
camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968

I cried to myself on the way back to the base. When we got there the doc wanted to show us around. It was creepy doing that trip to the causeway. This is the poem I wrote about the little girl who died from gangrene. After he was medivaced one young labor worker(Baby son) would ask me every morning If I had heard how Barbee was and if I got a letter from him. I went to my CO and asked to help. The only answer I could give them that they would except was. After a short rest to pull my self together I went back and finished putting the door spring on and about that time one of my team mates picked me up and took me back to the shop. ( the rules for Camp Books were that to be off base you had to have a weapon). Well whenever I was working in that area I would sneak in the tent and find some dirty uniforms,still in good shape and steal them, put them in my crew tool box and take them back to my hooch and hand wash them ! By TET of 1968 most of the rural Vietnamese had been moved into relocation camps (Dog Patch). My address is: Phillip K. Sampley. At that time the base fir truck showed up. Over time that changed, I didn't want to know any newbies! Keep exploring. Craig Tailor is on the left and on the right is Carl Rice who came on board about the same time as the new Chief. They did hit the fuel bladders at truck company several time so I knew there would be a nice warm fire if our fuel tank got hit. LCM is up to port side of barracks craft. These Vietnam War photos taken by U.S. Army photographers reveal a side of the conflict that few people have ever seen. On May 15 I had finished 6 or 8 escape doors. I slowly walked around the trailer checking them out. If there were any trouble calls from the Marines (usually lights out on the perimeter or something not working at the mess hall) then it was jump in the truck drive out and check and drive over to our hooch and get who ever was needed to go fix the problem. They had to be manned 24 hours a day. It was time to go look for some food! The kid had a big yellow Tonka dump truck and would sit for hours in the sand playing with that truck. I guess that is why there were a lot of E-2 in the Marines. Luxury. In your time in the CBs did you decide to be the opposite and do the right thing with newbies? With tears in my eyes I told the guard that I had been helping the doc at the children's clinic and he could take his fucking travel chit and shove it up his ass! Some morning I would be more tired when I woke up than when I went to bed. I am not sure what possessed me to write poems there. The two crew members jumped out just under the flames .They carried their M-60 machine guns. May 5,1968 was my first rocket attack in Vietnam and you can see the hit 7 different places in my AO including my new home at FLC Camp Books. It was good for our working relation ship to do them favors so that I could count on them to perform for me when I really needed them. Gave me the creeps then and still does now when I think about it! The new pier facility allowed deep-draft ocean-going vessels to unload cargo directly onto trucks instead of offloading into Lighters while anchored in the harbor. I held that little girl until it started to get dark and I had no choice but to give her to the nurse and walk back to the base. Apart from some shopping highlights and historical sights, the main reason for most travelers staying here is its proximity to the well-known My Khe Beach, Lang Co Beach, Hoi An and My Son. Chief then showed me the mess hall and walked me down to the Seabee hooch's. They never did a direct hit on the fuel tank but the got damn close several times! These positive relations were largely a reflection of the fact that black and white soldiers in combat were heavily dependent on one another. Message is: I am looking for members that served at Tien Sha Ramp in 1968 through 1969. We went through the gate, down Main Street, took a left and stopped in front of a small building that looked like a hamburger stand. Sometimes we could be called out 2 or 3 times in a night. I was in Danang less than a month when the Vietcong used rockets to attack the Danang Air Base for the first time in the war, on the morning of February 27. A couple of our guys , Craig Taylor and Pat Brown were interested in learning to Scuba dive so I took it upon my self to teach them. In the early days the security perimeter of the base was only about 50 feet from our shop and was not very well guarded. On the evening of May 23 we got a knew man in, Karl Voiles. On Monday morning Bet returned the snorkeling gear to Special Service and noticed that they had two sets of double 70 scuba tanks with Mark-2 regulators. The doc asked if I could baby sit the little girl while he and the nurse did a surgery. I even passed an enlisted sailor with a can of white paint and he was John Wayne mode is when you still think you are invincible, nothing can hurt you because you are the good guy with the white hat and shit only happens to some one else. Some where along the line the nurse had done an IV drip. On May 22 at 0200 hr. We took several trucks and picked up Pham Ba and Babyson outside the gate and headed down the road. When I found out about that I went with Bet to talk to that officer. By July 1968 NSA Danang handled 350,000 tons of cargo each month for the 200,000 allied . 