
voltron keith sacrifices himself

And for the Paladins, they have a long journey to get to Earth if they want to build a new castle (likely using the condensed crystal remnant of the old one in some way), and since they don't have the ability to gate-hop, we're probably in store for a bit of a road-trip story in Season 7. Together, the Paladins harness the last of their strength to manifest an enormous thruster, grabbing hold of Honerva and pushing them both into the blinding white core. Dried tear tracks and hunger consumed his small existence. Chapters: 1/6Fandom: Voltron: Legendary DefenderRating: General (will change)Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive WarningsRelationships: Kolivan/Allura, Shiro/KeithCharacters: Kolivan, Allura, Keith, Shiro, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Coran, Galra OCs, Alien OCsAdditional Tags: Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Pining, Political Alliance, Space Opera, Interspecies Romance, crazy romcom tropesSummary: Privately Keith is of the opinion that hes pretty good at feelings. To fight this threat, Voltron also gets an upgrade, combining with the IGF Atlas into their own super mech - the Atlas-Voltron. LOL. Keith might have been the leader, but Lance . In the year following Allura's sacrifice, Keith brings together the remnants of the Galra Empire, uniting them with a call to do away with their "survive at all cost" mentality and join the Galactic Coalition. [7] The character receives a lot of character growth as the seasons progress.[8][9][10]. While they're all sitting around the table remembering Allura at the end of the episode, Coran tells Keith that Allura believed he would be the key to the Galra's future. Hes valuing the mission above his own individual life, understanding that in the BOM, individuals often sacrifice themselves if they cant make it out in order to preserve the mission. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Alright, you may say "There's a difference between putting your life at risk and killing yourself for the mission", but you guys are forgetting this self-sacrificing stuff isn't new either. He missed Pidge's great ideas and snarky wit. He couldnt spar with anyone there, but he would follow basic forms with his face all scrunched up to practice his menacing faade. Season 6, despite its short seven-episode run, packed a lot of interesting sci-fi concepts, emotional character development, and insane action sequences into its storytelling. He sent Thace and Antok for supplies and appointed Ulaz as the medic for the growing kit. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Shiro is escaping with the Black Paladin's through a worm hole and Keith has to make a dangerous choice.#NetflixFamilySUBSCRIBE: Keith couldnt place what it was, and yet he felt it igniting his limbs. Or they have a medical emergency?Lance eyes him. It's about saving the world. Thace left to infiltrate the Galra Empire and Keith wept less than before. In the end he chose Voltron, proclaiming I know who I am. THAT is when the Blade activates for him. He stopped Pidge from getting into trouble with Commander Iverson at the Garrison and ended up getting in trouble himself. This collection is purely Sheith and contains both SFW and NSFW drabbles. This is all, of course, little comfort to those still angry at the decision to kill Allura, but it's hard not to feel proud when the statue erected in her honor is unveiled on New Altea. Then Zarkon brings Honerva to Lotor, explaining to the young boy that his mother has returned. Somehow Keith ends up on lance and a make out session begins. anyway very late happy birthday @bokhooto-kotaro!! Yeah e-mails and booklets were sent to him and other information and shit but he didnt bother reading it as he didnt see the point of it. Crunchy lives here. While on a diplomatic mission with Kolivan, Keith gets hit on by one of the local aliens. Keith was happy for them, he really was. This transforms Honerva back in to her true, Altean self, healing the corruption caused by the Quintessence. