
horse slaughter statistics by breed

The USDA has no system in place to track horses lifetime medical histories, and the reputation of the entire U.S. meat industry is at risk. Have a specific question for one of our subject experts? Researching this series, one point became apparent organizations on all sides of the issue were citing approximate numbers of equines shipped across U.S. borders for slaughter no one really knows exactly how many horses are exported for slaughter. Statistics compiled by Darrel Charlton, Jr. From fourteen plants in 1990, with 345,700 equines killed that year in the US alone, the number fell to only four by 1997. 2010. With over 30 years of leadership experience in both for-profit and non-profit sectors, Julie holds a BS, MBA, Executive Certificate in Non-Profit Leadership and is Certified Association Executive. FDA explained that population estimates are important for helping determine potential eligibility for drugs to be used for minor uses. According to equine industry research, an average equestrian spends upward of $11,335 annually on horse-related products. (Washington, D.C., June 10, 2020): In recent weeks, several figures have been circulated regarding the US horse population. Click an option below to subscribe. Data from early 2020 shows that about 5 percent of the horses that Rotz's Livestock shipped to slaughter in Canada were thoroughbreds. Since closure of the domestic plants in the earlier part of 2007 there has been no correlating rise in neglect and abuse cases. Most estimates ranged between 80,000 and 100,000 horses. They usually have impressive bloodlines, are developed for specific purposes, and are imported from other countries. The Earth has had horses for over 50 million years. After graduation he spent 27 months in Nicaragua with the Peace Corps for their Food Security Program. Researching this series, one point became apparent - organizations on all sides of the issue were citing approximate numbers of equines shipped across U.S. borders for slaughter - no one really knows exactly how many horses are exported for slaughter. For information regarding any equine health issues, welfare issues, and state, federal and international requirements regarding the movement of horses, please contact Cliff. Send a letter to Congress. The majority (84%) of members own the main residence and have an average of three vehicles. The number of head slaughtered plus live and dressed weights of cattle, calves, hogs, and sheep are reported. Along with our equine partners assisting in burial services at Arlington National Cemetery. Due to concerns about the health threats of drug-laced horsemeat, the European Union (EU), a primary importer of North American horsemeat, suspended horsemeat imports from Mexicowhere 87 % of horses slaughtered for export to the EU are of U.S. origin. A truck prepares to load up a shipment of horses in. Horses are gathered from random sources at various stages in their life, and there is no system in the U.S. to track medications and veterinary treatments given to horses to ensure that their meat is safe for human consumption. Unlike animals raised for food, the vast majority of horses sent to slaughter will have ingested, or been treated or injected with, multiple chemical substances that are known to be dangerous to humans, untested on humans or specifically prohibited for use in animals raised for human consumption. Nearly twenty years ago, there were up to 14 active horse slaughter plants in the United States, gradually reducing their numbers due to diminishing foreign demand for horse meat in the late 90's. Today, due to a mixture of fragile (and now rescinded) appropriation . Hundreds of horse rescue organizations operate around the country, and additional facilities are being established. (1), Heres a quick overview of the top horse states with the highest and lowest horse populations. There are over 1.2 million horses in the horse racing sector of the horse industry. Legislative Process and How A Law is Enacted, RESCHEDULED AHCs National Issues Forum, Click here for more info (dont worry, we made it easy! Boarding and equine-assisted therapy). Risk of federal prosecution and the high costs associated with illegally transporting horses long distances for slaughter abroad are strong deterrents. Global Horse Population with respect to Breeds and Risk Status. The 15 Horse Statistics. (18). CFIAs Media Department stated: All shipments of feeder and slaughter horses entering Canada from the United States by ground transportation are required to proceed through designated ports of entry. Before the last domestic plant closed in 2007, the USDA documented in the slaughter pipeline rampant cruelty violations and severe injuries to horses, including broken bones protruding from their bodies, eyeballs hanging by a thread of skin, and gaping wounds. Texas has the highest horse population per state. Horse Slaughter is a Federally Regulated Industry. Bulletin #1004, Equine Facts: Guide to First-Time Horse Ownership. (3). Slaughter Statistics Slaughter Statistics by Year - 1989 through available year-to-date Year-over-Year Comparison - by Country 2006-2016 Slaughter Statistics by week and month 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Non-EU Horse Meat Import Statistics (this is an Excel file with 43 tabs of data from multiple countries and years) 2016. WASHINGTON, Feb. 7, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) today released new data from a national poll conducted by Lake Research Partners. The inflation-adjusted household income in December 2021 was $211,738.39. Thank them for their support! The legal instrument in force is Directive 96/22/EC as amended by Directive 2003/74/EC. Exported horse meat brings $14 to $18 a pound, so the bids from meat buyers can be pretty high for draft horses who can easily be fattened up for profit. Does horse slaughter have a negative financial impact on American taxpayers? (18) 7. AHC President Julie Broadway noted While NASS and AVMA statistics serve important purposes, only the AHC Foundations Study most closely reflects the total horse population in the US. . (22). Privacy policy. The last three horse slaughter plants in the U.S. offered only a few low-income, dangerous jobs that did nothing to bolster local economies. 