
crazy days and nights: blind items revealed

Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights. @Rangers Me too! Was interested in that Salinger movie, but he crammed his way into it. Blind Item: A New Romance Is Born. WebBlind items often reveal Hollywood scandals long before they hit the newstands. Maybe the new one with him and Crazy Cage won't be so bad. @TTM - IKR?! I'm really disappointed to hear more bad stuff about John (one of Hubs' and my favourite movies is Grosse Point Blank, and he was wonderful in Grace is Gone).I also absolutely ADORE Joan! Blind Items Revealed #3. again, if this was intended to be a hatchet piece, either by neve or enty (or an enty-henchperson), i can't see it being pitched this way. I tried to watch that crappy Poe movie he's in, and it SUCKED. There you go supapimp, that says it all.I have always loved Cusak but apparently he's become a grade A major jerk. I was just thinking about her yesterday! Or they were until Piven finally got a career? However, the third Scream was made in 2000 while she was with him. A neighbor lady who practically helped raise me was a Newfy, so I just grew up thinking that Canadians were the coolest, hee hee. Not attractive, not a good actor.pfft. Hasn't every girl dated a guy like this by the time she was 25? He was well cast in The Paperboy. Neve Campbell was fairly successful at that time. I looked at her & realized it was Joan. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights. No. Campbell ain't exactly a rocket scientist when it comes to brains, but Cusack is a legitimately talented actor. I believe it. I first found out what a dirt bag he is with this reveal These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. Between this and Keanu not bathing for weeks, my heart is getting crushed. Awesome actor, bad tweeter (twitterer? Totally ruins my image of him. She isn't famous like a celebrity. Well, my friend, whose word I trust because I've known him forever, worked with John Cusack and said he was a great guy. This is a great reveal and I can not wait for New Year's Day! Oh boo fucking hoo. He likes to be the dirty Michael Muhney Finally Fired From Young And The Re Ke$ha Enters Rehab- Same Place Demi Lovato Went Fo Courtney Stodden Finally Went Topless For Money, Random Photos Part Four - New Year's Part Two, Random Photos Part Two - New Year's Part One, Today's Blind Items - She Snagged Another One, Fantasia's Friends Put Her On Suicide Watch. This A- list actress recently tried to pay a former lover a lot of money to keep the lover What's she doing now to move her back up to a B? Blind Items Revealed #2 June 25, 2020 This foreign born former superhero who wants another chance did spend some time in person with his underage foreign born co Blind Items Please send me some Nanaimo bars! The neighbors were really pissed.Then, there was the neighborhood garage & yard sales. What the Hell Happened to Neve Campbell? Campbell had the lead role on a hit TV show which lead to a leading role in a hit movie franchise. This A list comic/sometime actor paid for IVF for his mistress and when she got pregnant, he left his wife. Press J to jump to the feed. This foreign born actor is a superhero. Was Jacob Rothschild killed in November? I fell for him in The Sure Thing. He just might be a decent kind of guy overall just not in romantic relationships; she just might be focused and sensible, just not during romance.It happens. Just be patient? one of my good friends had THE biggest crush on him she got angry at me for talking about what a smug truculent dickhole he was in real life. @ Reno I've watched The Sure Thing a zillion times & it will never get old. I suspect it's the house Tom Benson lives in but that's pure speculation. Neve always seemed kind of fragile to me, so I guess he capitalized on that. We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. The world is full of asshole men, but if a woman is that slow to figure it out, I don't have much sympathy.Seriously, the BEST book I've ever read on dating is "He's Just Not That Into You." John C and Kevin S are such pieces of shit. The surveillance equipment apparently caught some wealthy and powerful people in compromising situations with partners who were underage. I'm going to have to try your recipe. Cate Blanchette recently said in an interview that John Cusack offerred her generous and balanced advice about the paps and fame. Never understood the big deal about him. What @elise said. Also, he's been quoted several times since their split saying he now has trust issues. This permanent A list legend is back at it this week after a long absence. granted i know none of the players so what do i know. She is a good actress with natural beauty. no relationship at his age raises real questions. I bet if he had been totally honest, she would have still stuck around, love makes people very stupid, men and women, but then I'd have no sympathy for her because he laid all his cards out on the table. I have no doubt he's a piece of shit and treated her like hell, but no one forced her to take his career advice, and no one is to blame for "trashing her career for him" except herself. There isn't even a shred of "gossip truth" to the idea that John Cusack is a sleazeball