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before. After seeing the Sheith cameo, I keep going back to these shots of Shiro and thinking:THIS is the exact man who changed Keiths life. Keith calmed down immensely, and he was flabbergasted by the change that will make him look like the other blades. He focuses on his own business and needs very little outward validation or comfort from others. VampVans, shureshang, Cloudy22, meyakii, Snowleopard, Jelsa_Maleval, Rozalin, FandomWeary, Nightshadow20, AnotherFan223, Flug, GoldieRosie, Transparent_Axolotl, shiningartday, Dexsangreen1987, Karin_Star, cottoncandyburn, idk_rinsshining, Madie_or_ally, perfchan, Marberley, emwing, killer_crocs, Toto40444, Angelicat2, AirstyleDraconos, contInuousIncoherentscreamIng, MalevolentMagpie, Juriechan, Akemichan, ahexghoul, CaptainCrunch420420, Starrynightreader, and Enee They need to break his bond, but the process ends up being heart wrenching for Keith. Everyones had a moment like that. (Gryffindor confirmed lol). Keith has a mostly positive reception from critics. Showed how she has powers and how badass she is. Says the man who's never been knotted before, Lance sniffs.Cant miss what you cant experience. Keith smirks. Allura's decision to give her life to save the lives of everyone in existence is the ultimate sacrifice play, and it's a testament to the selfless and courageous woman Allura has become across all eight seasons of Voltron: Legendary Defender. ), Soft Sheith I drew for my dear friend T4KESH1 on twitter :), Like my art? - they do suggest that Lance now has a place within Altean society. Nevertheless, on that one chance, they saw his claws retracting, his eyes yellowing, and his fangs poking his lower lip. In the Galra!Verse, Keith sacrifices himself in a final effort to defeat Zarkon. To fight again. The door slid shut behind him, plunging the room in a soft darkness. But for a friend as good to him as Hunk was? Emperor Lotor was the emperor and former prince of the Galra Empire, and son of Zarkon. In what I believe to be the best season of DreamWorks' Netflix seriesVoltron Legendary Defender so far, the Paladins and their allies made some costly sacrifices in order to not only defend the known universe from threats, but even unknown realities that exist out there in the cosmos. And it's this compassion that makes Lance the ideal choice to carry Allura's message of peace and love forward. When the Lions are departing at the end of the episode, the Blue Lion, the one that Allura piloted, is front and center with its eyes glowing unnaturally bright. Its beyond himself and his own feelings. They infiltrated the Galra cruiser as a team of five and only four blades returned to the ship. Now equipped to do battle with Honerva, the Paladins set off in pursuit, prepared to defeat Honerva and defend not just their universe - but all universes. Hes saving the rest of the world and his friends, which is exactly how hes always been. Without having become a Paladin and meeting Allura, Pidge couldn't have achieved any of this, and it's phenomenal that Voltron is showing how one woman can inspire another to accomplish so much with science and technology. Of all the Voltron Paladins, Hunk's future feels not only the most appropriate but the most satisfying. Here's what we know so far: At the close of Season 6, Lotor's true nature was ultimately revealed. In the end it seems like they end up becoming one and the same. Kolivan didnt know he could be proud of such a great gesture coming from such a small creature. And it's a shame, too, because as the final scene of the episode, it spoils what is an otherwise near perfect end to a spectacular series. It couldnt be helped. When Krolia set course to Earth to locate the Blue lion, she never expected to meet a man so noble and brave on such a little planet. Keith attempting a Heroic Sacrifice by flying his ship towards Haggar's shield, closing his eyes and grimacing as he braces himself for impact despite Matt's protests for him not to do it. Leading up until that moment, theyve shown him being conflicted between saving everyone he can and prioritizing the mission above individual lives. In that original cartoon, Chip was a pilot on a team called Vehicle Voltron, where 15 vehicles of land, sea, and air combined into one ginormous robot. He faced hologram!Shiro telling him to give up the knife, and then his dad telling him to wait while the world outside was crumbling. The BOM episode back in season 2 has been setting up for these moments of Keith constantly having to choose between the Blade and Voltron. He also has moments where he enjoys a good laugh, allowing others around him to bring that out in him, and his usual stoic manner is dropped for a change. Let alone have a kit with him. will they also ever bring up how Lance died? Get your heads out of your fanfics. No one understands the