

twitter-iconIITweet, Tweet, Tweet… Twitter is the fastest way to become either a mega star or a mega flop using social media. With just 140 characters and sometimes a combination of the right hashtags Twitter has become the number #1 source for finding trending content globally. Who isn’t on twitter? Even President Obama has a Twitter account.

The average person uses Twitter to keep up with trending items going on around the world whether it’s through a post from a favorite sports player/ team, actor, online social media sensation, news, brand, or friends. Twitter is also used by large companies and individuals to promote their new products or services via advertisements posted on this social media sharing tool. When interesting content is posted on Twitter it’s then read by others, liked, favorited, commented on, or retweeted to the readers network of friends.

The basic concept of Twitter is to create a profile bio describing your interests, background, or services that you are capable of providing including any links to personal blogs or content that you would like to share as additional information based on your profile description. You then post intriguing value based content to the Twitter network in 140 character segments including hashtags (descriptive keywords) related to the content being shared. Fellow Twitter members who search Twitter for the hashtags that you have used will find your content or your content will be found when it is shared by others in your network of Twitter followers. Be sure when you tweet something that it is content that you want shared. Think before you tweet and don’t become a mega flop or find yourself in trouble because of a tweet that had you waited and thought about before posting would have saved regret on your part later.

The average person will post to Twitter a few times a week. While social media sensations and others post upwards to 10 – 25 times or more daily.

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