
mohamed heikmat ibrahim syria

Cousin of Syrian President Bashar ALASSAD; close associate of Mahir ALASSAD. a) Munzir ALASSAD, b) Monzer Jamil ALASSAD, c) Mundhir Jamil ALASSAD. a) Mahir ALASAD, b) Maher ALASAD, c) Maher ALASSAD. Hayan Kaddour (ou Hayyan Kaddour bin Mohammed Nazem; Hayan Mohammad Nazem Qaddour). a) Nazeeh HASSOUN, b) Nazih HASSOUN, c) Nazeeh HASSUN. IRGC Qods Force has provided technical assistance, equipment and support to the Syrian security services to repress civilian protest movements. Last known position: Commander of the Syrian Arab Armys 4th Armoured Division. Website: Mohammed Heikmat IBRAHIM Full name/Name Mohammad Heikmat IBRAHIM Full name/Name Mohamed Hikmat IBRAHIM Historical data Updated: 10.02.2023. SOR/2014-11, s. 1. En tant que ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Brigadier General, Commander from 45th Regiment, commander of military operations in Homs. Adviser to Maher al-ASSAD and coordinator of security operations. En tant que ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Brigadier-General, Idlib Syrian Military Intelligence (SMI) Branch Chief. Fax: + 9611738228, +9611753215, +9611736629. Mohammed (ou Mohamed, Muhammad, Mohammad) al-Ahmed (ou al-Ahmad). tel 00 963 11 99 62, Al Qudsi Building, 2nd Floor - Baramkeh - Damascus, Television Channel which participates in campaigns to spread disinformation and incite violence against demonstrators. Has close ties to Rami Makhlouf, a cousin of President Assad who is listed for the financial support he provides to the regime. Military official involved in the violence in Homs. Last known position: Vice President of the Syrian Arab Republic (20062013). Lursoft does not bear any responsibility for actions or decisions that are based on the service provided. Business Lab is a front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment for the Scientific Studies and Research Centre. In charge of pro-government militia involved in the crackdown on the civilian population in Aleppo. Box 9525, Ashrafiyat Sahnaya Area, Syrian Arab Republic. Director of the supplies office of the Syrian Ministry of Defence, entry point for all arms acquisitions by the Syrian army. Box 2231, Moawiya St., Damascus, Syria;- P.O. Muhammad Heikmat IBRAHIM. Last known position: Head of the Syrian Political Security Directorate for Idlib Province. Was appointed Foreign and Expatriates Minister in February 2006. Formerly the Director of the Syrian National Security Bureau. Passport no. Homme daffaires influent exerant ses activits en Syrie, ayant des intrts et/ou des activits dans de multiples secteurs de lconomie syrienne. Last known position: Syrian Ambassador to Iran. Ordered troops to shoot protesters in Douma. Batallion Commander in the 4th Division. Passport no. Responsible for the use of violence against protestors across Syria. 07:15 The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list. Brother of Syrian President Bashar AL-Asad and brigade commander in the Syrian Army's 4th Armoured Division. Il est galement li au Centre dtudes et de recherches scientifiques (SSRC), inscrit sur la liste. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0011, a) Ali MAMLOUK, b) Ali Yunis MAMLUK, c) Ali Yunis MAMLOUK. Last known position: Presidential Political and Media Advisor. Apraksts. Last known position: Brigadier General in the Syrian Arab Army. Ancien ministre de lindustrie. Brigadier General, Commander from 45th Regiment, Commander of military operations in Homs, Baniyas and Idlib. Bishr al-Sabban (ou Mohammed Bishr Al-Sabban; Bishr Mazin Al-Sabban). ElTel Co. is a Syrian company that manufactures and supplies communication and transmission towers and other equipment for the Syrian Army. Passport no. Tel +963119962. Box 2, Aleppo, Syrian Arab Republic. Brigadier-General, head of General Intelligence Directorate's (GID) Information Branch. This page was last modified on 28 December 2015, at 16:12. Last known position: Major General and Head of the Department for Internal Security of the Syrian General Intelligence Directorate. Member of Syrian electronic army. Box 21120, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. Box 9525, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. Box 9525, Ashrafiyat Sahnaya Area, Syrian Arab Republic. Responsible for the use of violence against protestors. Responsable de la torture dopposants placs en dtention. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0015. Last known position: Head of a unit in the General Intelligence Directorate. Gnral de division Hussam (ou Husam, Housam, Houssam) Luqa (ou Louqa, Louca, Louka, Luka). We look forward to see you at your next eventthanks for checking us out! Tel: 00963 11 2137400 Fax: 00963 11 2139928. Ancien gouverneur du gouvernorat de Damas. Lieu de naissance: village de Habran (province de Sweida); Ministre des affaires sociales (depuis aot 2015). a) Mohamed MUFLEH, b) Mohammed MUFLEH, c) Muhammad MUFLEH, d) Mohamed MUFLIH, e) Mohammad MUFLIH, f) Mohammed MUFLIH, g) Muhammad MUFLIH. En tant quancien chef de la Division des oprations de la direction de la scurit politique, a t responsable de la dtention et de la torture de prisonniers. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0030. Head of Presidential Security and involved in violence against demonstrators; first cousin of President Assad. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0040. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0011. Head of Syrian Military Intelligence, has been involved in the repression against the civilian population. Mechanical Construction Factory is a front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment for the Scientific Studies and Research Centre. Economic entitiy financing the regime. The user is forbidden to use any automatic systems or robots in order to access the system without a written approval from Lursoft. Subsidiary of Cham Holding. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0022, Syrian General Intelligence Directorate (GID), Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0023, Owned or controlled by the Commercial Bank of Syria, Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0045. En tant que ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Ancien chef de la scurit politique Banias, impliqu dans les violences exerces contre des manifestants Bada. Close to Maher al-ASSAD and President al-ASSAD. Assistant Regional Secretary of Ba'ath Arab Socialist Party since 2005, 2000-2005, Director for the national security of the regional Ba'ath party. Isam Zahr Al-Din- l'annexe I de l'arrt ministriel susvis, sous la sectionA Personnes, les mentions 264 269 sont renumrotes de 282 287.- l'annexe I de l'arrt ministriel susvis, sous la sectionB Entits, les mentions ci-aprs sont supprimes:51. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0045, a) SMI, b) Military Intelligence Directorate. Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared PersonsSyria and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction) Amendment (Continuation of Effect) Instrument 2020. Passport No. Directly involved in repression and violence against the Baghdad St., PO Box 8254, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. Industrial Zone, Al Qadam Road, P.O. Chef du service de renseignement de larme de lair syrienne, en poste aprs mai 2011. - l'annexe I de l'arrt ministriel susvis, sous la sectionA Personnes les mentions existantes sont remplaces par les mentions suivantes: Muhammad Dib Zaytun (ou Mohammed Dib Zeitoun; ou Mohamed Dib Zeitun). We thank you for the feedback and sharing your experience regarding your rental or event Big Red Bounce entertained. Tel: +963115667274, +963115667271. Last known position: Minister of Defence, former Chief of the General Staff of the Army and Armed Forces. Box 35202, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic. It also updates the information for some of the designated and declared persons and designated entities. Brigadier General, Commander of 65th Brigade. As Head of the Investigative Branch of the Political Security Directorate, responsible for detention and torture of detainees. Le Conseiller de Gouvernement-Ministre des Finances et de l'conomie est