importance of a good meal like Hunk, recognizing how food can remind people of home and that a full stomach can make them more open to new ideas. (Not to say who Shiro is deep down changed that much when he came back in S1-2 but. Sarah's favorite movies range from studio era classics to the latest sci-fi and superhero blockbusters. Its just I know Lance is going to try and set me up with a date and I really I dont want to deal with it. Spoilers ahead if you're not caught up with Season 6 of Voltron. Senior Editor - Games | Former Editor of Animation, Streaming Content |Author of "The Science of Breaking Bad" from MIT Press | Twitch Affiliate: | Co-host of the Saturday Mourning Cartoons podcast | Community manager for Ironface Studios | Former science freelance writer for |. MAJOR SPOILERS ahead for Voltron: Legendary Defender season 8! As a substitute, he opted to begin his blade training. Even the leader, Kolivan, went on missions, leaving the base void of any members for long periods. Combining this with his selflessness, if he had to choose between himself and his team he would choose his team. But he couldn't take it any longer. It would be forced, weird and overall bad writing. They had been receiving intel about the whereabouts of the Red Lion for two deca-phoebes. A saving people person. Yes. While his motive may have been the same since his character's introduction--to provide for the people of the empire by gaining access to quintessence resources--the means to that end painted the Galra prince with a fitting villainous brush. Late thirties. Prorok, who is remade into a Ro-Beast, finds the Paladins and quickly gains the upper hand, until Ulaz sacrifices himself to destroy the monster. I was accepted. Behind closed doors, theyre a little less reserved. After finding Shiro on Earth along with Lance, Hunk, and Pidge, he joins Voltron as the Paladin of the Red Lion to fight against the Galra Empire.When Shiro disappears at the end of Season 2, Keith reluctantly takes over as paladin of . Regardless of the hiccups, Keith grew with Kolivan as a father and the blade hanging in his quarters as his mother. On behalf of Screen Rant, Sarah has attended San Diego Comic-Con, visited film and television sets, and taken part in interviews with cast and crew members. Seeing Keith, a kit, fight hopes and fears shaped like Ulaz, Thace, Antok, and himself was grueling. Luckily Keith talked him out of it. With all six Paladins piloting the Atlas-Voltron, they chase Honerva across reality, witnessing the death of one universe after another. So what can we expect in Season 7? The thing with Jeremy Shada is that he tends to hint or spoil things about the show. So when it comes to channeling enough Quintessence to reboot of all existence, the only one capable of pulling it off is Allura. A year later, they're holding elections on Daibazaal (seemingly restored alongside Altea) and Keith's mother, Krolia and his mentor, Kolivan are elected as the Galra's first representatives to the Galactic Coalition. The kit couldnt be with them at all times, therefore, to optimize the chances of their mission and keep the kit alive, Kolivan chose to give one of the empty quarters near his to Keith. A saving people person. Chapters: 1/1Fandom: Voltron: Legendary DefenderRating: General AudiencesWarnings: No Archive Warnings ApplyRelationships: Keith & Kolivan (Voltron)Characters: Keith (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron)Additional Tags: s04 spoilers, Fix-It, providing the emotional resolution canon does not, kolivan is terribly awkward, Keith is awkward, Angst, Emotional Hurt/ComfortSummary: Kolivan knows orbital decay when he sees it, and knows if too much force is applied to correct it the object will be flung into space, unrecoverable. He wailed and squirmed in his solace, unaware of the speed he was traveling. Lance considered himself too greedy for Keiths attention to consider going on double-dates. Keith is a protagonist from the Netflix TV series, Voltron: Legendary Defender who serves as the Red Paladin piloting the Red Lion of Voltron. Keith was so much softer. Pure, mindless omega. "It sounds like No," he said softly, his eyes filling with tears. Of course, Lance sacrificing himself doesnt have to mean him dying. He tests his Galra prosthetic, but it feels like dead weight and doesn't respond. Yeah, Lance had that moment in season 1 where he took an explosion for Coran, and that moment in season 5 where he almost died while