
illidan fire resist gear

One plan is to use [Shield Wall] on the first enrage, and [Last Stand] plus trinkets on the second. When you get Illidan down to 30%, he will trap the entire raid in his Shadow Prison, stunning all of you for 30 seconds, as he taunts you for not being angry enough or whatever. Do not use Frost Nova in this case, just nuke the spawns. We will break down how to best approach this fight and the tactics needed to achieve victory in this final battle. About every minute, Even if you get lucky and she picks a spot near Illidan, its important to remember that hes still using some of his scary abilities, like Shear and Draw Soul. can be dodged, parried, or blocked, but it cannot miss. You can now tell your friends and family that you were indeed prepared! If you handled Phase 2 successfully, Phase 3 will be an absolute breeze. Illidan Stormrage, (lore) Mobikon-atiesh February 19, 2021, 10:02pm #17 Here's what the Moonkin Form ability reads: Shapeshift into Moonkin Form. It is important that they do not turn Illidan towards the raid while moving him however, to avoid having your. blade. If he reaches 30% health, Phase 5 starts. To facilitate this, his threat is reset. Their enrage will nearly always result in a wipe, so both of these scenarios must be avoided at all times. Odd as it may seem, Illidan is actually one of the easier solo encounters in Black Temple, being little more than a normal DPS race. Melee DPS and tanks cannot attack Illidan and should thus move to the back of the room, giving your ranged DPS players enough room to spread out. ago. 30 to 40 seconds into Phase 4, Illidan will summon 4 Shadow Demons, which will target a random player and stun them as they move towards them. Fire Resistance Gear for Feral Tank Druids While doing Molten Core and Blackwing Lair, it is possible you will need some Fire Resistance gear, especially for Ragnaros and Vaelastrasz the Corrupt. boss. Illidan will stay in Phase 5 for 60 seconds, then transform into his Demon Form, starting Phase 4, before transitioning back to Phase 5 60 seconds later. Typically a The last ability that you will have to deal with during Phase 2 is Dark Barrage. However, if the demons target your ranged DPS players or your ranged DPS isnt the best, your melee DPS will have to step in as the demons approach their target, which can get very messy, particularly if Illidan decides to cast Flame Burst at a bad time. This debuff can stack up 99 times, making it extremely obvious that nobody should be near Illidan. While both plate tanks can both main tank Illidan, Protection Warriors will have a small edge over Protection Paladins thanks to their ability to counter his Enrage in Phase 5 by using Shield Wall. Tanks: Fire Resistance Tanks need fire resist for Illidan's Flames of Azzinoth (there's 2 Flames which means we need at least 2 FR geared tanks). Shadow resistance gear is needed by everyone for multiple different bosses. This phase requires a ranged As Illidan is a multiple phase fight, we will break down his abilities based The city funded two more locations at Roosevelt and Southside community centers, which closed in 2021 when a contract with LifeMoves expired.In November 2021, a temporary safe parking program in . Phase 3 lasts ~4055 seconds, at which point Illidan turns into a Demon (Phase 4). Agonizing Flames makes Phase 3 slightly different to Phase 1. phases have very high healing requirements. Your entire raid stacks up on one spot, preferably by the grate in the middle of the room, while the tank faces Illidan away from the raid, with your melee DPS all stacked up behind Illidan. Typing /range 10 with a boss addon like DBM enabled will allow you to see if youre standing too close to other groups. break down how to best approach this fight and the tactics needed to achieve wrong side. Shear Have your Shadow Resistance tank stay at max range away from the boss and Illidan spams it throughout Phase 2. to avoid this debuff from hitting all melee at once. 9 Healers are recommended, but the encounter can be completed with only 8. . Blizzard This is a 10-yard AoE . This fight will require 2 tanks with Fire Resistance gear, as Illidan is one of the harder-hitting bosses in the game, dealing high damage Furthermore, a trail of blue Demon Fire will follow his eye beam, persisting for 75 seconds and dealing 2k Fire damage per second to anyone who touches them. as these will instantly kill you while they are landing. Your raid should have enough DPS such that you only see this ability once during Phase 2, else things can get ugly. The main tank picks Illidan up by simply standing closest to him. Tanks will into either 2 or 3 groups to avoid taking too much raid damage from Your raid will need at least 3 tanks in order to take Illidan down 1 of them needs to be a Protection Warrior or Protection Paladin, while the other 2 tanks will require high Fire Resistance, capped if possible. Since Eye Beam cannot happen at the same time as Fireball, it's safe for the melee group to move close to one of the other groups to avoid it. If either of these rules are violated, the Flames will enrage (Uncaged Wrath) and wipe your raid. Note that the Flames can never be moved more than 25 yards away from their respective glaive, hence youre tanking them in a circle-ish pattern, and no player can move further than 25 yards away from both glaives, hence the raid stacks up in the middle. Phase 4 will largely be the same as Phases 1, 3 and 5 from a healing standpoint: 3 single target healers should be assigned to your Warlock tank, while your remaining healers focus on the raid. phase as Aura of Dread will quickly kill anyone in melee range of the very high consistent shadow damage to his highest aggro target. Illidan and Akama will talk smack to each other for ~45 seconds, before Illidan says his iconic line, You are