3. What we finally did was a one man 12 hour watch. [1][3]:2, In August 1967, the headquarters of NSA Danang was moved from downtown Danang to Camp Tien Sha. Military Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. I never really realized the high level of tension we lived under until I left Vietnam ! There was always something interesting to watch at Camp Books. I am a 20 year old US soldier and my country says I have to be here! Tlchargez ds aujourd'hui la photo Camp Tien Sha. March 29, 1969. [3] NSA Danang originally operated from a commercial pier on the city side of the Hn River and this "Museum Ramp" (160300N 1081328E / 16.05N 108.2245E / 16.05; 108.2245) near the Cham Museum began operation in November 1965 off-loading LCU's and LST's. The former Marine HQ (III MAF) which was located not too far away is now used by the Vietnamese army (it was built by the French) and is a no . Did he live or die? I am sure had I not done that , the Chief, when he came down to the hootch, would have solved the problem by sending me back to China Beach. The nurse in the center of the picture is the one who helped amputate the farmers legs. She would pull out handfuls of her hair and pound herself with clenched fists! Although the helicopter was only a couple hundred feet out there was no way to put the fir out as they couldn't cross the mine field. All in the name of saving them from Communism. while we were starting the wall framing we heard the sound of a UH-1 helicopter. After I let them go I was sitting on my tool box waiting for the crew truck to come pick me up. Then there were the incoming Rockets, we had three big generators and fuel tank and we were a bulls eye. Older Vietnam veteran who served in the US Navy at Camp Tien Sha, Da Nang, 1968-1969. went by (so slowly! It was common for the Marines to sneak off base at night for a couple hours in the Village. (my home base). (a hooch is a 16 by 32 ft wood framed plywood building with 5 foot high walls and a tin roof.) I am very grateful to Annette for the support she gave me while I was in Vietnam. Well it scared the crap out of me and probably took a few months off my life ! Then walk the length of pier re-installing any buffer pads that might have come out. Although the rules were they had to go back and check out. The MPs had used their white belts as tourniquets just above the knees. Often times during a rocket or mortar attack rounds would over shoot landing in Hoa Kahn or Dog Patch ,providing children for the Clinic. Familiar Places. So just go back to work and keep moving so he doesn't have a stationary target and you should be OK!" Pilot, youre the one flying the plane. I feel strongly about it and love learning more on this topic.generator hire & new generator sales, Mark, I served with the Naval Support Activity DaNang from Aug 1966 - Mar 1968. Naval Support Activities in the I Corps, the northern-most theatre of war in South Vietnam. U.S. I wish I would have known about it then! Both of his legs had been pretty much blown off. In November 1965 500 men moved into the old French Army camp, Camp Tien Sha at the foot of Monkey Mountain. loading the LSTs and loading onto trucks. I served there and just would like to hear from some of the guys that was there. Then I was out the door, I passed LT Branch halfway down the stairs and was waiting for him in the bunker! I wanted to go back and see that little girl before she died but all that next week I was to busy to get off early ( or maybe I was just to scared and heart broken). Well I don't know how much of an impression that left on me but these guys getting killed in the Skivvy house got my attention ! Naval Support Activity Danang or NSA Danang was a United States Navy logistics support organization located in Danang, South Vietnam active from October 1965 to April 1972. . We weren't expecting any new men and we don't have the time to train you. Craig Taylor was pulled from the job to go work another project.He had also gotten cement poisoning in a cut on his foot so would not be able to help on any more concrete work. The sign on the mess hall door Port bow of the barracks craft shows no. I dont know a damn thing so It must have been about 1100 hr. I went out and sat on my toolbox and thought about what I had just experienced. Pham Ba went around back to take a pee. Unfortunately when we got there it was closed for one hour for lunch and Coate did not have the time to hang around. Next thing I realize he has a hold on my sleeve. by