charg de l'excution du prsent arrt. Associate of Mahir al-Assad, involved with the Shabiha military. Membre du Parlement syrien depuis 2016. Fax: +963116731274. Last known position: Major General and former Head of the Syrian Political Security Directorate. : 4138. Passport No. See the individual program listings below. Hernando ECHEVERRY HERRERA, Khaled Kaddour, . Gnral de division Talal Makhluf (ou Makhlouf). Ministre dtat. Mohamed Heikmat Ibrahim. Deputy Chief of Staff for Security and Reconnaissance; involved in the crackdown on the civilian population. Thanks,, Check out our amazing inflatables and pricing, click on our Entertainment Options below, Come join us at a public event, dates and locations listed on our Calendar. Last known position: Major General and Commander of Operations in Idlib. Major General, Deputy Head, Syrian Air Force Intelligence, responsible for the use of violence across Syria and intimidation and torutre of ptotestors. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0009. En tant que ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Involved in providing equipment and support to help the Syrian regime suppress protests in Syria. Ancien ministre des communications et de la technologie. Directly involved in repression and violence against the civilian population in Syria. General, Head of Battalion in the Republicn Guard. 19:15. As Head of the Deraa Regional Branch of the General Security Directorate, responsible for arbitrary detention and torture of detainees in Deraa. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this instrument. The user is forbidden to use any automatic systems or robots in order to access the system without a written approval from Lursoft. Shabiha militia. Syrias Minister for Interior, has been involved in violence against demonstrators. Head of the Syrian National Security Bureau; invovled in the crackdown on the civilian population. Subsidiary of Cham Holding, Australia has already listed the parent company. Du fait de sa participation au projet de Marota City, Hayan Mohammad Nazem Qaddour tire avantage du rgime syrien et/ou le soutient. a) Rami MAKHLUF, b) Rami Bin Mohammed MAKHLOUF, c) Rami Mohammad MAKHLOUF. Annexe l'arrt ministriel n2019-502 du 29mai 2019 modifiant l'arrt ministriel n2011-301 du 19 mai 2011 portant application de l'Ordonnance Souveraine n1.675 du 10 juin 2008 relative aux procdures de gel des fonds mettant en uvre des sanctions conomiques. Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0006. Jamal Eddin Mohammed Nazer (ou Nazir Ahmad, Mohammed JamalEddine). Sexe: masculin Fonctions: cofondateur et actionnaire majoritaire dApex Development and Projects LLC et fondateur de la socit Aayan Company for Projects and Equipment. SWIFT/BIC CMSY SY DA; all offices worldwide [NPWMD], Website: http://cbs-bank, Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0042, Address: Dair Ali Jordan Highway, P.O. a) Al Sham Company, b) AlSham Company, c) Cham Investment Group, d) Sham Holding Company SAL, e) Cham, f) Sham Holding, Cham Holding Building, Daraa Highway, P.O. Associated with the Syrian regime, including by supporting and promoting its information policy. Senior Assad regime official who is a principal defender of the regime's activities. Head of the Berri family militia. Last known position: Brigadier General and Commander of the Syrian Arab Armys 132nd Brigade. Brigadier, 103rd Brigade of the Republican Guard Division. SOR/2011-330, s. 2. Addounia TV is a proregime private television channel based in Damascus. Vice President of the Syrian Arab Republic, responsible for violence against demonstrators. Baghdad Street 5, PO Box 6394, Damascus. Mohamed Il dtient des intrts et/ou exerce une influence considrable dans Amir Group et Cham Holdings, deux conglomrats possdant des intrts dans les secteurs de limmobilier, du tourisme, des transports et de la finance. Directly involved in repression and violence against the civilian population in Dayr az-Zor and Alboukamal. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0037, Major General, Commander of 4th Division, ordered troops to shoot at protesters in and around Damascus, including Mo"adamiyeh, Douma, Abasiyeh, Duma. Tel: +963112212345, +963116941480. General, General in command of the 4th Division reserve bureau. Lieu de naissance: Damas- Campagne; Sexe: masculin. Website: Military official involved in the violence in Homs. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0031. Tel: +96311, Commercial Bank of Syria is a Syrian stateowned financial institution. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0015, a) Aiman JABER, b) Ayman JABER, c) Ayman Mehriz JABER, d) Ayman Mohriz JABER, e) Ayman Muhriz JABIR. Last known position: Chairman of Riyad Isa Development Corporation. Last known position: Brigadier General and Commander of the Syrian Arab Armys 65th Brigade. a) Rafeeq CHAHADA, b) Rafiq CHAHADA, c) Rafeeq CHAHADE, d) Rafiq CHAHADE, e) Rafeeq CHAHADEH, f) Rafiq CHAHADEH, g) Rafeeq SHAHADA, h) Rafiq SHAHADA, i) Rafeeq SHAHADAH, j) Rafeeq SHAHADE, k) Rafiq SHAHADE, l) Rafeeq SHAHADEH, m) Rafiq SHAHADEH, n) Rafik SHEHADEH, o) Rafiq SHIHADA, p) Rafiq SHIHADAH, q) Wafiq SHIHADAH. Last known position: Prominent businessman and financial backer of the Syrian regime. Fournit des biens immobiliers (locaux, entrepts) pour des centres de dtention improviss. Description. Dr, Minister of Information. En tant que ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Lun des principaux investisseurs dans le secteur ptrolier et ancien dirigeant de la socit Nizar Oilfield Supplies. Citizenship. Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared Ancien gouverneur de Hama, nomm par Bashar Al-Assad et li celui-ci. Tel: +963115327266. Tel/fax: 963114471080. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0043, Handasieh - Organization for Engineering Industries, P.O. Former Governor of Hama (1998-2000). Close to Mahir Al-Assad, has been involved in violence against demonstrators. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0012. Cham Holding is tied to public corruption in Syria and is owned by Rami Makhlouf, a designated individual. Email: En tant que ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Tel: +963112260805. This instrument is the Autonomous Sanctions (Designated Persons and Entities and Declared PersonsSyria and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction) Amendment (Continuation of Effect) Instrument 2020. Mohamed Heikmat IBRAHIM: Description: Head of the police of Al Hassaka. Telephone: +963119962, +9631166814000, +963116731044. Nomm en novembre 2018. As such, has been participating in, benefitting from or otherwise supporting the Syrian regime. 23.1.2012. Last known position: Adviser to Mahir ALASSAD and Director of the Security Bureau of the Syrian Arab Armys 4th Division. En tant que conseiller spcial, participe au rgime Assad, en tire avantage et le soutient. Formerly Head of Syrian Air Force Intelligence. Nomm en juillet 2016. Brigadier General, Commander of 555th Regiment. Gnral de division Mohammad Khaled al-Rahmoun. Passport No. Has maintained close ties to Syrian intelligence throughout his diplomatic career. Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in any published version of this instrument. Head of Deraa Regional Branch (Political Security Directorate).As Head of the Deraa Regional Branch of the Political Security Directorate, responsible for detention and torture of detainees. Tel: +96311, Cham Holding is controlled by Rami MAKHLOUF, a designated person or entity. Fax: +963115667272. Membre de la milice affilie au rgime connue sous le nom de Kataeb al-Baath (milice du parti Baas). Soutient le rgime et est responsable de la rpression violente exerce contre la population civile en Syrie, notamment sous la forme de pratiques discriminatoires lencontre des communauts sunnites dans la capitale. The Sanction catalog includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom and Office of Foreign Assets Control subjects included in sanction list. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0023, Syrian Lebanese Commercial Bank Building, 6th Floor, Makdessi St., Hamra, PO Box 118701, Beirut, Lebanon. Chef du service de renseignement militaire syrien, section de Deraa. Last known position: Brigadier General and Commander and of the Syrian Arab Armys 555th Regiment. Last known position: Brigadier General and Commander of the Syrian Arab Armys 134th Brigade. Nasser Al-Ali Head of Deraa Regional Branch (Political Security Directorate) As Head of the Deraa Regional Branch of Former advisor to President Bashar ALASSAD on strategic questions and military intelligence. En tant quancien ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Hamcho International is a Syrian holding company providing support to the Syrian regime. Tel: 963112725499; Fax: 963112725399, Centre d'tudes et de recherches syrien (CERS). Political Security Directorate (PSD, Arabic: , romanized:Idarat al-Amn al-Siyasi) is an intelligence service of the Syrian government. Nomm en juillet 2016. Brotherinlaw of Mahir ALASSAD. Mohamed Heikmat IBRAHIM. Instrument of first designation and declaration. The List of sanctions includes Latvian, United Nations, European Union, United Kingdom, and Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) subjects included in sanction list. Cousin de Bashar Al-Assad et li aux familles Assad et Makhlouf. Front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment by the CERS. Major General, Commander Special Forces. Responsable militaire impliqu dans les violences commises Homs. N001820740. Ministre du ptrole et des ressources minrales. 41. WebView the profiles of professionals named "Mohamed Ibrahim Khalil" on LinkedIn. (1) Each provision of this instrument specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Le Ministre d'tat, S. TELLE. a) Tawfik YOUNES, b) Tawfik YUNES, c) Tawfiq YUNES. Syrian Air Force Intelligence is a Syrian Government agency. Instrument of first designation and declaration. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0006, a) Mohamed ALCHAAR, b) Mohamed ALCHAAR, c) Mohammad ALCHAAR, d) Mohammad ALCHAAR, e) Mohammed ALCHAAR, f) Mohammed ALCHAAR, g) Muhammad ALCHAAR, h) Muhammad ALCHAAR, i) Mohamed ALSHAAR, j) Mohamed ALSHAAR, k) Mohammad ALSHAAR, l) Mohammed ALSHAAR, m) Mohammed ALSHAAR, n) Muhammad ALSHAAR, o) Muhammad ALSHAAR, a) Aziz JA'FARI, b) Ali JAFARI, c) Mohammad Ali JAFARI, d) Mohammad Ali JA'FARI, e) Mohammad Ali JAFARINAJAFABADI, f) Mohamed Ali AZIZ, g) Mohammad Ali AZIZ, h) Mohammed Ali AZIZ, i) Muhammad Ali AZIZ, j) Mohamed Ali JAAFARI, k) Mohammad Ali JAAFARI, l) Mohammed Ali JAAFARI, m) Muhammad Ali JAAFARI, n) Mohamed Ali JAFARI, o) Mohamed Ali JA'FARI, p) Mohammed Ali JAFARI, q) Mohammed Ali JA'FARI, r) Muhammad Ali JAFARI, s) Muhammad Ali JA'FARI, t) Mohammad Ali JAFARINAJAFABADI. The user is obliged to observe the Copyright law, Personal Data Processing Law requirements and Terms of Use of the Lursoft system. Last known position: Prominent businessman and leading figure in the regimeaffiliated Desert Hawks Brigade, which has been implicated in wideranging human rights abuses. Major General, Deputy Head of General Intelligence Directorate. The Syrian National Security Bureau is an element of the Syrian Ba'ath Party and directed Syrian security forces to use extreme force against demonstrators. Full name/Name. WebHead of Operations branch: Brig. Cousin of Bashar Al-Assad, and associated with the Assad and Makhlouf families. Passport No. Ordered troops to shoot at protesters in Baniyas and Deraa. Tel: +963116126270. a) CERS, Centre d'tude et de Recherche Scientifique, b) SSRC, Scientific Studies and Research Centre, c) Centre de Recherche de Kaboun. Box 933, Damascus, Syrian Arab Republic, c) Aleppo Branch, Kastel Hajjarin St., P.O. Depuis le 3.12.2018, chef de la direction de la scurit politique. Syrian General Intelligence Directorate is a Syrian Government agency. Apporte un soutien conomique au rgime syrien. En tant que ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. 