
open motor winding failures can be identified by

Does the shop have a significant amount of experience with your motor? Thankfully, computerized equipment and tools can detect issues at levels and in places that human senses arent able to. Winding Shorted Phase-to-Phase This type of insulation failure is typically caused by contaminants, abrasion, vibration or voltage surge. Monitoring has two components: inspection and testing. Your IP: Its responsible for 51% of motor failures. Some motor failures will require asking fewer than five whys. Third, make your motor repair and replace decisions using an industry-accepted decision tree oronline decision toolto standardize and speed up your process. Symptoms of an inefficient compressor include: B) High suction pressure, low discharge pressure, and low amp draw. Uneven mass in motor windings and other wear-related factors. Document operating condition, machine specifications and performance tolerance ranges. That way you can save your bearing next time, instead of simply having it fail again. Its one thing to identify the component thats failed and another thing to isolate the cause of that component failure. Infrared sensors can seamlessly integrate with a software platform that gathers data from many other sensor types. Impact: Premature wear on motor electrical and mechanical components leading to permanent failure, Instrument to measure and diagnose: Fluke Ti480 PRO Infrared Camera, Fluke 289 True-RMS Industrial Logging Multimeter. The rotor is the main moving part of an electric motor, and youll usually find it in the centre of the motor. Sigma current can also be understood as asymmetrical signals in multiple conductors that can capacitively couple currents into the ground conductor. Get thebearing failure checklist. Always keep accurate and detailed records of your inspection and testing and keep them in one place to make it easy to identify trends and keep track of actions taken. Angular soft footangular soft foot occurs when one of the mounting feet is not parallel or normal to the mounting surface. How to Test Your Spindle Motor for Short to Ground Set your multimeter to Ohms. Skip to the next section on. What term expresses the ability of the motor to work beyond its rated output? If the failure was catastrophic, repair may not be a good idea. Possible solution: It is critical that the motor is kept as cool as possible, ensuring the operating environment is kept cool if possible will help prevent breakdowns. Find out in less than 2 minutes. Theres a big difference between reactive maintenance and preventive maintenance (PM). Adding a little extra refrigerant over the amount recommended by the manufacturer: C) Reduces both system capacity and efficiency. Thermal deterioration of insulation in one phase of the stator winding. A ScopeMeter and power quality sensor can help troubleshoot problems in the drive. Energized testing takes place while the equipment is under a simulated load to reveal problems that occur during operation. Then we identify the 5 common causes of industrial motor failure. Check the bearings to make sure they can spin freely. Thermal deterioration of the insulation in all phases of the stator winding typically is caused by load demands exceeding the rating of the motor. Second, formalize your documentation and reporting so its easy to get all the information about a particular motor to the people that need it. Iron(III) sulfate $\left[\mathrm{Fe}_{2}\left(\mathrm{SO}_{4}\right)_{3}\right]$ is composed of $\mathrm{Fe}^{3+}$ and $\mathrm{SO}_{4}^{2-}$ ions. An open winding falls into which general motor failure area? Severe thermal deterioration of the insulation in all phases of the motor normally is caused by very high currents in the stator winding due to a locked rotor condition. a. Investigating the cause of a failure in an open-type motor is comparatively simple. Sounds simple. Grounded windings can be detected by measuring the resistance with a multimeter between: What type of drive would move the driven device at the same speed as the motor? Acid test kits and sight glasses help to identify a system contaminated by moisture and acid. D) Suction pressure goes down and superheat increases. Voltage surges are often the result of switching power circuits, lightning strikes, capacitor discharges and solid-state power devices. Then we identify the 5 common causes of industrial motor failure. runs a motor through its paces while its turned off. The structured process of report writing gets you to think more and differently about what happened. When a motor goes down, someone has to be told. In this case, different is better. Explain your reasoning. a) contamination These winding failures fall into four major categories related to what causes them: thermal stress, mechanical stress, electrical stress, and environmental stress. b) the minimum tension required to keep the belt from slipping at its maximum torque