the time they got to us AWC# 5 we would be awake (hopefully) and report in. The shop door are between the 2 telephone poles. said hours 1700 to 2100. June 29, 2022; creative careers quiz; ken thompson net worth unix Dock area at Da Nang harbor. Go through their front gate then out their back gate to the causeway. Another source for jungle fatigues was up at Camp Reasoner. An electrician CN (E-3). The Brief. But when shit happens to you and you are the victim, everything changed! To know all the different sounds was to be able to read what was happening at night and how safe I was. Le logo iStock est une marque dpose de iStockphoto LP. The carpenter flat bed truck. He's shooting from a long way out and hasn't hit anyone yet. BBC News, Da Nang, Vietnam. When we arrived at Red Beach the Seabee team shop was a mad house. (Actually, I rode in a truck.) The doc had no idea but it was a sure thing she was going to die. The Doc told me to help tie the farmer down to the desk. On the far end of the bridge right I suppose that I needed that time alone to recover from the amputation! James L Chambers (cause of death,misadventure). I took my time cooling myself off in that shower then went Didn't get any meals so after we were finished we ate sandwiches with the mid watch Marines at the mess hall. I donated money several times while at Camp Books. We were also vulnerable to sappers . I'm sorry my last letter to you was so abruptly ended, but I figured I'd best get it sent, otherwise you'd still be waiting. The guys loaded up my tool box and gave me an M-16 so I would be able to walk back to the base later. There was no time off just the same 12 hr work shift. and drop their bow ramps. Soon there were Marines all over the place. The plane started to drop, going in steep and fast. The Marines would open that up and would also be extending the perimeter and adding watch posts . This is my Poem about the farmer who stepped on the mine. Ray Norton. That distance above us was only 4 feet. Les nouveaux clients peuvent tlcharger cette image en profitant de notre offre dessai gratuit sans engagement. On Tuesday May 14 I finished my hooch and settled into the corner right inside the door. Sleeping in that bunker was not good.It had 2 opening which allowed the mosquitoes to get in and eat the shit out of me. Clayton Beerworth and I were working on major repairs there by 0600 and the Mess hall was in operation more or less by that evening although it took a couple more days to get it up to 100% . After the little girl died I never went back to the clinic. There was about a weeks over lap so the knew Chief could learn his job! Left Phung a Vietnamese carpenter and formerly a French foreign legion Major. cold glasses of chocolate milk, ice cream and an apple to go. African Americans perceived racial issues. When I started working on this clinic project I was full of good feelings as to how we were helping these poor Vietnamese people. Activity Navymen NSA Da Nang NSA's NSAD Officer opened operations OPPOSITE period personnel Plans port providing Public Ramp Rear record repair reported responsible River sailors SCRF Security ship small craft Staff Supply Support Facility Task Third tion tons transferred troops turned turnover U. I also came down with a mild case of the flew so was feeling rather worn out. building. This is the Hoa Kahn clinic at the time I started working there. I didn't know it then but that was my last good meal for a long time! DA NANG 66-67 - Camp Tien Sha Naval Support Activity Camp Tien Sha Danang Vietnam Danang Vietnam 1966 1967 Camp Tien Sha was an old French army base. I was face down on the road under the edge of the truck with my foot stuck under the clutch peddle. Nang officers billeting ! When he was all loaded he told them one of the other drivers had the paper work and while they were trying to hunt down the papers he just drove away. The wounded are only those who were medivaced to a hospital. march in columns of two over to that building. Here is the battalion report for May 1968. Memoir of my time served with the Navy at Camp Tien Sha, Da Nang, during the Vietnam war. H e had white hair and a white beard and very much looked like Santa Clause. very first day of war. Let me tell you that wasn't fun at all. We stopped work and watched. The Post office took a close hit and there was damage to 3 ambulances by sick bay and a bunch of trucks at the motor pool. 6320 Selago Drive. He left me sitting there on the steps saying he would send Beerworth down at 1700 hr to get me settled in. Find Camp Tien Sha, Headquarters unit information, patches, operation history, veteran photos and more on The Marines slept 12 to 14 men in a hootch. If one of the other bases in our AO got hit by mortars or rockets then our siren went off and we were on red alert which meant we had to role out with weapons, helmets,and flack jackets and man our posts. In my first week at Camp Books after we were