
mirrors facing doors spirits

Could it have something to do with the home I live in my natural father died in this house when I was 5 yrs old? Heres a tip suggested by Uncle Dixer: If you are to place a mirror, dont have it face the front door (its fine if its far away). Some people like placing a mirror close to the front door or foyer for convenience. I cant make a full recommendation unless I do a measurement and analysis of the surroundings. 11. Is it bad? Cries/Whispers/Voices: Hearing soft chatter, cries, whispers or even music from . Thanks as well. Wall is on west side. I have a long and narrow mirror with wooden frames (1.2 meters length and 0.6 meters height). As for theliving room Feng Shui, the information I got was mixed. -Victor. Well, I have a wall wide wardrobe in mine and it is all impossible to turn it around as it is built in and nothing I can do about it. Mirrors are quite common in modern bedrooms. Therefore, dont sleep in front of a mirror. A mirror in the trial room should be in the east or north wall. My spouse is 64 and I am 54, so no small mirror should ever be hung, or the shorter partner should just never be reflected? Should I place a bagua mirror outside and directly above my front door as a cure? Even without the light source, mirrors create the illusion of space. Moreover, many people also place a mirror facing the bed because it makes the bedroom appear larger. The front door, it's the primary entrance to your home. 7 Signs, What does Seeing Repeating Numbers Mean? Adding birthday and time of birth, there is a possibility that its used in Bazi favorable elements. I would highly appreciate your reply if you can help me.Thank you. -Victor. Questions regarding mirrors are frequent and often cause much confusion when it comes to the world of feng shui. Most experts agree that these mirrors have the ability to absorb bad Qi from the outside. I (will, soon,) live in a building of apartments and my apartments front door is directly facing the buildings staircase at a close distance (between 1 and 2 meters away is the first step). Mirrors in Bedroom and Spirits: Sleeping in Front of a Mirror, The connection between mirrors in the bedroom and spirits. -Victor. On the west wall, there are two windows, and on the south wall, right near the east wall, there is a door. Any thoughts on the best shape of mirrors to use in the dining room to maximize fengshui? Perhaps make it a necessary ritual to do something in front of someplace with a mirror in front. Height Matters for Placement of Mirror as per Vastu. It is not a portal for spirits or demons. I have a long living and dining room. bathroom door to the 1st step of the stairs is 4 1/2 ft. Hi Sabrina, If you dont use the front door, then yes, its fine. ( Second floor plan in link below), Hi Tuffkins, The mirror is very far away from the main entrance door. Let me know if you need me to review the Form by using this link: -Victor. We share the wall between the houses. Generally speaking, it can bring energy form the outside and make your home feel brighter and more spacious. 2) can a wall mirror be placed opposite the floor mirror but not directly across from it? All of them bring energies in the form of light and heat. The most common place for Bagua mirrors is right above the front door. In other schools like BTB, and in my practice, mirrors are used to expand the space . -Victor. Thanks a lot Just a small question, got 3 small decorative round mirrors with scallop-designed frames. Hi Latchforda, Yes, that is fine. Upon entering from the front door, this mirror can be seen but its not directly facing the front door since its facing a wall. The player should now continue to call out the name of the spirit after the . mirrors should be placed or hanged only in the east and north walls strictly, Hi, Placement also depends on the kinds of room/space it is, whether theres a window, etc. One of the reasons a general feng shui search is confusing and there is conflicting information is because there are dozens of schools of feng shui. Anyways, I feel the negative energy coming from them so I am thinking of placing a mirror near my east-facing front door, which faces their house. A new broom is a common first gift to sweep away evil spirits. There is just one thing: the mirror shouldnt face the bed. I dont know why Im telling you all my messed up stuff when I just want to know what your thoughts are about the silver rain (thats what I call it) and the dead dropping in to tell me goodbye. Some people gets startled when they see a mirror once they open the door. Facing a view of the green backyard is great, so no need to worry about it. Sorry, I have a follow-up question. Hi Wei, Yes, that placement is fine because its not facing directly to stove. Just remember to keep the restroom clean and the door closed and youll be fine! Also, if the staircase canbenefit from the water element, adding a mirror would help too. Talking about bedroom situation > you have mentioned that the bedroom mirror should never face the bed. (i dont have stove in my kitchen. Mirrors are problems in some cases of Demonic infestations and hauntings. A door is also a means to connect rooms and spaces when open, or close off when shut (or even locked). I am planning to put a mirror in my dining room that faces my neighbours back Door which they have put screening in front so they cannot see directly into our room . Will it protect of anything bad that comes from the outside sending it back? Tinkerbell brought my grandmother in through my bedroom window. Set the bed so that the door opens diagonally to the right or left of the bed's foot board on the opposite wall, never straight . Also, it is about 10 feet away so thats a good distance. Sleeping in front of a mirror will expose your chakras to external energy. They