2020. You can present the same points listed above. Statista. According to research, 20% of horse owners are involved as horse trainers and 17% give lessons and instruction. Transporters must arrange an appointment for inspection a minimum of 24 hours before arriving at the port of entry. They are often seriously injured or killed in transit. Its no secret that horse riding is immensely popular among Americans. No. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. For example, Texas, California and Illinois have banned horse slaughter within their states but those laws have no impact elsewhere. Contributions to the HSUS are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Bryan Brendle is the Director ofPolicy & Legislative Affairs for the AHC. The inflation-adjusted investment portfolio in December 2021 was $724,790.74. Horse meat exports (outlined in orange) - decreased by 38.3% According to Statistics Canada, Japan led the list of countries importing horse meat from Canada in 2020, followed by France, Switzerland, the United States (Nevada and Texas), Belgium, Germany, Finland, Hong Kong, Sweden and Italy. The USDA, National Agriculture Statistic Service (NASS) recently completed a census which counts only horses that are on working farms. The current patchwork of state laws on horse slaughterincluding statutes prohibiting slaughter in Texas and Illinois where the only domestic horse slaughter plants operated until very recentlyis insufficient. Twitter:Tweet at your legislators and urge them to cosponsor the SAFE Act to end horse slaughter. Shipments of feeder and slaughter horses cannot enter Canada at other border ports of entry. Equestrian industry statistics also show that 1,370,000 people volunteer their time for horse-related activities annually. Horses impact our lives in ways others cannot. The inflation-adjusted horse price in December 2021 was $3,444.28. They don't want horse meat served at the dinner table and they don't want their tax dollars spent on inspecting meat bound for foreign markets. They are not able to save all of the horses and any horse given a yellow USDA export tag is beyond help. US Horse Population - Statistics - American Horse Council US Horse Population - Statistics Contact: Julie Broadway American Horse Council Phone: 202-296-4031 Email: For Immediate Release US Horse Population - Statistics The full list can be viewed here. Horse Industry Statistics. What is surprising is that the age bracket of 18-24 has the lowest amount of horse owners and this number is declining. Relying on random-sample testing of horsemeat is inadequate and dangerous. Testing random samples of horsemeat overlooks the fact that every single horse has a unique, unknown past. By providing your mobile number, you agree to receive autodialed, recurring text messages from the HSUS with updates and ways you can help animals. (1). Heres a quick overview of horse ownership costs with rough price ranges. Lynda believes the horse industry as a whole needs to have a voice and working at the American Horse Council is a way for her to help and keep the industry alive and informed. For information regardingpublic policy, government relations and advocacy, please contact Bryan. 2023 The Humane Society of the United States Privacy policy and terms. The American Horse Council (AHC) wishes to clarify these statistics to avoid confusion and misunderstanding of the data. The horse owner demographics data shows that the overall income distribution among people who ride horses is skewed towards the higher income brackets. % Hog Inventory EU authorities made the decision after a series of scathing audits that exposed a plethora of problems, including the lack of traceability of American horses and horrific suffering on U.S. soil and in Mexico. Livestock estimates provide USDA and the livestock industry with basic data to project future meat supplies and producer prices. Each may be a single patient to any number of vets, transferred by any number of owners, and has a unique life story. Two-thirds of horses set to slaughter are quarter horses, and many are castoffs from the rodeo or racing industries. US horses and state GDP, 2016. For information on the relationship between Horses and the Impactson Food Safety, click. The AHC is member supported by individuals and organizations representing virtually every facet of the horse world from owners, breeders, veterinarians, farriers, breed registries and horsemens associations to horse shows, race tracks, rodeos, commercial suppliers and state horse councils. He grew up in Reva, VA on his familys horse farm, participating in both horse and livestock 4-H activities. Winter Wheat Seedings up for 2023, 12/13/22 NASS to publish milk production data in updated data dissemination format, 11/28/22 USDA-NASS Crop Progress report delayed until Nov. 29, 10/28/22 NASS reinstates Cost of Pollination survey, 09/06/22 NASS to review acreage information, 09/01/22 USDA NASS reschedules 2021 Conservation Practice Adoption Motivations data highlights release, 05/06/22 Respond Now to the 2022 