonne Forest had lines of telephone communication, but Whittleseys unit did not. Contact Information For Whistleblowers. My grand-fathers cousin, Henry John LeFevre, was in the 77th Division, Company D, 308th battalion. During the morning, Whittlesey used two of his remaining four carrier pigeons to remind the division headquarters that he needed medical supplies and food and to report that his D and F companies were still missing on the left side of the ravine behind him. When the brigade commander, General Johnson, passed on this message to General Alexander, the division commander blew up, and ordered Johnson to relieve Stacy and see that the assault went forward. Answers anyone? Major Charles Whittlesey and Captain George McMurtry led men of New York City's own 77th Division, made up of draftees from the mean streets of Manhattan and Brooklyn, as they were . What was the name of the battalion? Whistleblowing is the term used when a person passes on information concerning wrongdoing, such as corruption, sexual harassment. In an infamous incident on 4 October, inaccurate coordinates were delivered by one of the pigeons and the unit was subjected to friendly fire. But morale was low and sickness was setting in morning of 3 October was spent trying to re-establish with. Lost Battalion. [ 16 ] 3 October was spent trying to re-establish contact with the that! Many had been killed or captured, the German commander asking the American forces to surrender,... Calling attention to wrongdoing that is occurring within an organization of steel was a Staten Islander and had an Legion... Early news report, it was major General Alexander, the Lost Battalion. [ 16 ] was! A hen what did the whistleblowing signify in the lost battalion or he as `` Etzel Stellungen '' ( `` Etzel positions )! 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