not prepared! and finally becomes attackable. member and dealing splash damage to any allies standing near each other. Fireball, while still being mindful of the warglaives' positions. Abide is a Warrior tank and multi-class expert currently playing on Faerlina Any player hit directly by the beam will take 19,750 to 20,250 Shadow damage, dying instantly. "Go for the eyes Boo! The simplest method is to use three groups, spread out at the points of a triangle. Think you need above 350ish (buffed) for that fight. This is why your ranged player tanking Illidan in this phase (typically a Warlock) will need to have maximum Shadow Resistance. This phase has very high tank damage as well as raid damage, so everyone As a few of the phases are very similar and use the Congratulations on besting Illidan! Besides the Warlock tank for Phase 4, your raid will need 3 regular tanks for this fight: a regular tank using mitigation gear, and 2 tanks using Fire Resistance gear for Phase 2. This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to be fully prepared for this fight, finally bringing Illidans reign of terror to an end. Be wary, friends. The last line of the dialogue is Illidans well known You are not prepared!, and at this point he will engage with the player closest to him. After some short RP, Illidan will become The tank must use cooldowns to survive the 20 seconds until the end of the phase. You can also see him live on Twitch. Theres a 10 second transition animation, during which you can keep attacking him. prioritized to, see the links below. Using the demon trap is dangerous, because it may severely disturb positioning, and incur other complications like raid members taking extra damage from Agonizing Flames, loose Parasites, or the tank turning his back to Illidan and taking Shear. Note that Illidan is a demon, so anti-demon items, such as Mark of the Champion and Elixir of Demonslaying will be super effective against him. Where your raid would stack up so as to maximize the benefit of raid healing in Phase 1, in Phase 3 you will want everyone to spread out, and be more than 5 yards away from other players. before DPSing as being in the wrong spot can easily get you and others (lore). if you end up being the demon phase tank on Illidan you'll also need to be capped on Shadow resist. Other than that, Illidan is easily dispatched. Fire Resistance gear. A cloak with the Fire Resistance enchant will be another very efficient source of Fire Resistance, and 1 more piece of Fire Resistance gear from the list below should get you to about 300 Fire Resistance unbuffed, or 370 resistance with Fire Resistance Totem or Fire Resistance Aura, with the cap being 365. It will therefore be imperative that your Fire Resistance tanks move them around very slowly, so the flames dont get too close to your group, while also giving your melee DPS a chance to attack them. But they lacked vision. Uncaged Wrath, wiping the raid. The blue flames deal significantly less damage than any fire AoE in this fight (your tanks will mitigate their damage to 500 Fire damage per second with their Fire Resistance) so your tanks can briefly move through them if necessary to reposition their Flame of Azzinoth. stand out on the side of the raid, away from other members. (lore) Upon reaching 65% health, Illidan takes flight and throws the Warglaives of Azzinoth to the ground, each of which unleashes a Flame. Equip: Each time you cast a spell, there is chance you will gain up to 80 Versatility for 15 sec. That damage starts off relatively weak, at 1200 damage every 5 seconds, but increases by 1200 every 3 ticks causing the last 3 ticks to deal 4800 damage each. Illidan should point away from the raid at all times so that Draw Soul can only hit the tank. The Flames will enrage if they are dragged more than 25 yards away from the glaive that spawned them, or if any player moves more than 25 yards away from both glaives, frequently charging and instantly killing that player for good measure. It otherwise works exactly the same as Phase 3, with Illidan using the same abilities in the same way, but with the addition of 2 new, mostly not too important abilities. At 90%, Illidan calls for the help of his minions, but they simply get killed by Akama. designated area, typically a Hunter After about 1 minute, Illidan will transition from Illidan uses this ability every ~40 seconds. Aim to keep up either his damage dealt. The only resistance you need for Black Temple is Shadow resist for the Mother Shahraz fight. Your raid will pick one of the 2 Flames of Azzinoth and focus it down. Use Active Mitigation defensive abilities to survive, Move Illidan Stormrage to avoid damage taken from. Positioning for Phase 1 is very straightforward. different phases. Illidan kneels down and casts The Demon Within, turning him into a Demon. The rest of your raid will treat this phase as a tank and spank for all intents and purposes. Illidan will swap from phase three to phase four. Post by Engine Mother Shahraz requires 365 Shadow Resist (cap) for everyone in the raid except the main tank, who requires 0 SR. Illidan Stormrage phase 2 requires 365 Fire Resist (cap) for tanking Flames of Azzinoth, this is a 4 tank fight (counting the Warlock), however. Stunning him for 15 of those 20 seconds is obviously going to help out a lot, but most raids will opt to simply ignore the traps if theyre at a remote or inconvenient position. killed. He cannot deal crushing blows as his You can find him in the the This will be extremely easy if your main tank is a Protection Warrior, as their Shield Wall cooldown can nullify his Enrage for 10 of those 20 seconds, while other tanks will need to use all of their defensive cooldowns and get additional, intensive healing. Make sure to be max Warlock is used for this job. 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