
IBOToolbox Review – How To Get Free Credits And Lots Of Associates Fast!

Composing this IBOToolbox Review has forced me to change my mind about marketing. Mainly marketing on Facebook. With the exception of occasionally checking my profile wall and a few groups that I admin my time spent on Facebook has drastically decreased since starting this IBOToolbox Review. The main reason for the decrease in time is because most actions I submit on IBOToolbox earns me a credit. Interaction on IBOToolbox earns you credits. Most Facebook users comment on multiple posts per day. Like a ton of others. Share a few here and there. However, there are no earnings in doing this sharing… Facebook marketers send friend requests to those they feel are interested in the same industry as them and find that those Facebook friend requests only build up and most are never accepted. Over on Facebook I hardly ever sent friend requests because I didn’t want to deal with neither rejection or later penalty from Facebook for sending too many requests. Well… Over on IBOToolbox sending an associate request will return a high percentage or accepted requests and most of those users will also connect with you on your other networks if you have your profile setup with your network links.

So if you are wanting to build a network of users that are located in Queens, New York. You could do a search for users that are located in Queens, New York using the IBOSearch tool and find not only the users located in Queens, but also the last time each of those users logged into IBOToolbox. Two of the optional fields that IBOToolbox includes in the users profile are phone number and Skype name. This allows marketers an additional way to reach those that they become associated with.

One AMAZING result that I have found from using IBOToolbox is that all of my shared links are getting traffic. My affiliate downlines are growing. My affiliate offers are being purchased. My blog, which I have been searching for ways to drive consistent traffic to is averaging 50 – 100 organic users daily.

The more complete your profile is and the more links you include in your profile the more options visiting users will have once viewing your profile. So… If you have a catchy, intriguing, or “Stop What You’re Doing And Look At Me” type of title for your links visitors will click on them.

See here’s the process.

  1. Complete your profile and be sure to include all links that you would like viewers to visit.
  2. Daily post status updates on the Dashboard, create Press Releases, comment on others Press Releases and status updates, and share any content that you find others could learn from.
  3. Daily send associate requests to the members online. Send requests to those that you find of common interest and have profile images.

If you do the above three things daily on IBOToolbox you will begin to see consistent traffic to your websites. Consistent followers being added to your social networks. As well, as a lot of credits being earned on IBOToolbox just because you are being active. What a win win. The more you do the more you are credited to do more.

If you are a member of IBOToolbox add me as an associate. If you are not a member of IBOToolbox Join for Free by clicking on the image below.


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