
nuke a hurricane xkcd

Order here! Biden said Trump, "has an answer for hurricanes. Partway down the side of that skyscraper there's a flagpole sticking out, sans flag! Could a (small) rocket (with payload) be lifted to a high point in the atmosphere where it would only need a small rocket to get to escape velocity? There is no way to tell in advance which ones will develop." Even the mightiest hurricane begins life as a much smaller storm. We were both (luckily) amazed and surprised and I have often wondered what the odds are for something like that happening. coast. Within a dozen or so seconds, the bubble shrinks to a minimum size, then (Assuming the average composition of rock were maintained.). How long would humanity last? But first worry about what caused the 500 MPH winds How long would it take for people to notice their weight gain if the mean radius of the world expanded by 1cm every second? You can almost visualize his wide-eyed innocence, wanting to take two deadly forces and use them to destroy each other, to benefit mankind. The bar representing Uranium is so large that it extends onto a stack of paper taller than a human]] After that they were released weekly for almost three years, with just a few times with two (and once three) weeks between releases, up until article 136 was released on April 12, 2015 (2 years and 40 weeks). 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions is out! Usually the center but not always and usually rice, but often it will be a small section of meat. The problem, though, is that hurricanes emit a mind-boggling level of energy. The ninth break in total. Every now and then we have to insert a leap second because the Earths rotation is slowing down. If I shot an infinitely strong laser beam into the sky at a random point, how much damage would it do? What better weather to try to alter than hurricanes? While we might not have experimented with nukes, the government has tried other ways to stop hurricanes, and even those resulted in some terrible and unforeseeable problems. quickly-expanding spherical cavity of hot steam. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, who get asked this question a lot, this is a very bad idea. See the [[what if]] ''{{what if|147|Niagara Straw}}''. My boyfriend recently took a flight on a plane with wifi, and while he was up there, wistfully asked if I could send him a pizza. What if we were to dump all the tea in the world into the Great Lakes? Enough soda to cover Earth with ten layers of cans. What would kill me first? It's the winds that need to be slowed down to stop a hurricane, and nukes would be laughably ineffective at it. 2 came out. I just moved into a new apartment. However, Trump called the site's story "ridiculous" in a tweet, adding, "I never said this. They're so huge, they're so powerful." This memo has been declassified, but was never published. So basically, even if nuking a hurricane could move more air than is even conceivable, we'd still have a small hurricane on our hands. What if everything was antimatter, EXCEPT Earth? At what point in human history were there too many (English) books to be able to read them all in one lifetime? What if you somehow managed to make a stereo travel at twice the speed of sound, would it sound backwards to someone who was just casually sitting somewhere as it flies by? Then, while falling, I release the helium and fill the balloon. The release date in the archive is the wrong month June. What would happen if you tried to fly a normal Earth airplane above different Solar System bodies? What a great splish-splash that would be! As a writer, I'm wondering what would be the cumulative energy of the hundreds of thousands of keystrokes required to write a novel. The first scenarios are pretty boring. If you're thinking about buying it, here are some things you might want to know: Humans can't digest the cellulose in paper, but if we could, eating this book would give you about 2,300 calories (including the cover). If your cells suddenly lost the power to divide, how long would you survive? As humans learned over the last century from a wide variety of incidents, fallout is no fun. The destruction hurricanes leave in their wake is epic. waters of the Gulf of Mexicos Loop Current sometimes cause hurricanes Not even mad scientists, but respected ones. What would happen to the Earth if the Sun suddenly switched off? It is almost a year ago that two comics have been released with less than two full weeks between them (that was #147 released February 26, 2016). Could you get drunk from drinking a drunk person's blood? According to the 1993 World Almanac, the entire human race used energy at a rate of 1013 watts in 1990, a rate less than 20% of the power of a hurricane.". There you have it. That is a lot of energy. A CEO on the other hand, would be in trouble. Humanity would survive if the robots cared about keeping themselves alive as well. "Apart from the fact that this might not even alter the storm, this approach neglects the problem that the released radioactive fallout would fairly quickly move with the tradewinds to affect land areas and cause devastating environmental problems,"NOAA's hurricane page states. From here on there is no longer any standard release days. You would have to go 200m/s. What would the world be like if the land masses were spread out the same way as now - only rotated by an angle of 90 degrees? Hurricanes are definitely worse than they used to be. At what speed would you have to drive for rain to shatter your windshield? It is just like 'xkcd:volume 0' a compilation of some questions from the website, but half of them are new. It turns out not only is that hard to help her appreciate this size, I am not at all able to explain all of the other difficulties you'd have to overcome. He liked these questions so much that he started up What If. serious answers to absurd questions and absurd advice for common concerns from xkcd's Randall Munroe. If the energy released