Census of Agriculture, 08/05/20 The NASS Mission: We do it for you, 04/11/19 2017 Census of Agriculture Highlight Series Farms and Land in Farms, 04/11/19 2017 Census of Agriculture Highlight Series Economics, 04/11/19 2017 Census of Agriculture Highlight Series Demographics, 02/08/23 Crop Production (February 2023), 01/31/23 Cattle & Sheep and Goats (January 2023), 12/23/22 Quarterly Hogs and Pigs (December 2022), 12/15/22 2021 Certified Organics (December 2022), Talking About NASS - A guide for partners and stakeholders, USDA and NASS Anti-Harassment Policy Statement, REE Reasonable Accommodations and Personal Assistance Services, Safeguarding America's Agricultural Statistics Report and Video, Agriculture Counts - The Founding and Evolution of the National Agricultural Statistics Service 1957-2007, Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Eastern Time Monday - Friday, except federal holidays Toll-Free: (800) 727-9540, Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time Monday - Friday, except federal holidays Toll-Free: (833) One-USDA Data from federally and non-federally inspected slaughter plants are used to estimate total red meat production. Approximately 920,000 horses die annually in this country (10 percent of an estimated population of 9.2 million) and the vast majority are not slaughtered, but euthanized and rendered or buried without any negative environmental impact. Data Paddock, American Horse Council. In the U.S., horses are raised and treated as companion animals, not as food-producing animals. This definition excludes boarding, training and riding facilities; as well as any other operation that fails to generate a minimum of $1,000 in sales of equine products, defined as breeding fees, stud fees, semen or other. The average cost of having a horse humanely euthanized and safely disposing of the animal's carcass is approximately $225, while the average monthly cost of keeping a horse is approximately $200. EquiManagament, Nancy S. Loving. Americans overwhelmingly support an end to horse slaughter for human consumption (recent polls from Kentucky, Texas and Utah respectively show that 82, 72 and 69 percent of those questioned oppose the practice). CFIAs Media Department also provided their list of banned substances in equines slaughtered for food phenylbutazone is one substance on that list. Of the three horse-slaughter facilities operating in the United States, two were in Texas and one was in Illinois. Annual cost of owning a horse in the US, 2003 versus 2016, AHC. This article is the third inthe series you can read the first two,SAFE Act Insightsand SAFE Act Discussed at House Legislative Hearing. 83%of Americans are opposed to horse slaughter. Organized in 1969, the AHC promotes and protects the industry by communicating with Congress, federal agencies, the media and the industry on behalf of all horse related interests each and every day. PfwP%- g" A 2022 national poll found that 83% of Americans support banning horse slaughter for human consumption. Phone: (202) 337-2332, Shaping Policy for Animals in Laboratories, Emergency and Disaster Preparedness for Farm Animals Act, Save Americas Forgotten Equines (SAFE) Act, Traveling Exotic Animal and Public Safety Protection Act, Anti-whistleblower (Ag-Gag) Legislation, Cetacean Anti-Captivity Legislation and Laws, Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, United States Legislative Information (external link), How to Communicate Effectively with Legislators, State Wildlife Agency Contact Information, Ending the Slaughter of Nonambulatory Pigs, Basic Guidelines for Operating an Equine Rescue or Retirement Facility, Safeguard American Food Exports (SAFE) Act, US House Subcommittee Hears Testimony on Federal Legislation to Ban Horse Slaughter, Legislators Decry Forest Service Plan to Condemn Wild Horses to Slaughter, AWI Commends Bipartisan Effort to Stop Horse Slaughter, Animal Welfare Groups Applaud Federal Legislation to Ban Horse Slaughter, Including Pets in Protection Orders: A State-by-State Guide, Organizations and Individuals Opposed to Horse Slaughter, Comments on Legislation, Rulemaking, and Voluntary Standards, Dispelling the Arguments of Captivity Proponents, Swim-with Attractions & Dolphin Assisted Therapy, The Case Against Marine Mammals in Captivity, Restaurants Currently Offering Shark Fin Soup, Wildlife Management on National Park Service Land, Myths and Facts about Wild Horses and Burros, Wild Horses as Native North American Wildlife, Canadian Restaurants Offering Shark Fin Soup, International Shark Finning Bans and Policies, Support for Federal Funding for Beaver Coexistence, Clark R. Bavin Wildlife Law Enforcement Awards, The former US-based, foreign owned horse slaughter companies and a handful of trade associations that support horse slaughter have contributed to the continued export of tens of thousands of America's horses for slaughter in Mexico and Canada either by physically shipping horses to slaughter or by actively opposing legislation banning horse slaughter. And dangerous and this number is declining owners are involved as horse and... All of the horses and any horse given a yellow USDA export tag is beyond help export is... The American horse Council ( AHC ) wishes to clarify these statistics to avoid confusion and misunderstanding the! And terms as amended by Directive 2003/74/EC feeder and slaughter horses can enter. Overall income distribution among people who ride horses is skewed towards the higher income brackets Food Safety,.! Ride horses is skewed towards the higher income brackets low-income, dangerous jobs that did nothing to bolster local.. 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