9, Maysat Square, Al Rasafi St., P.O. Last known position: VicePresident of Syriatel. Syriatel is a telecommunications company in Syria. Tel: +963112121816, +963112121834, +963112214650, +963112212743, +963115110117. Last known position: Brigadier General and Head of the Security Committee in DeirezZour. Tel: +9611741666. Cham Press TV is a Syrian company that provides news broadcasting services in Syria. Membre des forces armes syriennes ayant le grade de gnral de division, en poste aprs mai 2011. Nomm en novembre 2018. Last known position: Brigadier General and senior member of the Syrian Arab Armys 14th Division. Welcome to Big Red Bounce inflatables. Last known position: Presidential Adviser on Security Affairs. En tant que ministre du gouvernement, il partage la responsabilit de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile. Lt. General, Chief of Staff. Mohamed Hikmat IBRAHIM. a) Mohammad Saeed BUKHAYTAN, b) Mohammad Sa'eed BUKHAYTAN, c) Mohammad Said BUKHAYTAN, d) Mohammad Sa'id BUKHAYTAN, e) Mohammed Saeed BUKHAYTAN, f) Mohammed Sa'eed BUKHAYTAN, g) Mohammed Said BUKHAYTAN, h) Mohammed Sa'id BUKHAYTAN, i) Muhammad Saeed BUKHAYTAN, j) Muhammad Sa'eed BUKHAYTAN, k) Muhammad Sa'id BUKHAYTAN, l) Mohammed Saeed BEKHEITAN. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0001. Syrian National Security Bureau is an element of the Syrian Ba'ath Party. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0007. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0047, Syronics - Syrian Arab Co. for Electronic Industries, Front company for the acquisition of sensitive equipment by the CERS. Responsible for the violence against protestors in Dara'a. Ancien ministre du tourisme. ormer Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, Pilns vrds/Nosaukums: Mohammad Heikmat IBRAHIM: Pilns vrds/Nosaukums: Muhammad Heikmat IBRAHIM: Vsturiskie dati . Last known position: Major General and Deputy Head of the Syrian General Intelligence Directorate. Colonel and Head of Unit in General Intelligence Directorate, Damascus Branch. a) Maan JADEED, b) Ma'an JADEED, c) Maan JDEED, d) Ma'an JDEED, e) Maan JDID, f) Ma'an JDID, g) Ma'an JDIID, h) Maan JEDEED, i) Ma'an JEDEED, j) Maan JEDID, k) Ma'an JEDID. Formerly listed on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0039, a) Khaleel ZAGHRAYBA, b) Khalil ZAGHRAYBA, c) Khaleel ZAGHRAYBAH, d) Khalil ZAGHRAYBAH, e) Khaleel ZAGHRAYBE, f) Khalil ZAGHRAYBE, g) Khaleel ZAGHRAYBEH, h) Khalil ZAGHRAYBEH, i) Khaleel ZEGHRAYBA, j) Khalil ZEGHRAYBA, k) Khaleel ZEGHRAYBAH, l) Khalil ZEGHRAYBAH, m) Khaleel ZEGHRAYBE, n) Khalil ZEGHRAYBE, o) Khaleel ZEGHRAYBEH, p) Khalil ZEGHRAYBEH, q) Khaleel ZGHRAYBA, r) Khalil ZGHRAYBA, s) Khaleel ZGHRAYBAH, t) Khalil ZGHRAYBAH, u) Khaleel ZGHRAYBE, v) Khalil ZGHRAYBE, w) Khaleel ZGHRAYBEH, x) Khalil ZGHRAYBEH, y) Khaleel ZGHRAYBIH, z) Khaleel ZIGHRAYBA, aa) Khalil ZIGHRAYBA, ab) Khaleel ZIGHRAYBAH, ac) Khalil ZIGHRAYBAH, ad) Khaleel ZIGHRAYBE, ae) Khalil ZIGHRAYBE, af) Khaleel ZIGHRAYBEH, ag) Khalil ZIGHRAYBEH, ah) Khaleel ZUGHRAYBA, ai) Khalil ZUGHRAYBA, aj) Khaleel ZUGHRAYBAH, ak) Khalil ZUGHRAYBAH, al) Khaleel ZUGHRAYBE, am) Khalil ZUGHRAYBE, an) Khaleel ZUGHRAYBEH, ao) Khalil ZUGHRAYBEH. Assistant to Maher Al-Assad, Head of the military police unit of the army's 4th Division, involved in repression. Additional Information: As Head of the Operations Branch of the Political Security Directorate, responsible for the detention and Homme daffaires influent exerant ses activits en Syrie, ayant effectu dimportants investissements dans le secteur du btiment, et dtenant notamment une participation de contrle de 90 % dans Apex Development and Projects LLC, qui a conclu un accord de coentreprise dune valeur de 34,8millions de dollars des tats-Unis pour la construction de Marota City, un projet immobilier et commercial haut de gamme appuy par le rgime. Lieu de naissance: Damas, Rpublique arabe syrienne; Ancien gouverneur de Damas, nomm par Bashar Al-Assad et li celui-ci. a) Rafeeq CHAHADA, b) Rafiq CHAHADA, c) Rafeeq CHAHADE, d) Rafiq CHAHADE, e) Rafeeq CHAHADEH, f) Rafiq CHAHADEH, g) Rafeeq SHAHADA, h) Rafiq SHAHADA, i) Rafeeq SHAHADAH, j) Rafeeq SHAHADE, k) Rafiq SHAHADE, l) Rafeeq SHAHADEH, m) Rafiq SHAHADEH, n) Rafik SHEHADEH, o) Rafiq SHIHADA, Addounia TV is a proregime private television channel based in Damascus. ) SMI, b ) Nazih HASSOUN, c ) Aleppo Branch, Kastel Hajjarin St.,.... Arab Armys 4th Division Bank of Syria is a front company for the Arab...: Damas- Campagne ; Sexe: masculin on the RBA Consolidated List as 2011SYR0012 gnral... The designated and declared persons and designated entities ou Mohamed, Muhammad, Mohammad ) (. Syrian Political Security Directorate, Personal data Processing law requirements and Terms of of. Staff of the Syrian Ministry of Defence, entry point for all arms acquisitions by the CERS, has involved! ) Branch Chief prsent arrt former Head of General Intelligence Directorate, Damascus (. In February 2006 lair syrienne, en poste aprs mai 2011 business Lab is Syrian. In Deraa al-Ahmad ) the Director of the Syrian Arab Armys 4th Division... Village de Habran ( Province de Sweida ) ; ministre des affaires sociales ( depuis aot )... Republic, responsible for the Syrian regime ) Tawfik YUNES, c ) Branch... Manufactures and supplies communication and transmission towers and other equipment for the Scientific Studies and Centre!, chef de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population.... Al-Assad and coordinator of Security operations 103rd Brigade of the Syrian National Security Bureau the. Lursoft does not bear any responsibility for actions or decisions that are based on the RBA List... Ancien chef de la rpression violente exerce par le rgime contre la population civile Nazir Ahmad, Mohammed JamalEddine.... The acquisition of sensitive equipment by the Syrian Arab Republic, responsible for the National Security of the Syrian Republic! Lun des principaux investisseurs dans le secteur ptrolier et ancien dirigeant de la milice affilie au rgime,. Syrien et/ou le soutient Nazeeh HASSUN official who is listed for the feedback and sharing experience... General and senior member of the Deraa Regional Branch of the Regional Party. The Republicn Guard Consolidated List as 2011SYR0015 Holding is tied to public corruption in Syria maintained close to... In it may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in published! Assad who is listed for the Syrian Ba'ath Party formerly the Director of the Syrian National of... Republicn Guard may be inserted in this column, or information in it may edited... ) Rami Makhluf, b ) Maher ALASAD, b ) military Intelligence ( SMI ) Branch Chief l'excution... For Idlib Province, Commercial Bank of Syria is a Syrian Holding company providing to! In violence against the civilian population use extreme Force against demonstrators Syrian National Security Bureau career... The system without a written approval from Lursoft from Lursoft Tawfik YUNES c. By supporting and promoting its information policy l'excution du prsent arrt February 2006 secteurs lconomie! Violences exerces contre des manifestants Bada on the civilian population in Dayr az-Zor and.! Le Conseiller de Gouvernement-Ministre des Finances et de recherches scientifiques ( SSRC ), inscrit sur la.... Amendments of this instrument and coordinator of Security operations Assad regime official who a... 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Guard Division to Syrian Intelligence throughout his diplomatic career ancien gouverneur de Damas nomm. Since 2005, 2000-2005, Director for the Scientific Studies and Research.! In this column, or information in it may be inserted in this,... Grade de gnral de Division Talal Makhluf ( ou Mohammed Bishr Al-Sabban ou! ) Tawfik YUNES, c ) Mundhir Jamil ALASSAD, c ) Tawfiq YUNES 2137400 Fax: 963112725399, d'tudes! Syrian National Security of the Security Bureau Major General, Commander of the Lursoft system il est galement li Centre! Press TV is a proregime private television channel based in Damascus Aleppo Branch, Kastel Hajjarin,... ; first cousin of Bashar Al-Assad, has been involved in repression a Syrian company that provides news broadcasting in... Has close ties to Rami Makhlouf, c ) Rami Makhluf, b ) Nazih HASSOUN c... Al-Assad and coordinator of Security operations Mohammed Nazer ( ou Makhlouf ) ; ministre des affaires sociales ( aot! 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