in a tropical disturbance were only 10% of that released in a hurricane, it's still a lot of power, so the hurricane police would need to dim the whole world's lights many times a year. "As far as I know, there's no serious scientist doing this at all. All incomplete explanations are here . When - if ever - will the bandwidth of the Internet surpass that of FedEx? What if I took a swim in a typical spent nuclear fuel pool? First two months break of at least two in a row, the 15th break in total. turbulent warm water and explosion debris. According to the report, as If an asteroid was very small but supermassive, could you really live on it like the Little Prince? The comet either burns up in the atmosphere or speeds up global warming. People sometimes say "If I had all the money in the world " in order to discuss what they would do if they had no financial constraints. On the blog, Randall, who has a degree in physics and a strong scientific background, discusses hypothetical physics questions apparently submitted by readers. If the stack is too tall to fit in the room, write down the number of pages it would take to write down the number. What about using a squirrel suit? The only three weeks break, the sixth break in total. The nature of the food chain means even radioactive plankton could end up harming much larger marine life. If a T-rex were released in New York City, how many humans/day would it need to consume to get its needed calorie intake? If so, how many golf balls would be required to reach the Moon? In 1962, physicist Freeman Dyson wrote a memo discussing eight possible The tree and splash would be great. Would it eventually reach a point where it would float? Can you use a magnifying glass and moonlight to light a fire? What would be the best way of getting the energy from one to the other? With practice, it's possible to throw a book every 800 milliseconds, which means that if human attackers are sprinting towards you, you'll have three or four chances to hit them before they reach you. In pursuit of answers, Munroe runs computer simulations, pores over stacks of declassified military research memos, solves differential equations, and consults with nuclear reactor operators. How fast would you have to go in your car to run a red light claiming that it appeared green to you due to the Doppler Effect? In the memo, one of the eight ideas Freeman discusses is the use of The hole fills in, with huge columns of steam and great Magic, because science just works like that. Phil Klotzbach, a research scientist at Colorado State's University's Tropical Meteorology Project, was talking about the U.S. government's cloud seeding Project STORMFURY whenhe told Florida Today, "It seemed good on paper, but in reality, the hurricane is just too strong. If you drop a 7kg bowling ball over the side, how long would it take to hit the bottom? After World War II, they started trying in a big way. And the best part is, it's all humanity's fault. I jokingly sent him a photo of a parrot holding a pizza slice in its beak. Though he reportedly . And it's not possible anyway, since nukes are not giant, cutting-edge fans. The website of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the U.S. government agency that tracks changes in weather and ocean conditions, has a page explaining why scientists don't recommend disrupting hurricanes with nuclear weapons. Regarding the question it could be done, but why did the guy asking the question whish to do such a horrible thing Randall ends up asking back. each. Various Theoretical Models For Underwater The article 137 from July 14, 2015 was about the New Horizons probe. Various Theoretical Models For Underwater All that changes when this cat enters the equation: Lets say that when Im typing the above equation, the cat hops onto my Since Death Valley is below sea level could we dig a hole to the ocean and fill it up with water? If every country's airspace extended up forever, which country would own the largest percentage of the galaxy at any given time? My daughter age 4.5 maintains she wants a billion-story building. Dispatches from a horrifying alternate universe. }}, is best viewed with Netscape Navigator 4.0 or below on a Pentium 31 emulated in Javascript on an Apple IIGS,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. You angle your descent and grab the pole just long enough to swing around so that when you let go you're now heading back up toward the sky. His responses are masterpieces of clarity and hilarity, studded with memorable cartoons and infographics. How many bananas would you need to power a house? How fast can you hit a speed bump while driving and live? Repeat. If you make the words pronounceable by always alternating vowels and consonants, the names would be about 24 letters long. As gravity slows you and brings you to a halt, you reach the top of the skyscraper, where you reach out and pull yourself to safety. "People were astonished. National Geographic says it was a meteorologist named Jack W. Reed who first pitched the idea of using nukes peacefully, by dropping them on hurricanes. Intense enough to cause a medium sized nuclear explosion. blog. Two month between releases, and relased two weeks after the previous comic promoting the new book. After this less orderly period there came a period of 10 weeks in a row with 10 releases starting on January 1, 2015. What do we do with this?'" Trump allegedly continued, "asking incredulously how many hurricanes the U.S. could handle." Let's say the racer has to survive. In the year following that release only 8 articles where released including both #147 and #154. When (if ever) did the sun go down on the British empire? memo from his father, and was kind enough to show it to me. As plastic is made from oil and oil is made from dead dinosaurs, how much actual real dinosaur is there in a plastic dinosaur? She is planning to attach a number of helium balloons to a chair, which in turn would be tethered by means of a rope to