were very helpful. Let me know if you need my service. Ive heard that bagua mirrors should ideally be placed above the front door, but I dont have enough room there. Since I am renovating it, I have an option to remove these mirrors but I love them a lot. Our ceilight lamp is reflected in the mirror. You are special dont ever doubt yourself. hi victor! Nor is placing mirrors here considered aFeng Shui wealth setup. You will also learn some rules and tips about Feng Shui Bagua mirrors and know the best and worst places to place mirrors and reasons why. Do place it along the two side-walls of the hallway but not at its end. -Victor, Hi Christine, As long as the mirror doesnt directly reflect the kitchen stove, you are good. . They have similar foundations in the bagua, the five elements, and so forth. These are the things to look out for before sleeping in front of a mirror. When I sit at my dresser I can see the top of the door and when I walk into the room I can see myself, is this ok too? I placed a floor standing mirror against the north wall inline with the beam (beam goes into mirror) so mirror basically placed under beam. You can wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Aileens situation seems similar to mine. thanks, Hi Mishi, If that door is not frequently used, theres really no need. Feng Shui, the Asian art of arranging a home for optimal flow of positive energy, has a lot to say about mirrors. -Victor. It came to an end in 2011. This way, if evil spirits were to enter their place of worship, they would see their reflection and run away. A mirror is according to folklore, a doorway or portal through which spirits, including ghosts and Demons, can gain access to the physical world. Is it ok to hang a mirror at the south facing our dining table which is in the center of our house and reflecting our aquarium that is at the east side? It's only bad if it's directly facing the bed. Right? -Victor. Live Nation Concerts is the largest . Instead, plane Bagua Mirrors are often used to block out the bad building shapes, such as facing a vertical road, corner, temple and Yin items (e.g. -Victor, Hello Victor, I have a mirror that is now parallel to my front door it will have to face west and there is literally no where else to place it that isnt bad according to these rules can I neutralize this somehow with a painting or something opposite of it? If my front door faces directly towards the back door should I place a mirror in the path? 2 doors, one on west side and another north facing door in the same room. I have one full length mirror on the West side and hexagon mirror on the North side of living room. -Victor, Hi In part of our living room, (in the north east of living room), we have put dinner table and this area has became our dinning room. Mirrors, water, ouija boards, etc. When I was reading Feng Shui advice some time ago, I found that most of the advice had some practical wisdom in it and made sense. Thanks! -Victor, Hi Victor, I have a mirror in the hallway facing the door under the staircase not the front door but the door beneath the staircase. Placing mirrors in the north direction is fruitful. Some experts say that mirror facing bed depletes personal energy, causes bad dreams and leads to restlessness at nights. Further, Im assuming that door is not connected to the outside, so again, theres no need. Placing a mirror in a window at the outside is good? Is it okay to put a mirror opposite a pantry cabinet and a refrigerator? Mirrors in hallways can get a little confusing. -Victor, Mirror somewhat in the kitchen toward next room doesnt face the stove south wall? Hello! At the moment, I am not in a position to move house. In general, the Bagua mirror is mainly used to block the negative energies from the outside. The reason you may have read is that the South (area/sector) is correlated with Fire, and mirror is water, so that they may clash. I dont know if Im that special or not but I do feel like there is something very special Im suppose to do regardless of all my screw ups and mistake I seem to make on a daily basic. Is it permissible to hang a mirror on a wall at top of stairs facing stairs placed at eye level?? I find it obstructing the door space when visitor coming in or doing cleaning with all the wires behind the front door and curtain. Thanks. -Victor. However,this is NOT recommended ifthere are anysort of bad Forms outside the window because the mirror can bring those negative energies inside as well. Is there any other remedy to minimize the negative effect? Having a mirror facing your bed is good (considering the factors). hi vi have a mirror facing my car in the garage, is it safe? having 2 mirrors facing each other will attract ghosts, Two Mirrors Facing Each Other is Bad Luck? This is where modernization and commercialism has taken a toll on Feng Shui. Does it still count? TO absorb, use concave. The door must not face the elevator door. -Victor. A few questions for you as Im not 100% sure I understand the ins and outs of feng shui and am currently redecorating so would like to get this right: 1) is it ok to place a floor mirror in bedroom facing a small wall (with or without art)? It would not be facing the stove or windows. -Victor. I could hear my name being echoed in the spirit realm. The reason is that the cook would easily know whos entering or leaving the kitchen. Hi Portia, This is totally fine. Some say that mirror placement in living room makes parties and gatheringsmore festive because it feels as if the amount of people have doubled. Will this be ok ? Live Nation Entertainment is the world's leading live entertainment company, comprised of global market leaders: Ticketmaster, Live Nation Concerts, and Live Nation Media & Sponsorship. Perhaps others have that kind of experience. There is another full-length mirror diagonally facing north, on a wall between the kitchen and the toilet door.It seems to reflect the most of the apartment depending on the angle (study area, living area, dining area, even the front door). Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. Hope you can give him some advice on this matter. what can I do if this is not good? They have net curtains, so without their light being on, I would never know about their mirror. And what about placing a mirror inside of wardrobe? The connection between mirrors and spirit is high. In general, you can put mirrors up where they are functionally useful as long as you don't have your own negative feelings attached to them. Is that fine ? Is it Bad Luck to Keep Ashes in the House? The window is on the side of my house where the drive way is . The mirror is facing my house. -Victor. Hi Therese, Yes, the placement would be great because it can reflect some nature from your yard! During the glare hours, and/or evening hours, the mirror is reflecting closed curtains or blinds. It increases the size of your vault and your ability to hold wealth. -Victor. The jerk will lead to confusion, which will affect the ability to make prompt decisions. Hi, You dont need a remedy when you keep the door closed! However, this also reflects our aquarium which is on the other side of the wall across the dining area. If there are any areas in the home where the energy gets trapped or doesn't flow properly, a carefully placed . Ill try to keep this short: I have a beam that runs left to right when you enter the front door into our living room. Feng Shue: Don't have any facing the bed, do have full length mirrors facing exterior doors, and square ones facing windows; Chinese even go so far as placing small mirrors on the outside of exterior doors and windows. Thanks. Face the foot of the bed away from a straight-on view of the door. So if I will put a big wall mirror of my Dinibg it will face to the living area with a tv attached to the wall. If you have a memory that is not good, then, dont sleep in front of a mirror. From earlier, you know that having a mirror in the foyer area is fine, just that it shouldnt be facing the front door. My daughter is 37 and grown with a 15 yr old that will be 16 in January also. -Victor. What is your ideas cause Ive run out of ideas. Positive effect. -Victor. Also, youre awesome! ", Create a Relaxing Atmosphere at Home With the Best Feng Shui Fountains, A Comprehensive Guide to the Feng Shui Bagua, How to Pick a Front Door Color With Feng Shui. Thanks for your advice in advance Samantha, Hi Sammy, Some brief answers for you: 1.) My concerns is that it faces the drains not my husband does not always place the cover back down. Please advise. So if you are not sure which type of mirror to use, some would recommend that you use the flat Bagua mirror. In general, a mirror can face the door of your house. 8 Superstitions, Mole on the Eyelid and Eye Spiritual Meaning: 9 Superstitions. There is a house 2 houses down from mine that has been on the market for about 3 months. Hi Alexis, If you feel happy seeing yourself like this, then youre in good shape! I have a mirror facing my bedroom door, as well one facing my bathroom door. There are times when there are many drivers who dont realize its a cul de sac and they end up turning around. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. But my Dining area and Living area are in the same place. MIRRORS: When I first became conscious of my true self, I began to receive requests for remote home energy cleansings. That, however, I have doubts on. They have similitude with smoke. I am thinking to place a mirror up in the dining room area to bring in light from the adjacent window which reflects a tree. -Victor. The mirror Also faces that same direction. I could see my curtains and the curtains were rainning what looked like silver glitter falling like rain. However, it is not good Feng Shui to have mirror facing the bed. Hi Victor, Can I place a mirror in the kitchen facing the sliding back door of the the house and a vision facing the stove if you are close to the mirror about 10 ft. away. I read that it is not advisable to have a mirror behind you. We also have a circular mirror which is currently in the kitchen on the west wall opposite a window reflecting brick buildings, is it best to move this to the North wall in the bedroom above the bed OR to the North wall in the living room reflecting the kitchen or not use it at all? The reflection is not big, should i place these horizontally, vertically, or diagonally? When you and your twin flame separate . In addition to its EMF that can impact our sleep, it has the effect of mirror facing the bed, which is a big NO in Feng Shui. -Victor. It seems to me that hanging a large mirror in the dining room may be unlucky for those people who almost never eat in the dining room, if the idea is that the reflection of plenty of food responds to plenty of money. So if I hang a mirror above the radiator, it would reflect stairs going upwould this be ok? Therefore, it is best to stay away from sleeping in front of a mirror. A mirror was placed at the dining area. Yes and yes. Will those push good luck and energy away from home? -Victor. Hello! If the mirror in your bedroom reflects the image of a dead person on the wall, it attracts the deceased's spirit. On the other end it reflects me in a seated position. Is that ok to keep it? On south side 4 large windows. -Victor. A password will be sent to your email address. However, this does seem like a practical tip, especially for those working in restaurants. I fixed 2 very big mirrors on South Wall which cannot be changed due to space issues and fixture already done. It is situated where the street aims right for the front door. Nothing to worry much