finished building the office, shop we installed a short wave radio which was used for communication with the Navy. The new wood frame building that I did was behind the camera. What the F is wrong with her? We took good care of Judy and she ate very well, We would get stake and chicken from the mess hall and She also loved to drink beer. didnt get shot at and we safely landed and taxied off the run way. This 800-page book provides a meticulous catalogue of American facilities during the Vietnam War -- bases large and small, BOQs, BEQs and memorials -- which were named for individuals who had fallen in battle in this war of our youth. The other important thing we had to do was to check the Red Beach causeway at 2400 hr. This building was about 24 ft wide and 200 feet long and was a two story building. VVA's goals . Danang, VN _ _ DS CS: 1964: Feb 1973: Detachment Bravo, FLTSUPDET, Navcomsta, PI. Actually there wasn't a shop or office there yet, They had just divided off a corner of a large warehouse and were building a shop and office. I was in Danang less than a month when the Vietcong used rockets to attack the Danang Air Base for the first time in the war, on the morning of February 27. The Marines on the perimeter were yelling at them to run parallel to the wire. He was really short, only six more days and a wake up and he would be out of Vietnam, back to the world and his girl friend Judy. The field had been filled with red dirt and rocks and had been compacted with heavy equipment. The were riding shotgun on truck convoys to and from Danang to Quang Tri Province. What has escaped my memory was the "21 club". Welcome to Viet----fuckn Nam you FNGs ( funking new guys) !!! Book cover type. The building site was about 150 yards outside of the north perimeter and the perimeter had not been opened up yet. There were 6 area work centers in the Da Nang AO . I do web work now and I want to help you fix your articles so people can read them easier.I'm not asking to get paid I just want to do something for you. [3]:33, In mid-October 1968 the Deep Water Pier complex (160712N 1081250E / 16.12N 108.214E / 16.12; 108.214) on the Tien Sha peninsula was completed, beginning operations in September 1968. It became the headquarters for all U.S. Price which includes postage (Media Mail) and insurance. Go to to purchase a full-length 31min DVD of "Tien Sha and Da Nang 1969" -- home movies filmed at Camp Tien Sha and DaNang, including . Well, the Camp Tein Sha barracks got me for Friday, and Saturday. May 1. Some of the rocket attacks were on Camp Books (FLC) . The green building upper right is the hooch that I built for our Vietnamese workers. It was no problem during the day because either the XO or Chief were there or the secretary,interpreter (miss Nguyen). Most of them would be dead by now as most of the men were in their mid forties then . Some times a lot of shit happened . Detachment Hue - 1965 - 1970. There was a Marine listening ambush set up outside the perimeter in that area. We had devastated their economy and destroyed their infrastructure. What I really Everyone had his turf marked out and nobody was willing to give any for me. It was a real learning experience for the three of us. The Brief. Guard shacks along the pipe line to the ESSO fuel plant, Oil Tanker off loading at the ESSO fuel plant. Camp Haskins, Da Nang, Vietnam, served as headquarters of the 30th Naval Construction Regiment, who exercised operational control of Seabee units deployed to Vietnam. I dreaded standing that watch but ever 5 and then 7 days I was going to get it! is shown across the Han River from Da Nang itself. In reality, it is a collection of ideas, images, and information that enough people have chosen to preserve and disseminate. Well damn right I was scared. Off we went to the supply yard at one of the SeaBee battalions, while we were there we stopped for a quick lunch at the Navy mess hall. . Another thing that screwed up the night for us was our night radio, phone watch, it was a real bitch ! [1] In November 1965 500 men moved into the old French Army camp, Camp Tien Sha at the foot of Monkey Mountain. Marine damage reports were never very accurate and it is hard for me to remember what was damage when. But that only happened once as from then on I was ready. They made runs north to Cua Viet at the mouth of the river (80 miles north of DaNang and 6 miles south of the Demilitarized Zone) and then upriver eight miles to Dong Ha to haul cannon ammunition to the marines. He didn't mince words. " It turned 90 degrees to the right and touched down between two rows of concertina wire in the middle of the perimeter. LCU-63 * MI Nights in Vietnam were uncomfortable at best. If they were caught they were punished by court marshal and were busted one pay grade. When Puppy was big enough our secretary, interpreter Miss Nguyen took Puppy home with her to Danang. 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