a Ferrari. This work is licensed under a How big would the teams have to be? With today's technology, would it be possible to launch an unmanned mission to retrieve Voyager I? It turns out, you'd need a lot of nukes and a lot of power. How many molecules of the ink would be used? It had ended a war almost instantaneously, it was cleaner and cheaper than traditional fuels, so why couldn't it do something like fix the pesky problem of hurricanes? ", "You could hear a gnat fart in that meeting," the source told Axios. Far more than a book for geeks, WHAT IF: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions explains the laws of science in operation in a way that every intelligent reader will enjoy and feel much the smarter for having read. What would happen if one tried to funnel Niagara Falls through a straw? But that doesn't mean serious scientists haven't thought about the possibility. What path would you trace on the Earth? So being a person on a budget what's the best way to use my free faucet to generate electricity? Never use the Math markup language at the transcript. I saw a sign at a hot springs tub saying "Caution: Water is hotter than average" with water at about 39C. Then the To figure out how big What is the longest possible sunset you can experience while driving, assuming we are obeying the speed limit and driving on paved roads? For the answer, the universe would be destroyed. Coal: 24 I understand that the New Horizons craft used gravity assist from Jupiter to increase its speed on the way to Pluto. But the next one (#154) was indeed released only a bit more than week after the one with 15 weeks break, and then less than 3 weeks after followed yet an article on February 28 2017. And mess they did. The report also claimed that Trump had raised the possibility of bombing hurricanes with another senior administration official, as detailed in a 2017 NSC memo. What if you released a submarine into Jupiter's atmosphere? What if people's incomes appeared around them as cash in real time? My 4 year old son and I were wondering about soccer ball sized hail today. What if a spacecraft slowed down on re-entry to just a few miles per hour using rocket boosters like the Mars-sky-crane? Every now and then, Munroe would get emails asking him to arbitrate a science debate. In the UK edition of the book, Randall included a preface about his thoughts on the units used in the UK. If you call a random phone number and say God bless you, what are the chances that the person who answers just sneezed? Obviously, my boyfriend had to go without pizza until he landed at JFK. part of the ocean. Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. This came out after a three week countdown revealing the image from the cover of the new book over 136 frames released with about 4 hours between each frame. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. Kerry Emanuel, a hurricane expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said, "When you see things going up all over the globe like that, the ducks are kind of in order." More details.. What would it be like to navigate a rowboat through a lake of mercury? How long of a fall would I need in order for the balloon to slow me enough that I could land safely? What would happen if you were in a boat, plane or a submarine that got hit by lightning? The question is, how many vehicles would it take to build a car-bridge across the Atlantic? "People were astonished. 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions was released on September 13. After the meeting ended, we thought, 'What the f*ck? As a mole is such a high number this would be tricky. His responses are masterpieces of clarity and hilarity, studded with memorable cartoons and infographics. approach Iwo Jima as a radioactive whirlwind. terrifying passage describing the detonation of a submerged gigaton mine It found that every 10 years for the past four decades, "the likelihood of a hurricane developing into a major one of Category 3 or higher, with sustained winds greater than 110 miles an hour, [increased] by about 8% a decade." The New START, signed by then-presidents Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev in 2010, limits each country to no more than 1,550 deployed nuclear warheads and 700 deployed missiles and bombers. I also understand that by doing this, Jupiter slowed down very slightly. What if you built a siphon from the oceans on Europa to Earth? Hey! She has learned enough about the rules of the road to know never to drive into the ocean; however, she jokingly suggested that given a sufficient quantity of rental cars, she could eventually get to Europe by driving east repeatedly. As the first two were released on week 1, this means that there were 134 articles released over the next 143 weeks, meaning there were only 9 weeks without an article. What changes could be made to our diets for the amount of calories to equal the energy of the Sun? Could this be an effective weapon, or would it be as stupid as it sounds? Printing $100 bills 24/7 for a year can make you about $200 million per year. A 2016 National Geographic article also explained that detonating a nuke inside a hurricane could violate the Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty between the U.S. and the former Soviet Union (now Russia), possibly increasing the arms race tensions between the two countries. How big a hole do I need to dig before people suffocate? How much volume would they take up and what would they look like? Would it negate the need for a heat shield? If you carry a penny in your coin tray, how long would it take for that penny to cost you more than a cent in extra gas? But why would you. No one would get a perfect score. Stopping an asteroid with a laser on the other hand is a lot easier. This was so far the second longest break. They would not be able to pay off the debt, even if they forced humanity to work as slaves. (Also, Randall misspelled Bethlehem). Just more FAKE NEWS!". As with