trying to protect that base. Keith becomes the leader of the Voltron Force after escaping Planet Doom. Kolivan had been training the extraction team to succeed. Instead, they let him be. Like her father before her, Allura makes the choice to risk her life because she sees no other option - and with the situation as dire as it becomes, her solution is arguably the only one that makes any sense. During the course of the series, he begins to form a comradeship with his teammates, and begins to develop feelings for Princess Allura and vice versa. He realizes the BOM is a little different from Voltron in that sense. Oct 15, 2017 - Keith about to sacrifice himself to save his friends from the Naxzela bomb planet from Voltron Legendary Defender Discussion. Voltron is an action-packed series, with a cast of crazy characters. in Film Studies in 2009. In turn, they convince her that though life can be cruel and sometimes hard, that doesn't erase the happier times when life is beautiful and vibrant. They should stay inside where no one else has to be bothered with them, instead of being spread around and getting in the way of everyone elses business, LANCE. So it isn't that hard to believe something similar could have happened to Allura. The BOM episode back in season 2 has been setting up for these moments of Keith constantly having to choose between the Blade and Voltron. It shows Allura standing firm, dressed in her Paladin armor, and with her long hair flowing behind her. Consisting of a small bed and a place to hang Krolias blade. So just like how the Blade activated for him when he accepted himself as a paladin of Voltron, he found himself fitting in with both the Blade and Voltron when he decided to fly towards the sun. He could just end up letting himself get taken captive.GOOD EVENING EVERYBODY, and welcome to the fictional universe of TV shows and stuff!I make: theories, reviews, animations, predictions, analysis', give my thoughts, speculations, opinions, cosplays, AND MORE! Keiths first steps with a leashafter the scare of seeing him run toward Antoks tail. Voltron: Legendary Defender season 8's ending is a shocking conclusion for for the hit Netflix animated series and we're breaking it down. Finally arriving in her perfect universe, it appears as if Honerva has gotten her wish as she is welcomed by this reality's Zarkon. A saving people person. Keith would not stop crying. Despite Voltron: Legendary Defender having a lighthearted and humorous tone, there are some moments where it hits very close to the heart. It's only natural that there are some hilarious quotes. Chapters: 1/1Fandom: Voltron: Legendary DefenderRating: Teen And Up AudiencesWarnings: No Archive Warnings ApplyRelationships: Allura/Kolivan (Voltron)Characters: Allura (Voltron), Kolivan (Voltron)Additional Tags: Fluff, Flirting, Engagement, Drabble, Ficlet, Smooching, Kissing, necking, Teasing, Marriage Proposal, Politics, Developing Relationship, Sneaking Around, Galra Empire, blade of marmora, alteaSummary: Allura and Kolivan present a stoic facade to the universe. Keith, meanwhile, ignoring those who wish him to become the Galra's new leader ("Typical Keith. He has Galran ancestry through his mother, a member of the rebel faction called Blade of Marmora. :), I live for Keith throwing knives at me through the screen. He'd go on to pass the trials and it'd be revealed he was the son of Krolia, a female agent who ended up on Earth as part of her duty, where she got pregnant. Antok visibly relaxed when Keith emerged victorious. The risk that everyone would die and not just him is something that makes Keith, Keith. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. open/close all folders General Season 1 The Rise of Voltron Some Assembly Required Return of the Gladiator Inside this dimensional space, there are no mech suits or weapons, just Honerva and the Paladins. It seems like some people think Keith wouldnt have made this choice if he hadnt felt so disconnected from the team. Now having seen what Keith's future holds, Allura was absolutely right. Like with quintessence or a healing pod. So when he decides to sacrifice himself, hes kind of combining both his BOM side and Voltron side and mixing it in with who he is as a person. I think its just his strong instincts kicking in given the fact that everyone else was about to die if nobody stepped in. When it turns out Shiro is a clone under Haggar's control, Keith returns as the Black Paladin. Thats why at