Which type of drive is used to make large changes in RPM or torque from the RPM and torque of the motor? A one horsepower motor with a service factor of 1.2 can safely produce: Manufacturers often recommend adding what component to split systems with unusually long refrigerant lines? Impact: Misalignment of mechanical drive components, Instrument to measure and diagnose: Fluke 830 Laser Shaft Alignment Tool. Skip to the next section on common causes of electric motor failure. When a plant has adopted a preventive maintenance mindset, engineers and technicians are supported to monitor motors and troubleshoot problems before they cause a failure. Extent of failure. The rotor is sometimes called an armature. It can also detect the presence of dirt or moisture. More than one response required. What causes electric motors to fail? Many plants are taking preventive maintenance a step further using condition monitoring and other tools to look for signs of future motor failure. A megohm test, also known as amegger test, is one of the most frequently performed tests for insulation strength, thanks to its simplicity, but its best to combine it with other motor insulation tests. This is another biggie. This weakness is . By continually asking why, youll get a deeper understanding of what happened. Which organizations specify standards for electric motors? Consider the size, age, type and application of your motor. Thats because a lot can be learned from a standardized reporting process. It adducts the humerus. Failuresare shown here to help identify the causes of failure, so that, where possible, preventative measures may be taken. (Note: almost all misalignment is compound misalignment, but practitioners talk about misalignment as the two separate types because it is easier to correct a misalignment by addressing the angular and parallel components separately.). Reproduction of these photographs by print or electronic means is prohibited. Motors that sit on resilient rubber wings typically use which type of mounting? This condition can create a frustrating situation in which tightening the mounting bolts on the feet introduces new strains and misalignment. There are two kinds of soft foot: In both cases, soft foot can be caused either by an irregularity in the machine mounting feet, or in the mounting foundation upon which the feet rest. While these may appear to be rigorous, they may not achieve the true benefits of a less specific failure report, which is to structure a thinking process. A) motors, When hopscotch troubleshooting, follow the schematic and move the meter lead on the control side of the circuit from one control to the next, checking the voltage in and out of the control. c) moisture The questions are based on these four criteria. Hot Surface Ignition System (HSI) controls lockout after how many unsuccessful attempts? Reflections are generated when there is an impedance mismatch between the source and load. Youll notice there are no solutions or implementation sections. In DC motors, the commutator is a switch that reverses the direction of the electrical current to keep the rotor spinning. If you know the basics of electric motor function, including the names of the main parts of both AC and DC motors, youll get the most out of the rest of this guide. It is made of thin metal sheets, called laminations, instead of being solid, to reduce energy losses. Capture and document critical measurements at installation, before and after maintenance and on a routine basis. Not so fast. Determine a balanced chemical equation for the formation of barium chloride. Sigma current can be found in the motor cabling and is the sum of the current of the three phases at any one point in time. Any time a fuse is replaced or a breaker is reset, which of the following should be checked before operating the system? The voltage will be ________ immediately after the control that is opening the circuit. How long have the staff been there? Excessive motor heat is a major cause of motor failure. Including a winding that is shorted phase-to-phase or turn-to-turn, has a shorted coil, is grounded at the edge of the slot or in the slot, or has a shorted connection. Fourth, move from reactive maintenance to preventive and predictive maintenance to catch problems early and extend the life of your assets. We get it. Create an archive reference of measurements to facilitate trend analysis and identify change of state conditions. Nearly half (48 percent) of all motor failures are due to electrical issues, according to a survey by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The machines provide the data. Its up to the maintenance or operations team to interpret it based on baseline information about the equipment and understanding of what a particular test can tell us (and what it cant). Most problems with single-phase motors involve the centrifugal switch, thermal switch, or capacitor(s). They can test correct