a lot of these answers, just don't. Before these massive storms had names and categories, they were still wreaking havoc. What would happen if you exploded a nuclear bomb in the eye of a hurricane? Lawrence River Adaptive Management Committee would be angry. Crypto I got it. But it might have, and that's enough to concern scientists, especially when they are talking about going from cloud seeding to nuclear weapons. Rough estimates indicate that the inundation How much physical space does the internet take up? This is neither aerodynamic nor a good idea. But wait! Fortunately for the coast, these waves are fundamentally different from It now has 600,000 to a million page hits daily. August 26, 2019. The final six articles in this period were released on four different week days, only two of them with one week apart. the only thing to do would be to make a swimming pool. (a 2000 VW Jetta TDI). Could a high-speed train run through a vertical loop, like a rollercoaster, with the passengers staying comfortable? After article 136 was released on April 12, 2015, Randal took a, At the time Randall wrote a note stating "What If updates are temporarily on hold, and will resume on July 14th, 2015 at 7:49:59 AM EDT.". We've had examples of it before. After the break only three articles were released, two more were released after article 137 over three weeks, the last article 139 released on August 4, 2015. Category:Hurricanes - explain xkcd. First after 17 more weeks releases began again with article 141 on Tuesday January 16, 2016. If you made an elevator that would go to space (like the one you mentioned in the billion-story building) and built a staircase up (assuming regulated air pressure) about how long would it take to climb to the top? After the meeting ended, we thought, 'What the f*ck? (In other words, how long could we chuck nukes at hurricanes until our nuclear arsenal ran out?). Earths atmosphere is really thin compared to the radius of the Earth. After that articles began coming out regularly with a total of 9 releases out before the end of March 2016, mainly on Tuesdays to begin with, then one on a Friday before the last two came on Saturdays with two weeks breaks before each, the last being article 149 on March 26, 2016. You are in a boat directly over the Mariana Trench. Hurricanes cause destruction in lots of ways, but the big one is wind. If you stripped away all the rules of car racing and had a contest which was simply to get a human being around a track 200 times as fast as possible, what strategy would win? First after 25 releases was there a two week Christmas break before article 26 was released on December 31, 2012. After that there were five more two weeks break, one three week break (before December 11, 2014) and two releases in a row (133-134 towards the end of this period of 136 articles), where the release dates where shifted so the two came out over three weeks' time with about 1.5 weeks between them. beneath the waters of the Pacific. If not, then we all die. If you made a beach using grains the proportionate size of the stars in the Milky Way, what would that beach look like? This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. Also, the Earth would be destroyed. If the explosion Since rainbows are caused by the refraction of the sunlight by tiny droplets of rainwater, what would rainbow look like on Earth if we had two suns like Tatooine? Since 2014, there's also a book of the blog. Whats the fastest way to get a hand-written letter from my place in Chicago to my mother in New Jersey? Would it be possible for two teams in a tug-o-war to overcome the ultimate tensile strength of an iron rod and pull it apart? (We have an idea for selling bottled Europa water.). Would I need to dive to actually experience a fatal amount of radiation? Not in a "scatter my ashes" sense, but, like, "throw my naked corpse out the airlock" sense. (I don't know why six feetbut that's what he asked.). The area is now marked by a 100-kilometer-wide scar of magma sizzling It hasn't set and it won't for thousands of years. Hurricanes are some of the scariest, deadliest, most costly weather events on Earth. At 53 megatons, the Tsar Bomba was the most powerful nuclear weapon ever detonated, and at 11 kilometers, the Mariana (s) Trench is the deepest part of the ocean. The seminal work in the field of nuclear ocean waves is Water Waves Generated By Underwater Explosions, a What if you were changing the light at the top of a radio tower and lightning struck? happens near the surface, it can create some pretty big wavesunder some A hurricane would shrug off a nuclear bomb the way an elephant does a gnat. As long as you don't touch strange things and you don't swim too close to the fuel rods, it would be just like a regular pool. Assuming the stereo is indestructible then yes. There's not really any question anymore: This is happening because the planet is getting warmer, and the planet is getting warmer because of humans. The article is about the slope needed to be able to coast on a bike, without using the pedals, across mainland USA. The report, published in 1996, What if the Earth were made entirely of protons, and the Moon were made entirely of electrons? How many unique English tweets are possible? Only to find that the chair I sat on converted the successful silence into a perfect, and loud, flute note. a result of such a deep-water closed bubble creation and dissipation, Here's What Would Happen If You Nuked A Hurricane, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports. If every person on Earth aimed a laser pointer at the Moon at the same time, would it change color? F * ck a spacecraft slowed down to stop a hurricane need in order for the amount of calories equal! Serious scientists have n't thought about the possibility of cans from the website, but, like, `` my..., these waves are fundamentally different from it now has 600,000 to a million page hits.... 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