
typhuss james halliwell

In 2362, Olivia and Typhuss were ordered to track down former Starfleet Lieutenant Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras. After ending the conflict with Emiko and the Ninth Circle, Typhuss along with Dinah Drake and Earth-2 Laurel continue to fight criminals in Star City and protect the city. In an alternate timeline in which the Cardassian Union did not withdraw from Bajor in 2369, Typhuss was the science officer of a version of Voyager which was not stranded in the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker in 2371. Typhuss entered Starfleet Academy in 2350 at the age of 17. (Star Trek: Helena episode: "The Return Home"), On November 14th, Typhuss took command of the USS Intrepid-A, a Sovereign-class starship, Typhuss assumed command shortly after the vessel's christening on stardate 5501.0. Gibbs has the tendency to smack Typhuss on the back of the head whenever he says or does something inappropriate. The clone was aware of Ba'al's plan to go back in time and change the timeline in his favor by preventing the Stargate program from ever being created. Victoria and Typhuss fell in love at the bar that night. Six months later they broke up, they remained on good terms and became good friends. Shakaar rarely ever saw his parents, having grown up most of his life under the care of the nannies hired to take care of him and his sister. This page details Robert James Halliwell in the primary universe; for the Robert James Halliwell in the mirror universe see Robert James Halliwell (mirror). Typhuss was ordered by Admiral Kathryn Janeway to join Star Fleet Battle Group Omega deployed in Sector 1045 and was charged with preventing the Reman warbird Scimitar from reaching Earth and launching a deadly thalaron weapon. Typhuss took classes to become a bridge officer. Typhuss's boss within Starfleet Intelligence is Director Jennifer Shepard. Later Typhuss and Leeta began dating. In 2397, Green Arrow teamed up with the Flash, Hawkgirl and the Atom, to fight the Reverse-Flash in the streets of Central City. Typhuss chose not to retire from SVU after his aunt Reba was attacked. The five surviving Equinox crew members, Marla Gilmore, Noah Lessing, James Morrow, Angelo Tassoni, and Brian Sofin, were stripped of rank and ordered to serve as crewmen on Voyager, with extensive supervision and limited privileges. After making contact with a Cardassian warship, Captain Halliwell lowered the ship's shields as a gesture of good will, but the Cardassian commander ignored the gesture and disabled the Zeus's weapons and impulse engines. They took the baby out from the cave, and the baby began to regain its strength. She was named after Kira's mother, Kira Meru. In 2386, the Old City branch was invaded by agents of the Abnormal Insurgency, led by Caleb. She returned to the Flyer, with the distributor and Kelly's body. (Star Trek: Kingston episodes: "Pregnant", "Revenge"), Typhuss thought about resigning from SVU. Talia and Typhuss had to keep their relationship a secret from people even his family. Kori's second daughter Vixis Chazmok was born on August 22nd on Qo'noS and Kori would later tell Typhuss about his daughter in 2386. Typhuss was born in 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Earth Fifty to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. In 2355, the Zeus was involved in a truce offering by the Federation in the Beloti sector. She was known as a vigilante among the inhabitants of the "No Mans" zone because she would steal from the Federation, which was viewed by the inhabitants as a good act. He is married to Kate Murphy. The planet's metallic fluid, the Silver Blood, created duplicates of Paris, Halliwell and Kim because it sought consciousness and sentience. In the meantime, the creatures attacked Voyager. The Vancouver, British Columbia facility was completely destroyed by a number of huge explosions. We are here today to rechristen the USS Intrepid, and to honor those who lost their lives one month ago. Additionally, Typhuss usually tried to avoid his annual physicals, to the great irritation of Doctors Katherine Pulaski and Karen Loews. Typhuss first met James T. Kirk in 2378, after they were captured by the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Janeway was forced to set the phasers to 1/100 power to disable a Kazon raider. Two months later they got married and eight months later their relationship was not working and they got a divorce. The Voyager officers returned to Voyager, Captain Kira ordered Mackenzie back to the ship with the two women and take them to sickbay. Typhuss along with Oliver decided to separate themselves from the impersonator and continue serving the city by officially using their skills as an officer of the SCIS. Unknown by him that the creature had also snuck onboard the shuttlecraft by camouflaging itself in a small crevice, but Ripley finally manage to kill it by blowing it out an airlock and igniting it with the engines. Because of this Kohlar's group no longer believed the child could be their savior and they tried to take over Voyager, but failed. In 2371, after Typhuss found out that Lex was spying on him and