
which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true?

It can lead people to think that cultures have more in common than they actually do. In the context of the relationship between culture and human behavior, which of the following statements is correct? The imposition of one culture's beliefs, practices, and artifacts on another culture through mass media and consumer products is called: b) In animal societies, there are no clear social networks and hierarchies. Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding values? b) Individualism Investments are made in an effort to generate a return. B) government a) Society Cultures that score low on the Individualism/Collectivism Index tend to. Uncategorized. -Greetings E) composition, _____ refers to the physical location of individuals in terms of geographic region and rural, suburban, and urban location. Which of the following is true about worldviews? o It enables communication between marketers and consumers. Exchange puzzles with a classmate. d. cultural determinism. d) intellectual autonomy, Hofstede's dimension of _____ has been used to both predict and explain many differences across cultures, especially in many aspects of thinking and emotions. The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others. c) Collectivism (14) February 28: The firm recognizes an appropriate amount of interest expense on the loan in transaction (1) above. Neil: Boris, Im taking a course in night school, Intro to Accounting. I was wonderingcould you answer a couple of questions for me? we can conceive of something only if we have a term for it in our vocabulary. The Chinese practice of _____ refers to a connection between people and the universe to the energy that supports life and promotes balance and peace in a person's surroundings. A marketer assessing a society should remember that cultures are constantly changing. o Family time has replaced media time in most western cultures. _____ is the social psychological frame within which individuals reside, much like the structure of our houses and homes. C. cultural participation can transform most elements of the mind Values are concepts that have ultimate and long-term significance. o Masculinity/Femininity Index a) believe that other people are intentional agents. d) Race and culture are interchangeable terms. Women are delaying marriage, especially in Asia. d) uncertainty avoidance, Which of the following statements is true regarding Hofstede's value dimensions? The physical or technological aspects of our daily lives It was easier for ideas and information to travel over the Silk Road instead of crossing the Sahara or the Isthmus of Panama. a) Attributions The right side could be called just RE for Right Entry. -Turning a cellphone off during a movie people have some reason to be quite interested in the innovation B) young children o Geography is the key to inequality Which of the following statements about linguistic distance is true? The concept of linguistic distance revolves around the notion that. tend to see the entire picture rather than just the foreground when evaluating a situation. o inheritance. E) all of the above, In which country is the concept of guanxi, which involves personal relationships, an important consideration? The mere act of publishing the mission statement makes it effective as it clarifies to all employees the purpose of the organization. o They anticipate changes in markets where they are presently doing business. The probability that a machine will have to wait for an adjustment. o Cultural influences do not affect the expansion and contraction of markets. A) Culture is a relatively simple concept. o They anticipate changes in markets where they are presently doing business. People from cultures with low Power Distance Index scores often say that _____ is a source of power. -Flags a) True d) All human cultures exist in their own specific, unique environment. Philip Parker said geography influences economics in what way? b) Worldviews A. the role of culture is equal to that of heredity in shaping our actions, thoughts, and feelings. Individuals from cultures with high Uncertainty Avoidance Index scores. What change has happened to American culture and social institutions? Which of the following IS NOT true about cultural psychology? The combination of existing cultural items into a form that did not exist before. Cultural values can help marketers predict which consumers are most apt to buy something on impulse. a) Personality Casca is a former unit commander of the Band of the Falcon and an estranged companion of Guts. It is easier to communicate with consumers who can read and write than with people who can understand only symbols. Human culture is a unique meaning and information system, shared by a group and transmitted across generations, that allows the group to meet basic needs of survival, pursue happiness and well-being, and derive meaning from life. a) Culture b. the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. a. language theory. A) babies The mission statement must be provided to the employees when they first enter the firm to be effective. E) workplace, The United States is comprised of a culture that accepts a wide array of personal behaviors and attitudes, foods, dress, and other products and services. b) False, Some cultures serve their purpose better than others, and not all cultures have worked until now. E) edicts, What is the basis for virtually all societies? Cross-cultural research helps us_____________________. b) Humans are not unique in their ability to recognize that other people are intentional agents. o Marketers have no influence on a country's culture. D) music d. subculture. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the use of comments according to the course standards or the rules of the C programming language. o He stated that the per capita GDP of a country is directly related to its latitudes. o He claimed that new ideas moved more quickly from east to west than from north to south. o Climate influences works' wages, Social institutions that mostly strongly influence values and cultures, schools, churches, families, and the media, the preference for behavior that promotes one's self-interest, pertains to societies in which the ties between individuals are loose, pertains to societies in which people from birth onward are integrated into strong, cohesive groups, which throughout people's lifetimes continue to protect them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty, measures the tolerance of uncertainty and ambiguity among members of a society, a variety of studies have shown cultural values can predict such consumer behaviors as status consumption of luxury goods, brand-switching as a group, tendency to share based on time perceptions, consuming with immediate vs. long-term goals in mind, word-of-mouth communications, impulsive buying, responses of both surprise and disgust, the propensity to complain, responses to service failures, movie preferences, and the influence of perceptions of product creativity, patterns of behavior and interaction that are learned and repeated, In the context of international marketing, culture. a) power distance True or false: The "planned change" marketing strategy involves introducing a product to an unprepared market and hoping for the best. True B. d) Culture, _____ refers to the behaviors or patterns of activities that a society or culture deems appropriate for men and women. Morality is a uniquely human product that apparently turns on in humans around nine months of age. Cultures that score high on the Uncertainty Avoidance Index. o American culture has overcome the detrimental effects of too much media by replacing media time with family time. d) individualism vs. collectivism. Ethnocentrism The tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others. While running, each machine can turn out 50 pieces per hour. How much is in the fund at the end of 5 years Sustainability is commonly described as having three dimensions (or pillars): environmental, economic, and social. This change in Gabby perception represents which of the following aspects of culture? Neil: Sure, I can memorize the rules, but my problem is I want to be sure I understand the basic concepts behind the rules. a) True C) education Military uniforms The marketer's interaction with the local culture determines whether the marketing will fail or succeed. D) density Which of the following statements about cultural change is true? It is easier to communicate with consumers who can read and write than with people who can understand only symbols. Which of the following statements about education as a social institution is true? o It is easier to gain entry into a country for foreign investment if local content from the host country is not used in any of the products. You just have to memorize the rules. a) All animals are solitary and do not live in groups. b. - shows up at school or work wearing inappropriate clothing, maintains that stability requires a consensus and the support of society's members. o Governments have little influence over cultural values when compared to school, religion, family, and the media. Marketers adapt to changes in their business circumstances through. o fascism Markets are molded by a marketer's promotion and distribution system, the region's economy, and various cultural influences. Which of the following best explains the effect of birth control techniques on men's lives in the past 50 years? o Societies become acquainted with most new products via businesses. a) Groups are less efficient because they divide labor. c. between neighbors. When evaluating a situation, a Westerner is more likely to. b) Social norms o willing to put up with people who deviate from normal behavior 1. Which of the following statements is true of animals? What is the expected number of whites in a random sample of 5,0005,0005,000 under- 20 Americans? Governments have little influence over cultural values when compared to school, religion, family, and the media. Different cultures foster different belief systems. b) Race Cultures that score high on the Uncertainty Avoidance Index. What marketing strategy involves launching an effort to alter anything about a culture that stands in the way of the marketer's sales goals? B) structure The boundaries that culture sets on behavior are called _____. Values trigger positive or negative judgment of social behaviours. b) His affective and intellectual autonomy and egalitarianism are positively correlated with Hofstede's individualism. E) senior citizens, What is the largest single influence on the movement toward uniformity in the teenage market? E) cross-fertilization, Which of the following is a key consideration for each geographic market that a firm is contemplating? (3) During February: Sold merchandise costing$162,400 to various customers for $62,900 cash and$194,600 on account. In the United States, promptness is considered a virtue. decrease in cultural distinctiveness around the world. when doing business in a foreign country, ignoring how seriously the local people take their superstitions. A) psychographics Americas are expected to be on time to an event, and they expect others to do so as well. A response will appear in the window below the question to let you know if you are correct. D) sanctions How can a financial manager use knowledge of the cash conversion cycle to better manage the firm's working capital? c) individualism D) Purchasing power parity (PPP) A person wearing sandals while dressed in a suit is likely violating a: EMployMEnt laW student workbook. In the context of best marketing practices in the European Union, international marketers must. d) Race, _____ refers to the individual differences that exist among individuals within groups. It reduces strife between marketers and their customers. d) Animals do not have the ability to invent and use tools. Sustainability is a societal goal that relates to the ability of people to safely co-exist on Earth over a long time. A) In many countries, males have greater access to education than females. a) True