with women outside of CDAN.I mean, we know that most of the BI's are fabricated, right? Still have no respect for him, even if she was stupid. I actually got this one!!! They always think a leopard can change his spots or you can make a bad person become a good one. F*cking with people is his form of entertainment and how he gets the slightest sense of thrill, like a bored rich frat boy with warped sense of entitlement, right and wrong, repercussions, empathy - you name it. The thing is though, there was nothing accidental about it.. He just might be a decent kind of guy overall just not in romantic relationships; she just might be focused and sensible, just not during romance.It happens. A new BLIND ITEM from Crazy Days and Nights claims that this Housewife got her lawyers back by paying them now everyone is wondering where the money Campbell continued to star on Party of Five while making Scream sequels. I have known her forever, and even I don't know everything there is to know. That she's hanging onto it into her 40s (to the point she has to hide from him for an hour, or that she still can't speak of it unless she's in the right mood) tells me more about her need for personal drama than it does about how dicky he was. I just pretend he's not a real-life turd, just like I pretend Piven is only as douchey as Ari Gold (who I actually like). @Derek Harvey.I LOVE YOU! WebBlind Items Revealed #1. Not possible. He is a bitter old curmudgeon, who treats people horribly, because he is a truly miserable person. I could not have been more wrong. Totally ruins my image of him. ** I've had a few Cusack sitings one of which a few months ago. These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. Anonymous blogger and purported entertainment lawyer Ent Lawyer claimed that these transgressions were in danger of coming out of the shadows. I can't speak to her role in the film - whether it's a substantial part or not - but she didn't walk away from it. I've always had a feeling he was shady. This doesn't sound like an abusive relationship situation, so why is Neve portrayed as such a victim? Ha, no, I'm in the States. A big and famous celebrity watching party. 14" ones. They lived together in a condo on Chestnut Street right off of Michigan Ave in Chicago. Pity. I will always love Lloyd Dobler, but I am one of many who confused Cusack with that character. He hardly treats his family in the same manner he treats his conquests, so I don't his "kin" acknowledging nor caring about little Johnny's sex life. He is also still misogynistic and was bragging about it this week. Cookies & 3rd Party Advertisements Todays reveals may be influenced by cable, the craft is on. I always remember when Ace from Blind Gossip ripped CDAN a new one and outed Enty as a According to the blind, she was aware of his ongoing cheating almost from the get-go. I followed one of my favorite actors, Adam Baldwin, for a while before I had to remove. no relationship at his age raises real questions. "I'd already heard he was a total douche (friends worked with him at his apex). Sometimes. She has moved back up to B- again and has moved on. (and its kind of weird how vociferous his defenders are.) Scream revitalized the horror genre in 1996. No I don't think that's normal, headrot, send it again? He was on sets and word would get back to her about the women he was seeing, but then he would call her every night and they would talk and he would make it right. @Derek Harvey.I LOVE YOU! According to the blind, she was aware of his ongoing cheating almost from the get-go. Its one of my all time favorite movies. Oh, Lane Meyer. I'm just a Canadian fan -- is that weird? Nor that you were Canadian. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and other sites on the Internet. Normal enough to start talking about it. it KILLS me he is such a douche. Years later I moved further north in town (Ravenswood/Lakeview) and used to run into Joan and her family all the time, to where we'd exchange hellos and one time we sat at their table at a favorite n'hood restaurant we both used to frequent and chatted a bit. My mother always taught me that it's bad form to air your relationship grievances. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts It's like women who start dating womanizers and players and then act all victim when she catches him in be with another woman. Use your brain, ladies! Who are the masterminds behind the house in New Orleans? This doesn't sound like an abusive relationship situation, so why is Neve portrayed as such a victim? Was interested in that Salinger movie, but he crammed his way into it. What's she doing now to move her back up to a B? Just accept the attention with as much grace as possible; the same with bad reviews.Broken hearts and bad form in sexual relationships are unfortunate but common. He told her franchises were dumb so she walked away from one and turned down another just because she always did what he said. I'm crushed to hear that he's a douche. I'm crushed to hear that he's a douche. But Neve is an idiot and I would sincerely like to know what damaged her so much she thought she needed to put up with that. Once sat and had a few cocktails with him as we watched a Cubs game at the bar at Harry