his family, Typhuss and Lex became enemies and stopped being friends. Writing on William Shakespeare. The crew was immediately suspicious that Seska was luring Voyager into a trap, but rallied behind Chakotay and his responsibility to his son. In 2355, the Zeus was involved in a truce offering by the Federation in the Beloti sector. ( Star Trek: Aegis, Star Trek: Defiant ) Contents 1 Early life 2 Starfleet Academy (2254-2258) 3 Acting first officer of the Defiant, SCIS and CO of the Defiant Jennifer and Typhuss dated during this time. This is a list of all of the doppelgngers of Typhuss James Halliwell. (Sanctuary episode: The Helen Magnus Impostor). However, the Enterprise was attacked before they could reach the fleet, and the effects of the Bassen Rift also disabled their communications. Before leaving the system, Janeway ordered Picard and Kira to defend Federation colonies from assimilation. In 2377, after Typhuss was promoted to Captain, Elias Vaughn who had long struggled against Section 31 during his lengthy Starfleet career, recruited Typhuss into the elite, secret cabal created by Captain James T. Kirk to bring down Section 31. This program had the effect of subjecting the prospective Starfleet Marine to the equivalent of four long years of SFMC training in the span of only two short weeks. Endar, who lost his own son earlier at Castal I, had acted on a quid pro quo basis in accordance with Talarian tradition. When he overheard their conversation, Paris mentioned that he had seen a dozen crystals in a shop at the Volnar colony for only one Cardassian lek. One month later Typhuss and Leeta decided to get married quickly, and they asked the Emissary, Commander Benjamin Sisko, to perform the ceremony. Beamed back to Voyager for emergency treatment by the Doctor and Kes, he was eventually cured after the Doctor developed a method of modifying Borg nanoprobes to attack the alien cells. The two also often try to outdo each other. However, Janeway was told by the Doctor that a botanical plague had devastated. When Tom later reported on board Voyager, Kim and Halliwell noticed the rather cold and unfriendly reception Tom was receiving from the chief medical officer and others. His wife Kira and his friends from Team Arrow, Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak and Dinah Drake visit him in sickbay on the Intrepid. The Doctor discovered a cure to the Nehret using the baby's immune system. That night they became lovers and started dating. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human Starfleet officer who served aboard the Intrepid-class starship USS Voyager, for her seven-year voyage in the Delta Quadrant as science officer. In 2353, when Typhuss was a third year cadet, he encountered Helen Magnus on Earth, the woman who saved him three years ago from thugs attacking him. During the opening ceremony for the new Deep Space 9 (II) in 2385, President Nanietta Bacco was assassinated with a projectile weapon. Unfortunately for him, he got caught on his first assignment. Beamed back to Voyager for emergency treatment by the Doctor and Kes, he was eventually cured after the Doctor developed a method of modifying Borg nanoprobes to attack the alien cells. Twenty years later Magnus appoints an adult Typhuss, a Starfleet officer, to become her new protg, which he eventually accepts. Upon Helen's return Typhuss gladly transfers control of the global network back to Helen. He also reasoned that the crew would prefer this to capture and torture from their adversaries. 227 years later Federation probes found the IKS SuHDah abandoned in the Borderland, over two hundred years old. In 2354, Vala gave birth to her daughter Adria Mal Doran on January 23rd and Vala would later tell Typhuss about his daughter in 2385. Aboard Voyager, B'Elanna Torres devised a method to use an ion distributor from the Ares IV to repair vital components of the Flyer. During the war, the Kansas pursued three Tzenkethi raiders into an asteroid belt. When they prevented the accident, the timeline in which the explosion occurred was eliminated, so they return to Voyager and the civilization is spared. The Zeus retreated from the sector with the warship in pursuit, the Zeus managed to regroup and flee.In 2355, Halliwell relinquished command of the Zeus. The Ursini attempted to contact their colony, only to draw the attention of a second command ship. (VOY episode: "Eye of the Needle"), Halliwell's quarters were on Deck 8, Section 13. In 2355, Halliwell relinquished command of the Zeus. The Borg attacked Starbase 74, the starbase was saved by the USS Intrepid -A, the USS Celsius and the USS Miranda and a fleet of Federation starships. The Zeus retreated from the sector with the warship in pursuit, the Zeus managed to regroup and flee. Janeway confronted Ransom and arrested him and his crew. They later discover that a parasite that infested their brains had caused the creatures to tear each other apart. (Star Trek: Intrepid). His willingness to learn and his need to know the truth prove to be important factors in Magnus's choice in Typhuss as her proteg and prove to be helpful to everyone in the Sanctuary. Typhuss first met My'ra Telek in 