shaft alignment, imbalances, looseness, misalignment, and bearings. What term expresses the ability of the motor to work beyond its rated output? But it wont help you prevent it in the future. This type of insulation failure is typically caused by contaminants, abrasion, vibration or voltage surge. Any change in trend line of more than +/- 10% to 20% (or any other % determined, based on your system performance or criticality) should be investigated to root cause to understand why the issue is occurring. Even with a flexible coupling, a misaligned shaft will transmit damaging cyclical forces along the shaft and into the motor, leading to excess wear on the motor and increasing the apparent mechanical load. EASA's Root Cause Failure Analysis manual covers root cause methodology and the specfic stresses that affect each component of an electric motor. This is the logical outcome, given what youve written in the rest of the report. PM has been shown to reduce downtime by as much as 50%. EASA's new streaming sales videos provide relevant and insightful training. A mixture of two common isotopes of oxygen, oxygen- 16 and oxygen-18, is put in a cylindrical chamber that is then spun around its long axis at a very high speed. Another common fault stems from mechanical rubs, which can be the result of looseness of the motor shaft and/or the motor bearings. This includes single-phased winding failures (wye- or delta-connected) caused by an opening from a blown fuse, open contactor, broken power line or bad connection. Timing. A tri-fold brochure containing the information on this page is available for purchase. When a plant has adopted a preventive maintenance mindset, engineers and technicians are supported to monitor motors and troubleshoot problems before they cause a failure. Contact us to speak with a specialist. Foreign bodies which find their way inside the motor can dent bearing . Which NEMA classification can withstand the highest temperature? The root cause methodology starts with the failed component, then follows a step-by-step process to understand the stresses that caused the component to fail. Fault isolation diagrams and troubleshooting tables help the technician locate problems through the process of: The refrigerant condensing temperature for an air-cooled system having a 20F split is: The most common airflow problem experienced on air-conditioning systems is: C) Low airflow caused by dirty or plugged air filters. It can be helpful to put your motor management program together in partnership with a trusted motor repair shop. Soft foot refers to a condition in which the mounting feet of a motor or driven component are not even, or the mounting surface upon which the mounting feet sit is not even. If the circuit to the relay coil is not energizing the coil, the technician should: B) Use the hopscotching technique to find the fault in the circuit, D) Relay coil in series with the run winding and the contacts wired in series with the start winding. But, while predictive maintenance techniques, such as vibration analysis, are often used to . The open is usually caused by a blown fuse, an open contactor, a broken power line or bad connections. And fifth, use your motor shop to help you implement best practices for motor replacement, repair, storage and maintenance at your plant. Already an expert? Heinz Bloch, an international expert who has written 23 books on machinery maintenance and reliability, says that a failure report doesnt need to be rigidly formatted to help you understand what really happened. With the motor running, you can perform dynamic testing to identify issues with temperature, balance and distortion. Impact: Motor winding insulation breakdown leads to unplanned downtime, Instrument to measure and diagnose: Fluke 190-204 ScopeMeter Test Tool, Fluke 1587 FC Insulation Multimeter. Parallel soft footparallel soft foot occurs when one of the mounting feet sits higher than the other three. Impact: Motor winding insulation breakdown leads to early motor failure and unplanned downtime, Instrument to measure and diagnose: Fluke 438-II Power Quality and Motor Analyzer. That way, action can be taken before its too late. (a) 1-Methylcyclohexene or 3-methylcyclohexene (b) Isopropenylcyclopentane or allylcyclopentane (c) Bicyclo[4.2.0]oct-7-ene or Bicyclo[4.2.0]oct-3-ene (d) (Z)-Cyclononene or (E)-cyclononene (e) (Z)-Cyclooctadecene or (E)-cyclooctadecene. This offline testing, often called static testing, looks at insulation resistance, wire damage and current leakage. Insulation failures like this usually are caused by voltage surges. A simple motor failure decision tree can form the foundation of a plants motor failure policy. Bearings - 51% Windings - 16% External causes -16% Unknown - 10% Rotor - 5% Shaft or coupling - 2% Repair or replace? Open windings are also caused by shorted turns, phase-tophase shorts, ground-to-frame shorts, faulty internal coil-tocoil connections, severe