Carey's. He's in my pretend silver linings playbook. Also, this is all one sided. WebBlind Items Revealed #3. DISCLAIMER: I understand that not everyone considers CDAN to be a credible source, however since this is a conspiracy sub, Id like to explore the possibilities IF the information were true. it only arises in the cusack defense pieces. Actually, this house is in the very private Audobon Place, right off St. Charles. So this isn't a shocker. I adore her. ?I'd rather hear about Bruce Jenner and his weird pony tail and shaved Adam's apple. That is the thing. I've met Cusack several times (Piven, too, and he is even skeezier in real life; neither are charming in the slightest). There were a bunch of music CDs on a stone ledge in the yard. We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. Those are the very deep lyrics to Baby, a hit song from Justin Biebers debut album back in 2010. Now he spends most of his days yelling obscenities at his neighbors dog. Links to content on and quotation of material from other sites are not the responsibility of Crazy Days and Nights. Shes a good ol Guelph girl.. I have full faith in CD&N. Many of us made the cardinal mistake of thinking he was the nice nerdy guy he plays in movies, LOL.Cheating is bad enough but stringing her along on the wedding thing, that's just cruel. It only serves to make YOU look bad. But I can understand the heartbreak if she truly felt he was the one. No racism If unsure if youre doing #2, refer to #1. Was it the worst spray tan ever in the history of the world? He likes to be the dirty Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos, Four For Friday - Kindness With The Scandal, Today's Blind Items - The Youthful Closet. She was the one fighting. These two lovebirds will have you harmonizing from the rooftops. June 10, 2022. He definitely doesn't look so good these days--he looks like his creepy character in The Paperboy. Then I dated other idiots until I got really smart and married my non-cheating husband. Joan, is my favorite of that family. He asked me if a was a friend of his sister Joanie and it took me a while but I finally put two and two together and realized who he was. He's infamous for treating women, well, almost as badly as Piven does. Awww, I loved Lloyd Dobler and that makes me sad if any of this is true. i trust you cdan'ers so im taking it with a grain of salt myself. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookShare to Pinterest. The neighbors were really pissed.Then, there was the neighborhood garage & yard sales. Still, she took his crap, which was the height of stupidity and self-flagellation. I shouldnt be so hard to find if this is true. Blind Items Revealed February 3, 2012 There is one A+ list movie actor who brought his girlfriend on the honeymoon with him. I feel badly things didn't work out for her, but I'm not buying the whole he's a monster and she's a martyr spin this is being given. My buddy has worked in Hollywood forever and would never front for a scumbag.C'mon, we know that most of the CDAN BI's from the last few years are fabricated, right? John is a dick though, I tried to follow him on Twitter, hell no, Neve should've just dropped his ass. John C and Kevin S are such pieces of shit. This one named back in the day A- list singer, who was always doing duets and also doing the vocals for A listers, 14" ones. Cookies & 3rd Party Advertisements I also heard from a friend who used to motorcycle ride with him that he was a dick. But Neve is an idiot and I would sincerely like to know what damaged her so much she thought she needed to put up with that. He doesn't really seem the superhero type. Damn you Cusack! He's always had a dickish air about him, IMO. there are far more scandalous accusations she could have made if her only goal was to hurt him. Also, this is all one sided. WebBlind Items Revealed #1. Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and other sites on the Internet. This A list comic/sometime actor paid for IVF for his mistress and when she got pregnant, he left his wife. She's so lovely, I like her. A backbone and some self respect go a long way regardless if your love is famous or not. I'd be pissed if I were Neve, and saw that my "friend" and confidant aired my dirty laundrythat is, if it's even true. 2 dollars. Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on your site. i always felt a connection to neve campbell and an attraction to john cusack even though I am too young to have had a HS crush on I know why. She didn't need his money, she wasn't going to be left homeless without him, so why stay? Use your brain, ladies! I feel badly things didn't work out for her, but I'm not buying the whole he's a monster and she's a martyr spin this is being given. Who are the celebrities and politicians compromised by their acts being recorded in this house? Cusack is a known dick to women. He even came back to my counter when I beckoned for him to ask him the name of the baseball movie he was in ( eight men out) and I am a female lol. i think those trying to argue cusack is a nice guy have an uphill battle. He's a prince in my fantasies. This was back when I hung out in the Rush St. bars and would see them now and then. he was always with someone