b) Only humans are social and have societies. A marketer who practices cultural _____ is offering products that are much like what is already being sold, and the new products are offered in a way that fits into the existing culture as much as possible. a) embeddedness D) structure In the context of psychology, which of the following is true of cross-cultural research? An abstract system of word meanings and symbols for all aspects of culture; includes gestures and other nonverbal communication. c. Artwork Which of the following statements regarding the change in family as a social institution is true? The viewing of people's behavior from the perspective of their own culture. Which of the following statements is true regarding culture? Her job, then, is to understand a country's _____. A) Organizational culture is evaluative rather than descriptive. o It is easier to communicate with consumers who can read and write than with people who can understand only symbols. He contended that a country's latitude strongly affects its per capita GDP. a. that the United States has always adopted a punitive approach toward this substance. Which of the following statements regarding language is correct? Which of the following would be considered a counterculture? Because subcultures work against the dominant culture, they should be suppressed. a) Attitudes o Markets are independent of cultural influences. To be culturally sensitive, an international marketer should. A) United States A norm governing everyday behavior whose violation raises comparatively little concern. Which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true? b)False, chapter 2 cross cultural research methods, Chapter 4: Culture and Developmental Processes, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, Lecture 4: structure, function, and metabolism. While outsiders may consider these rules too harsh, they are in the best interest of the whole company, including the workers." Many publications state that the environmental . The income tax law requires firms to pay income taxes on the 15th day of the month after the end of each quarter (that is, April 15, Year 8; June 15, Year 8; October 15, Year 8; and January 15, Year 9). D) middle-aged adults Philip Parker's work indicates that managers should. understand how a culture began and what its essential beliefs are. (True) 27. The arts, folklore, music, drama, dance, dress, and cosmetics of a culture are known as its, To be culturally sensitive, an international marketer should. a. folkway. Which of the following statements about rituals is true? c. Prepare a comparative balance sheet as of January 31, Year 8, and February 28, Year 8. Boris: Yes, pretty basic stuff . Which of the following statements is false? d) His universal values include embeddedness, hierarchy, and uncertainty avoidance. Women are delaying marriage, especially in Asia. Which of the following statements is true of animals? -heterosexuality as the norm in marital partnerships When evaluating a situation, a Westerner is more likely to. a. technological determinism. d) Nationality. B) size D) travel a. the changing forms of media dispersion (e.g., TV, radio, the internet) are as important or more important for cultural change than the content of the media. It is static and does not change. In addition, each year after that, she has promised you a payment (on the anniversary of the last payment) that is 7%7 \%7% larger than the last payment. Cultural information about the ways in which the material resources of the environment may be used to satisfy human needs and desires. Explain capital. People from cultures with low Power Distance Index scores often say that _____ is a source of power. A set of cultural beliefs and practices that helps to maintain powerful social, economic, and political interests. d. It includes punishments but not rewards. Which of the following statements about markets is true? a) Cultural worldviews contain attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and values about the world. Specific definitions of this term are difficult to agree on and have varied with literature, context, and time. c) Masculinity vs. femininity refers to the distribution of emotional roles between males and females. Which of the following statements is true of Shalom Schwartz's research? How would you assess whether it is worthwhile investing in? B) collectivism Patterns of cultural behavior and interaction that are learned and repeated are known as. The systematic study of how biology affects human social behavior. Which of the following statements about individuals from cultures with high Power Distance Index scores is true? Why couldnt it be called something simple . The marketer's interaction with the local culture determines whether the marketing will fail or succeed. It is a poor predictor of job performance and is not recommended for employment selection or promotion decisions. When people from different cultures come together to communicate, their messages are guided by and reflect their fundamental values. d) All human cultures exist in their own specific, unique environment. Which of the following will cause the countries within the European Union to become increasingly similar in what they need, what they want, and how they behave in the economic market? c) Communication, groups, and institutionalization it is less expensive to do business in a foreign country where people speak a language that is similar to that of the marketer. Which sociological perspective is most closely aligned with the factory manager's statement in which he attempts to justify the dangerous working conditions? The system of beliefs and customs held by a population in a given culture. Which of the following is true concerning ideal culture and real culture? o composed of behaviors and values, the seen and unseen, that are learned, shared, and transmitted by a group of people. 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which of the following statements regarding cultural values is true?

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