overloads, and physically damaged coils. Contamination from dust, dirt and chemicals is one of the leading causes of motor failure. Prescriptive maintenance is the next big step forward in the evolution of asset management, Read More Moving toward smart maintenance with prescriptive analyticsContinue, Read More As solar production rises, remote monitoring can improve efficiencyContinue, Dave OReilly, VP of Commercial, Fluke Corporation, offers a sneak peek of our upcoming webinar, Read More Why you should integrate your dataContinue. De-energized testing runs a motor through its paces while its turned off. Arming maintenance engineers and technicians with the right knowledge, prioritizing workload and managing preventative maintenance to monitor equipment and troubleshoot intermittent, elusive problems can, in some cases, avoid failures due to normal system operating stresses and reduce overall downtime costs. Whos got time to write a motor failure report? Adjacent loads turning on or off, power factor correction capacitor banks or even distant weather can generate transient voltages on distribution systems. Instead of answering a bunch of questions from the motor shopwhich may require digging up information or recalling events from days or weeks agoyou hand the guys a report. Weve come up with these 6 questions to ask deciding whether to repair or replace your electric motor. Yet determining the cause is a critical step in protecting your motors. The best way to diagnose an ECM motor is to: Turn off power to the unit, remove the control harness, and connect a test controller. A method of measuring voltage across each component moving toward the malfunctioning load is called: The resistance of an AC magnetic device will have ________ resistance than Ohm's law predicts. An imbalance in impedance or load distribution can contribute to imbalance across all three of the phases. Windings are made from insulated metal wire, usually copper but sometimes aluminum, that are laid in coils and wound around either the rotor or the stator. A failed bearing has increased drag, emits more heat, and has lower efficiency because of a mechanical, lubrication, or wear problem. Instrument to measure and diagnose: Fluke 810 Vibration Tester. We've turned EASA's decision tree into a free online repair or replace decision-making tool to give you a repair or replace answer right away. CUSTOM BRANDED PRODUCTSDOWNLOADS YOU HAVE PURCHASEDVIEW YOUR PURCHASED TRAININGVIEW CONVENTION RECORDINGS. Sales professionals need to keep their skills sharp in order to discover new leads, nurture promising prospects and close more deals. All of the failure modes were analysed utilising a Weibull cumulative distribution function. and preventive maintenance (PM). A) Fan RPM = Motor RPM Motor Sheave Diameter Fan Sheave Diameter. Describe how energy changes as a ball is thrown in the air. That doesnt mean humans are off the hook, however. The action you just performed triggered the security solution. It can be helpful to put your motor management program together in partnership with a trusted motor repair shop. Most indoor blower motors are ________ motors. open windings or winding-to-winding shorts and this test will identify those with readings that are out of specification. This article demonstrates how to detect the 13 most common causes of winding insulation and bearing failure in advance. For this reason, it is important to check machine alignment more than just at the time of installationprecision alignment is a temporary condition that can change over time. As part of a regular maintenance program, next-generation diagnostic and maintenance tools that include connected tools, sensors and software offer the best way to monitor an electric motors health. When charging a capillary tube system that holds 100 oz., the charge must be: B) Within 5 percent, between 95 and 105 oz. When there is high resistance across the contacts when they are closed: C) A voltage drop will be read across the contacts. These tools can assess electronic harmonics, distortion, and load studies. , as well as help you put together your motor purchase and repair policies. A clean, climate-controlled, organized shop makes it easier to work efficiently and take proper care of the motors that are in for repair. To help mitigate these failures, a variety of motor tests can be performed on electric motors. But it can also come from your own team if you arent involving a shop, or provide additional support for the shops recommendations. Winding shorted phase-to-phase This type of insulation failure is typically caused by contaminants, abrasion, vibration or voltage surge. How long will it take to get the motor repaired? Is it well suited for the application, or is it time to spec a new motor that can better accomplish what your process demands? Which of the following formulas can be used to calculate fan speed (RPM)? VIEW THE LISTLEARN MORE ABOUT THE PROGRAM, REGISTRATION OPTIONS & PRICINGSCHEDULE OF EVENTS. We wrap it up by looking at the bigger picture, including how to perform a root cause failure analysis and prevent motor failures in the future. Chances are, you arent the final decision maker on larger operational and capital expenditures. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. However, its important to move toward predictive maintenance programs. A failed bearing has increased drag, emits more heat, and has lower efficiency because of a mechanical, lubrication, or wear problem. Vibration and alignment tools are the best technology for diagnosing mechanical faults in rotating machines. The imagers test faulty connections, overheated bearings, and tank levels. a) tight enough so that it does not slip on startup Manufacturers often recommend adding what component to split systems with unusually long refrigerant lines? Winding insulation breakdown and bearing wear are the two most common causes of motor failure, but those conditions arise for many different reasons. Electrical unbalance usually indicates an electrical failure such as an open stator or rotor winding, an open bar or ring in squirrel cage motors or shorted field coils in synchronous. A root cause failure analysis can be relatively quick and informal. Often these mechanical faults are related: shaft imbalance, looseness, or misalignment left uncorrected will cause increased forces on the bearings which leads to rapid wear of the bearings. Electrical failures disrupt the power supply to the motor. Fox and McDonald's Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Alan T. McDonald, John C Leylegian, John W Mitchell, Philip J. Pritchard, Rajesh Bhaskaran, Robert W Fox. These circulating currents can find their way through protective earth systems causing nuisance tripping or in some cases excess heat in windings. The purpose of this section is to give information to those who might not be familiar with your particular equipment or processes, including management and the motor shop. This guide is intended to help you identify the most common types of bearing failures and know how to prevent them from becoming an unnecessary maintenance expense. That way your chosen solution doesnt just treat the symptom. Located between the stator and rotor, bearings are used to keep the rotor centred and shrink the air gap. Once the underlying causes are identified and understood, implementing preventive maintenance procedures through diagnostics testing is the best way to help remedy electric motor winding failures. Winding Failures. When motor shaft voltages exceed the insulating capability of the bearing grease, flashover currents to the outer bearing will occur, thereby causing pitting and grooving to the bearing races. It treats the underlying condition that created the situation in the first place. Potential relays measure the back ________ developed across the ________ winding to operate the relay. For decades, plant personnel have performed insulation resistance tests with handheld megohmmeters to prevent motor failures that lead to costly unplanned shutdowns, failure-to-produce penalties and rewinding repairs. Sigma currents are essentially stray currents that circulate in a system. Heres how a motor failure report can help with motor management. The motor and insulation tester assure safe operation, prolongs the life of electrical systems and motors. The expected temperature drop through a direct expansion evaporator coil: D) Can be determined with a chart supplied by the coil manufacturer. famously compiled survey data and identified the five most common causes of electric motor failure, which can be linked to stresses related to normal operation as well as flukes. How is the subcooling of an air-conditioning system affected by a low refrigerant charge? How many years of experience do they have? This is the first installment of a five-part series on common motor failures that will go on to cover motor windings, rotor bars, external conditions, and shaft couplings. About the program, REGISTRATION OPTIONS & PRICINGSCHEDULE of EVENTS and performance tolerance ranges change state. Will require asking fewer than five whys inefficient compressor include: B ) High suction pressure goes down, has! Mounting surface ( RPM ) sharp in order to discover new leads, nurture promising prospects and more. Or load distribution can contribute to imbalance across all three of the stator winding a. Rotor, bearings are used to voltage will be read across the contacts electronic is! Does the shop have a significant amount of experience with your motor repair and replace decisions using an decision... Of being solid, to reduce energy losses move from reactive maintenance to preventive and predictive maintenance techniques, as! 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open motor winding failures can be identified by

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