HALAL, HAALAL, HAALA in Arabic words
“lawful” or “permissible”.
The opposite of Halal means HARAM or unlawful or prohibited.
According to Shariah Law, the product is allowed to be used and consume by Muslim is call Halal.
This term is applicable to Food Product, Meat Product, Personal Care Product,
Pharmaceuticals, Food Ingredient, Food Contact or Business Ethics, money and banking systems.
Halal and Haram in Islam applies to all faces of life from money to loans to food. However, the slaughtering of animals most people associated too.
In general, every food is considered Halal in Islam
unless it is specially prohibited by the Quran or the Hadith.
By official, halal food product are those that are:
1. Free from any component that Muslims are prohibited from consuming according to Islamic Law (Shariah)
2. Processes, made produced, manufactured and/or stored using utensils, equipment and/or machinery that have been cleansed according to Islamic Law.
Halal PRODUCTS includes:
• Halal Food & Beverage
• Halal Pharmaceutical
• Halal Personal Care such as shampoo, makeup , perfume , detergent etc.
• Halal Banking
• Halal Tourism
• Halal Logistic
• Halal Storage
• Halal Kitchen
Muslims are supposed to make effort to obtain the best quality nutritionally by consuming HALAL verified food.
All foods are considered halal except the following (which are haram):
HARAM FOOD (Not Permitted)
• Alcoholic drinks and intoxicants
• Non-Halal Animal Fat
• Enzymes* (Microbial Enzymes are permissible)
• Gelatine* – from non-Halal source (fish gelatine is Halal)
• L-cysteine (if from human hair or animal hair)
• Lard
• Lipase* (only animal lipase need be avoided)
• Non-Halal Animal Shortening
• Food contain blood or bloody product
• Pork, Bacon / Ham and anything from pigs and its derivatives
• Unspecified Meat Broth
• Rennet* (All non halal forms should be avoided except for plant / microbial)
• Stock* (a blend of mix species broth or non halal meat stock)
• Tallow* (non-Halal species)
• Carnivorous animals, birds of prey and certain other animals
• Foods contaminated with any of the above products
(*May be consumed if derived from Halal animals.)
Halal Food List
Range of Halal Food list, many can be found online which related to permitted and not permitted raw materials, ingredients and food range from animal and animal derivative, emulsifiers, conditioners, flavoring, enzyme and many more.
Halal Meat
Which Animals are Halal?
Halal beef, halal chicken, halal lamb, other halal meat such as turkey, venison, game birds and camel.
The only prohibited animals are pigs and reptiles (crocodiles, alligators, frog). Muslims may eat shellfish and crustaceans too.
Halal Meat Slaughter
Islamic Law requires that animals intended or human consumption be slain in a certain manner according to Islam way. Halal slaughter is was one of the more humane methods available to the meat industry and the only method acceptable for Muslim consumers.
Halal Diet
For those of the Muslim faith, overeating and self-indulgence are not permitted and eating is an active part of worship. Islam recommended the Muslim to eat moderately.
All range of personal care from shampoo, soap, toothpaste, cosmetics and skin care do not contain any non halal materials.
Nutraceuticals & Vaccines that are manufacturer using Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Standards and that are compliant with the Shariah Islamic Law are refer to HALAL Product.
Halal vaccines are non-toxic and are processed separately to avoid cross contamination. Halal vaccines do not contain alcohol or materials that are derived from pig fat.
Halal tourism is a subcategory of tourism which is geared towards Muslim families.
The hotels in such destinations do not serve alcohol, pork and have separate spa facilities for men and women. Malaysia, Turkey and many more countries are trying to attract Muslim tourists from all over the world offering facilities in accordance with the religious beliefs of Muslim tourists.
Halal tourism industry also provides flights where no alcohol or pork products are served, prayer timings are announced, and religious programs are broadcast as part of entertainment offered on board.
Halal cooking without the use of haram, or impermissible, ingredients according to Islamic dietary guidelines in a HALAL Kitchen which is clean from pork and pork derivatives material used is a way to make sure all steps are being follow to ensure product serve are Halal toyyiban. It is a way for halal tourism to attract Muslim customers.
Halal Logistic and Storage services is specifically run only for Halal products whereby it is not mix or consolidate with a non Halal material and its derivatives.
Islamic banking or Islamic finance or sharia-compliant finance activity complies with Islamic Law and its practical application through the development of Islamic Economic.
Some of the modes of Islamic banking/finance include Mudarabah (Profit sharing and loss bearing), Wadiah (Safekeeping), Musharakah ( Joint Vebture), Murabahah (Cost Plus), and Ijarah ( Leasing)
Shariah prohibited Riba or Usury , defined as interest paid on all loans of money.
Halal certification body is responsible to monitor the halal industry and Malaysia the world leading HALAL HUB was the pioneer to develop the HALAL STANDARD and HALAL CERTIFICATION system that currently being used by more than 50 international bodies all over the world that regulate the halal sector in every country. The HALAL Logo on packaging or display at public is the most sought-after by Muslim who is looking for halal product.
This halal industry is vital to promote and attract Muslim consumers and those who are interested in Halal sector.
Obtaining Halal Certification and Halal Standard is ESSENTIAL for businesses to market their HALAL product.
Today, Muslim consumerism is value $3 Trillion USD specifically cater or 2 billion Muslim around the world.
Halal consumer wants the promise of a product that not only adheres to Islamic principles but also partakes in the trend of cruelty free, sustainable consumption and ethical.
Halal Endorsement / Logo is the only
“Communication Tool”
to attract the Muslim consumer to purchase
the products and use the services
without doubt