
Facebook Group Posting

Facebook Group Posting


Which Facebook Group should you post your opportunity in?

This can be very confusing and a huge waste of time if you do not do a bit of work when group posting. I have spent hours, days, weeks, actually around a year researching this. I have posted to 1200 groups in one day using one account on Facebook. (Nope I was not banned or put in Facebook jail.) I have generated tons of traffic using Facebook Groups. However, most of that traffic was useless. A very low percentage of that traffic resulted in engagement or sales.

I’m asked almost daily how many groups should you post to daily? I laugh at this question. Not because it doesn’t deserve an answer, but because most feel that the number of groups you post to will result in the number of sales or engagement you will receive on your content. That is soo far from the truth. You could post in 2 groups a day and generate more engagement than posting in 700 groups. Now you may generate more views of your content, but views do not translate as quickly as actual engagement.

The first thing to do when searching for a group to post your content to is to decide the basis of your content. Are you posting about a car that you are trying to sell? Are you posting about a garage sale that you will be holding? Are you posting about a job opportunity for Johnny’s Pizza Parlor?

The second thing to do when searching for a group to post your content is to decide which location you want your content shared? Do you want to share your content only locally in your city? Do you want to share your content with others in the United States?

The third thing to do when searching for a group to post your content is to decide what is the gender, age, and language that you want to share your content with? Are you wanting to share your content with mostly women? Are you wanting to share your content with mostly 40 old men? Are you wanting to share your content with only English speakers?

Now that you have decided on the three items above head over to Facebook and so that you can search for groups that you can post your content. So using the first scenario of each of the three items above I will search Facebook groups for the proper place to post the content regarding selling a car to someone in my city (New Orleans) whom is a woman in her 40’s and speaks English. I mixed things up a bit, but that’s the criteria that I will be searching for.

Using the Facebook Graph Search I will enter “women who are interested in used cars and live in new orleans” as in the image below.

With the results returned I will then click on the tab labeled “More” and then select “Groups”. Clicking on groups will display groups of a variety of topics. Clicking on “Groups will display a list of groups containing women who are interested in used cars and live in New Orleans. That display of groups will look like the image below.

Scrolling through the list of groups you will find there are groups based on Parishes (towns) and nearby cities. Locate groups that contain the words “used car sales” or similar and either join those groups or click on the groups to open them up and see what the members are chatting about. Also look at the most recent post. You want a group that is active and by checking the frequency of posts made by others along with the amount of related comments made on the posts in the group. If there is little to no posts then I would not use the group. If the most recent post in the group is from 6 months ago or a year I would not suggest using the group. If the comments made on posts in the group are advertisements by others I would not suggest using the group. If majority of the posts in the group are not related to “used cars for sale” I would not suggest using the group.

Once you have located a group or groups that are active in regards to “used cars for sale” post your content in that group or groups and if your offer is intriguing to others you will receive engagement on your post.

Now if you are posting to multiple groups daily I recommend you do this… If you locate 100’s of groups that you want to share your content with you will need to post in a few groups an hour. I recommend opening up to ten tabs in your browser window. Each of those tabs should contain one of the groups that you would like to post your content to. Copy and paste your content in the post window and one by one post the content to the groups that you have opened.

Since Facebook has rules on how often you can post in groups I recommend you do yourself a favor and test the amount of posting you can do within and hour and daily. To do this… Open multiple browser tabs of the groups you wish to post to. Within an hour, post in each of the groups and continue posting in any remaining groups until you receive a captcha or popup warning from Facebook. After you have received the captcha or popup stop posting for an hour at least. Jot down the amount of groups you were able to post to within that hour. (If you are testing this with your main Facebook profile I suggest you wait 24 hours before performing this test again.) When you begin posting again post to a number less than the number of groups you posted to previously when receiving the warning. Post to same number of groups each hour, until you have finished posting to all of your groups, or until you receive a captcha or popup warning. If you receive a captcha or popup warning after a few posting cycles stop posting for an hour or 24 hours and begin posting again with fewer posts.

There is the risk of having your account banned/ sent to Facebook jail when using Facebook Group Posting. This is because you are committing the same action over and over again and these redundant actions send an alert to Facebook as your usage changes. So the captchas and popup warnings are Facebook’s way of monitoring activity on users accounts to prevent malicious or erratic behavior on accounts.

You can find more info on using Facebook Graph Search here…

If you found this article useful, but don’t have hours of time to commit to group posting then have a look at the tool I’ve been using to automate group posting for me.

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