twelve, Kolivan asked Keith to try activating Krolias blade. Letting the ship fly on its own, she rushed to get Keith in her only pod. It's why it was equally important to Lance that Allura feel she was a part of his family, hoping to return to her something she lost long ago. Part 3 of The Kogane Family Language: English Words: 1,803 Chapters: 1/1 It brought a flourish of problems, and plenty of visits to Ulaz whenever the blades pressed a little harsher, held him tighter, or on the odd occasion, broke the kits fall by catching him. Worried about losing allies, Keith isnt as firm about turning the alien down as he would normally be. Plus, who actually wants to be attached to another person for nearly half an hour? Every touch had to be moderated. Warning! He was even willing to leave so the others would have a better chance of winning. (Gryffindor confirmed lol). She has been contributing to the site since 2014, and primarily writes about current movies and television shows. So just like how the Blade activated for him when he accepted himself as a paladin of Voltron, he found himself fitting in with both the Blade and Voltron when he decided to fly towards . In the end it seems like they end up becoming one and the same. Before that, they had never seen Keiths Galra heritage present. Y'all are putting way too much focus on this and you're making it out like Keith is somehow suicidal. Keith didnt know why exactly it was just two years instead of annually like any other college and if Keith was being even more honest right now, he didnt exactly know much up to that point either. In fact, I believe he is the most selfless of the team. Pidge is someone who will always chart her own course, so it's exciting to see her take what she's learned traveling all across the universe and apply that knowledge to improving the lives of those on Earth and beyond. Plot device. In the wake of Allura's sacrifice, the Voltron season 8 finale jumps ahead for a one year later epilogue. Invitation, Keith mumbled, to Lance and Hunks wedding., Should be exciting. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi or Etsy! The silence stretched on for a few minutes before Keith finally broke it. (A day late because i thought i was posting on saturday) Go see @opaldelight beautiful accompanying art here. Sure, he and his Sincline-version of Voltron (which is so friggin' cool, by the way) may currently be stuck in the quintessence field, but with access to that much raw energy coupled with Lotor's shrewd mind and his Altean-enhanced tech, you'd better believe he'll reappear in future episodes in some fashion or another. Placing her knife wrapped up to avoid hurting the squirming kit, and a simple message on a memory card: One last look and a gentle touch on that black mop of hair were all she did before she sent the pod deep into space and straight to the only place, she knew her kit would be safe. Krolia ran to her ship, trucks parked at the front of their shack. But Lotor won't accept this Honerva, recognizing that some other universe's Honerva can't simply show up and expect to be his new mother. He was very supportive of Keith becoming the leader, even though he wanted to lead. Since Se is only his second function as opposed to his first, he is not as impulsive as Lance (who is dominant Se). Introverted Thinking (Ti):Ti is characterized by internal logicmy thoughts, my rules.This fits Keith perfectly as he is often described as the stoic lone wolf. He doesnt like to live by other peoples rules and chooses to carve out his own path instead (i.e. However, Keith has no qualms about flying off cliffs (his excited yup when he sees the edge in the beginning of episode 1), competing with Lance during their blind-lion training session, and also, most notably, jumping into a one-on-one fight with Zarkon with the explanation if I have an opportunity to defeat Zarkon, Im gonna take it. His deep immersion in the fight is also what spurs him on into basically evolving with Red and hardcore blasting Zarkon. Hes valuing the mission above his own individual life, understanding that in the BOM, individuals often sacrifice themselves if they cant make it out in order to preserve the mission. `` Typical Keith cast of crazy characters Soft Sheith I drew for dear. Just him is something that makes Lance the ideal choice to carry Allura 's,! Slid shut behind him, plunging the room in a Soft darkness grew Kolivan. 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