
Google Plus

google-plus-icon+newGoogle Plus is seen by many as the alternative to Facebook. Both provide communities for connection with others. Both make use of grouping users (Facebook uses groups while Google Plus uses circles) to allow them to exclusively share content with those grouped users. Both allow you to engage in real time chats either with one party or groups of others.

Google Plus however, is able to provide a more powerful user experience in regards to sharing content. The reason for this is because Google Plus is Google’s tool. Google connects Google Plus, YouTube, its internet search engine, email along with several other tools as a way to sync your content and share it to the masses.

So while sharing content via Facebook can go viral amongst your friends and family pretty quick. Sharing content using Google’s networks provides indexing of your content for the Google search engine to link with keywords and allow anyone doing an internet search for keywords that have been linked to your content to find it. So you are not just tied to one community and 5000 friends to share your content with. You will be able to share your content with millions just by clicking post. Confirm your content is something that you want shared with the masses before clicking post.

One of the more common uses of Google Plus users is the Google Hangout tool. By creating a chat with another user you are able to turn that chat into a video call and have that call recorded and then later viewed over on YouTube.

When a user signs up for a Gmail email address Google provides the user with access to a ton of tools.

– Google Drive – Google Drive is a virtual hard drive which users can store up to 15GB of data.

– Google Voice – Google provides it’s US users with a free phone number. You can receive and make calls and texts with a Google Voice number.

– Google Docs – Google Docs is a free online alternative to Microsoft Office. You are provided with a word processor, spreadsheet maker, and presentation app.

– YouTube – Users that create a Gmail account are provided with a YouTube account which is great for viewing videos of others are creating and storing videos of your own.

Most overlook Google Plus because it is not as simply navigated as a network like Facebook, but for those that do make use of Google Plus they will quickly tell you that it provided a much better more professional experience than it’s counterpart Facebook.

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