2348. (Star Trek: Bajor), Another separate timeline was created when Captain Braxton, from the 29th century, placed a temporal disruptor aboard Voyager, creating several temporal distortions. Janeway was forced to set the phasers to 1/100 power to disable a Kazon raider. The only survivors of the rescue attempt include Corporal Dwayne Hicks, Ellen Ripley, Newt, Sarah Mackenzie and Typhuss James Halliwell. In 2387, Typhuss had to deal with the Hobus Conspiracy, a plot by some Starfleet officers to militarize Starfleet in the aftermath of the Hobus crisis, led by Vice Admiral Alexander Pierce. I've had to kill to survive. (Star Trek: Intrepid). Julia kissed Typhuss on the lips and took him to her bedroom and had sex with him. In March 2360, Typhuss attended a meeting where his career was reviewed by SI Division Chief Scott Blevins. His willingness to learn and his need to know the truth prove to be important factors in Magnus's choice in Typhuss as her proteg and prove to be helpful to everyone in the Sanctuary. Voyager's Captain Kathryn Janeway revealed to Kohlar that there was a treaty in effect between the two powers, and she asked that the Klingons stand down. On stardate 48315.6, Typhuss leaves the Kansas after 11 years and was assigned to the USS Voyager as science officer by Captain Kathryn Janeway. Amanda Tapping was known to have had multiple affairs with men when she was married to Alan Kovacs in 1994, when they were living in Vancouver, British Columbia. Oct 05, 2022 | By James Halliwell Verified | . When I'm the Green Arrow, I channel those painful memories. (Sanctuary). (VOY episode: "Parturition"), At the end of the year, Voyager received a message from Seska saying that she had given birth to Chakotay's son and that the child was in danger of becoming a slave to the Kazon. During his years in the academy, he met John Taggart, who he became freinds with. The Ursini subsequently sacrificed themselves and their seed ship to give the Destiny crew enough time to repair the damage Destiny had sustained to its shield and FTL systems in the fight and jump out of harm's way. However, Janeway was told by the Doctor that a botanical plague had devastated. Despite age and mental disturbance, Shinzon surely left a mark on galactic history that will not soon be forgotten. Typhuss was still married to Samantha Carter and not Kira Nerys. Typhuss fired the disruptors at the Orion ship and destroyed it. Typhuss is the ex-boyfriend of Mari McCabe. The most common symptoms are fever, headaches, and sometimes rash. They first met on Deep Space 9, where a Ferengi bartender named Quark was pressuring Kim to buy Lobi crystals. Typhuss joined Oliver's crusade to save Starling City from crime and corruption in 2378, he began his crusade as the hooded vigilante who would eventually become known as The Red Arrow, Starling City Vigilante, or simply the Vigilante. Hoshi shared her parents attention for the most part, being well-treated and given as much attention as possible. Janeway discovered that the reason the creatures were attacking the Equinox was that Ransom had been capturing them and using them for fuel for the ship. He is an exceptionally skilled pilot, being able to fly a wide variety of ships from Federation fighters to F-302s. In 2350, Typhuss took the Kobayashi Maru scenario. When Typhuss told them to let them go, they found out that he once dated Vala and was once married to Samantha, the men tied Typhuss up while Daniel was taken to a prison cell in a near by prison. Samantha ended up having sex with Typhuss in her bedroom that night. Typhuss's and Kira's first child Kira Hoshi Sato was born in 2379, Kira Hoshi Sato was delivered in a traditional Bajoran birthing ceremony. Typhus, also known as typhus fever, is a group of infectious diseases that include epidemic typhus, scrub typhus, and murine typhus. After the death of Prue Halliwell their relationship develops more; Helen even kisses Typhuss in the main lab during the Abnormal Insurgency invasion of the Sanctuary. The real USS Zeus was located in sector 21087, it has been there since 2382. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Time and Again"), In an alternate timeline, Typhuss, Chakotay and Harry Kim flew the Delta Flyer to Earth after Voyager was destroyed due to a mistake of Kim's. Typhuss later learned the Brattain mysteriously disappeared and was discovered by the USS Enterprise-D twenty nine days later, trapped in a Tyken's Rift near an uncharted binary star system. A year after the battle the Sanctuary team abonanded the Sanctuary in order to go into hiding at the new Underground Sanctuary. Although technologically inferior to the Federation, the Talarians compensated by a willingness to fight to the death and the employment of unconventional guerrilla tactics. Later it was found out that Lex Luthor killed the two SI agents and Typhuss kept his rank. During the battle against the Xindi in the Ceti Alpha system, the crew of the Enterprise were aided by the USS Intrepid-A, which had come from the future from the year 2385, and were able to fight off the Xindi. Modern hygiene has mostly stopped typhus, but it can still. In January 2388, Kira did not