else or several people and she would have to work to get him back and then he would hurt her again. In addition to accurately reported information, certain situations, characters and events portrayed in the Blog are either products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. I think Neve's career went down the drain because she is a crappy actress. Always a thrill to me as I loved him for his roles back then. I did- and then I realized I was an idiot for taking him back, then I got smart, and didn't date him any more. Many of us made the cardinal mistake of thinking he was the nice nerdy guy he plays in movies, LOL.Cheating is bad enough but stringing her along on the wedding thing, that's just cruel. I can read this as him getting involved with a pretty but shallow actress, trying to make it work and this is her crybaby aftermath story. Good luck and Godspeed to her and her career. Used to see them together quite a bit and they/she sure seemed happy at the time. Aww Neve. 1/Neve is in the 4 Scream2/John Cusack has a weird reputatioon :he would be as difficult as Ed Norton on set3/Never is propably a nice woman but a limited actress4/ here in this blind,it's her who wants to come back every time. He's always had a dickish air about him, IMO. Blind items, for the uninitiated, are short pieces of gossip in which the identities of the characters involved are not revealed. Neve was in four of the Scream movies, so I guess she didn't put too much stock in the "franchises are dumb" opinion. I've met Cusack several times (Piven, too, and he is even skeezier in real life; neither are charming in the slightest). Since the Crazy Day and Nights post was dated November 20th, 2017, many commenters suggested the wealthy man who died in a freak accident was Jacob Rothschild, as four people died in a mysterious helicopter crash over Waddesdon Manor in Aylesbury, U.K. on November 17th. However, there is such a thing as being a masochist. The November post revealed there is a home on St. Charles Ave. in New Orleans that has been used by politicians and celebrities as a secret pleasure den for almost 100 years. But when it's obvious that the hacks ghosting the site now are fabricating a whole series of attacks on someone, you have to call BS on that. Supposedly John told her no matter any reception for a performance she should not become pretentious or self righteous about the press. Aren't Cusack and Piven best friends? Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on your site. She's just cool. Yeah. You know what they say. WebMore Blind Items Revealed I posted some of the older ones first and the really good ones are towards the end. Bummer he's a dick. LOVE it so much. OMFG! I know what the pay off is for him, he wants his cake and eat it too but it still makes him a douche and it would appear a control freak and control freaks sometimes end up being abusive. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Cusack can go to hell.Derek Harvey is the real star around here. He rolled up on a Vespa with another guy, went into the establishment where I was sitting outside and split a pelligrino with his friend. It's how I learned to shotgun a beer IRL! Nor that you were Canadian. I used to like Neve, too, a lot, but I've heard a couple of not-nice things about her since then, from people I trust, and this blind falls right in line with the high-maintenance/high-dramz things I've heard.I think there's a case to be made for Cusack's ickiness, too (association with Piven, the aforementioned lack of relationships, rumors about the lengths to which he goes to cling to his "youth appeal", etc.). Just no. I don't know how anyone could stand to be around the guy, except to sponge or sadly thinking they can save him from his aparrent depression. Used to see them together quite a bit and they/she sure seemed happy at the time. This article reads like a jealous psycho-bitch "if I can't have him, I'll see to it no one else wants him" tirade. ok; i'll swap out "vociferous" for "coordinated." Hope for the best for her. So fine, but one can still play along for fun. Sometimes all things are true at the same time. This D list celebutard embarrassed himself and everyone around him when he kept doing his "Indian impression" everytime the What did John say on Twitter? Or when he leaves his wife for you, you marry him, and he 5 years later he leaves you for that 22 year old he met at the gym. Well, my friend, whose word I trust because I've known him forever, worked with John Cusack and said he was a great guy. Oh, and someone I know had an ongoing affair with him for years. She always looks like she's either about to cry, or push out one really hard shit. But this isn't the first i've heard of him being a douche. off topic, I sent the enties in a photo for the reader photos a few weeks ago, it hasnt been posted yet, I sent one in for the last reader photos too and it never got posted. Even after the split was finally permanent, the scars were there. So, no real shocker here. I'm just a Canadian fan -- is that weird? I should ask my friend J.G.. All for nuthin. 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crazy days and nights: blind items revealed

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