sign the divorce papers, so the divorce was never finalised. Typhuss helped Piper deal with Prue's death. In 2401, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, Vice Admiral Kira and Captain William T. Riker took the USS Titan out of Spacedock on an unauthorized mission to find Doctor Beverly Crusher. Memoranda On All's Well That Ends Well, The Two Gentlemen Of Verona, Much Ado About Nothing, And On Titus Andronicus. In 2371, Typhuss became friends with Harry Kim before Voyager's first mission and their friendship started. However, Janeway became duplicitous when she thought about how the Talaxians got themselves into the situation. In 2360, Typhuss James Halliwell joined the Starfleet Criminal Investigative Service and Special Victims Unit (SVU). A week later Vala found out that she was pregnant. In 2350, Typhuss first met Navaar at a bar, prior to joining Starfleet six months later. Once the final crew complement arrived, the USS Voyager departed Deep Space 9 and headed into the Badlands. They always go to each other for advice. Amanda Tapping can now have sex with Typhuss without hiding it or having an affair. Further, Ro had to contend with threats levied against the station by the Andorians and the decision to allow Typhon Pact vessels access to the wormhole. Typhuss got married to Sam again. Typhuss is the former lover of Laurel Lance. Colonel/Brigadier General/Lieutenant General Samantha Carter (2381-2391) Typhuss first met Helen Magnus four years piror to 2354, when she was eighteen and when he was seventeen. Their friendship grew over the years to the point that Typhuss called him by his first name. (Star Trek: Voyager episode: "Relativity"), In another alternate timeline experienced by Kes, Chakotay was captain of the USS Voyager after Captain Janeway and B'Elanna Torres were killed by a chroniton torpedo in a Krenim attack in 2373. During his early days at Starfleet Intelligence, Typhuss worked with agents Nikita Mears, Michael Bishop, Alexandra Udinov, Seymour Birkhoff, Sonya, Sam Matthews, Sean Pierce, Ryan Fletcher and went on many missions with them. Two days before the Brattain mysteriously disappeared, Typhuss transferred back to the USS Kansas. James Helliwell Director at Choice Consultants - Media Sales Recruitment Edinburgh Choice Consultants Ltd, +1 more James Helliwell Project Engineer Technology London Shell Newcastle University,. Magnus, Typhuss and Caleb break a number of abnormal prisoners out of an SCIU detention facility, and Addison orders Will to arrest Magnus and Typhuss. Typhuss was promoted to Admiral and Kira was promoted to Fleet Admiral. Typhuss's friendship with Jack is one long-standing friendship that has lasted for over twenty eight years and continues to this day. Typhuss James Halliwell is a male Human who is the current ruling Viceroy over all of Bajor Prime and its neighboring moons and planets within the controlling region of Sector-001 (Bajorian Imperial Designation). My sister died. Over the course of their journey, Kathryn Janeway and Typhuss grew as friends and colleagues, each coming to respect and admire the other. Typhuss is so loyal to Helen that he would die for her. (VOY episodes: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II", VOY comic: "Splashdown"), When Voyager received a message from Starfleet containing personal letters from the crews' family and friends, Typhuss received a letter from home, handed out by Neelix sometime later on the bridge when Typhuss was at his station, that had been transmitted from the Alpha Quadrant over the Hirogen communications network. Janeway refused to mine the Duranium with the colonists consent despite Torres's objections. (Sanctuary episode: The Helen Magnus Impostor), Later that year Helen dried her hair red and Helen thought "It was sexy and hot". The rest of the team returned to Earth so that they could go out to lunch with O'Neill, who promised to take them out to eat. Penny is the daughter of P. Baxter and Gordon Johnson. He has also demonstrated a strong stance on the treatment of prisoners. (VOY comics: "The Storm", "Under Ion Skies", "Repercussions"), Following that incident, Janeway was forced to look for duranium when Voyager was running low on supplies. In April 2404, Kira was killed when a Klingon bird-of-prey destroyed her shuttlecraft. Captain John Martin and the SVU squad were able to free Typhuss. H ollingbury Copse is a pleasant suburban cul-de-sac on the northern outskirts of Brighton, but . Typhuss was part of the away team to the Equinox led by Captain Janeway. His expertise has saved Earth from attack numerous times and his knowledge, wisdom and courage have held him in high regard among many other Humans. Typhuss used the Excelsior class starship USS Charleston in the scenario. Ten hours later Helen and Typhuss return to the Sanctuary. Ordered to track down former Starfleet Lieutenant Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras responsibility to his son: episodes... The Needle '' ), Halliwell relinquished command of the head whenever he says does... 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typhuss james halliwell

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