there. The answer is yes. There should be a good distance between the two mirrors, so should be fine. It was almost as if there was a lot of fussing going on in the room between the two mirrors. If not, feel free to leave them where they are. I know about their deaths before anyone knows. Theres no one to startle in that case lol As for plants, it totally depends on you. Im 60 yrs old and as far back as I can remember, I have always felt like there is some place Im suppose to go, someone Im suppose to meet and something Im suppose to say to this person. Hi Verum, Stairs facing your front door is not necessarily a bad thing. Both places are great. The distance fr. What does all this mean in Feng Shui? Great article and well written! Unexplained smells: Fragrances that are not associated to anything in your home or a foul smelling odor- this is usually from a negative presence. are all common objects used as portals. Even so, youre fine if the mirror is far away. Outside I have one old, very loved mirror facing well, outer world. , Hi Kaelee, I dont see a problem here because it doesnt face the door directly. Reasons To Not Have Mirror Facing Bed Due To Ghosts. The mirror is not going to make or break the balance. Hi Roselle, I cant really comment without taking a look. Is this ok? I know that to be true because she told me she has only loved my sister. This handout asks students to read a quote by Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop and then reflect on texts that have shown them something about themselves, others, and/or the world. But I guess mirror is mirror what ever the case. Mirror Facing Stove for Those that Cook with Door at their Back, 6. Plus, hanging crystals or bagua mirror wont stop Qi from coming into your home. Is this a bad thing? I would like to put at end of hall outside of bathroom. -Victor, Hi I have a question I have a mirroed dresser facing my bedroom door but is not facing my bed also I have my tv hang in front of my bed but you cant see the reflection of my bed is this ok also I have a large round mirror in my living room in my entryway facing my sofas and my babys pictures is this ok as well and I would like to hang a mirror facing my kitchen and my front door is this ok the mirror will face the door when is open but when I close the door it wont face the mirror. Youll be fine as long as it doesnt reflect your front door/window. It disrupts the tranquillity needed in a bedroom for better sleep . -Victor. -Victor. Anyway I had a strange experience involving the mirrors. To make it clear, placing a mirror in the dining room does NOT improve your ability to attract wealth. Your room is a physical image of your mind. -Victor. Fr. Hi Dieu, I dont have the experience you had with mirrors! The . Thanks in advance! If not, try placing it in another wall or placing an art instead of a mirror. Thank you so much. 7. Windows that are located on the east side of your home face the sunrise and allow you to start your day with a lot of sunlight. While a wind chime is often mentioned as a remedy, it's often not practical or stylish to hang one indoors. I keep reading not to use mirror which is symbolic of water to be used on the south side which symbolises fire. Mirrors can be used in the stores to give the illusion of large number of customers and products. I keep both doors closed virtually all the time, and the mirror facing my bedroom door is at least five feet across from the door. I found a beautiful gold trimmed mirror that is three large diamond shapes interlocked. And, if you usually eat in the kitchen, what does that mean for mirrors in in kitchens? Much like the Chinese, Japanese believe that northeast side is a member of a ghost door (). This is why you should be careful about placing mirrors in your bedroom. Can we place a large rectangular mirror in a home gym room wall in the basement? We have flower plants near the garage wall of neighbor. Pass the mirror (s) over the flame of the candle and through the smoke of the incense and say: "I infuse this mirror with the flaming fire . Mirror Facing Bed Brings Sleep Problems? This is a general belief in the African culture, and that is why it is advised to always cover the mirror, or sleep with your back facing the mirror. I feel the spiritual energy when I go in there but I think its just from my spiritual activities. Is it ok? If your son doesn't have any sleep issues, then he's ok. From my experience, most young people doesn't have any issues with mirrors facing the bed. The hallway foyer wall is facing directly across the garage door and only place to hang it. These are mirrors located anywhere within the house that face towards your restroom or bathroom door. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. When I enter my door i face south, past a closet on my right there is a little alcove and my bathroom. Hi there, thank you for a great article! He passed away 12/07/20. If you leave this for long, it will lead to the presence of too many ghosts in your room, which might eventually lead to an abandoned room. Youre fine as long as the mirror doesnt directly reflect the kitchen stove. If that room is mostly used in the evening hours, what is reflected while the room is in use? My home has a short hallway with bedroom doors at either end. is gifted and you do not want in your home, but youre keeping it out of a sense of obligation. In addition, my adjoining next door neighbour to the south who is 80, is having to deal with a sick husband who is now in a care home, she seems angry about the whole thing and Im wondering am I also picking up her bad vibes through the walls? Although it is not reflecting the desk, it is reflecting my workspace, but it is also reflecting beautiful artworks that I create. For the mirror, go ahead and place it! I dont know much about mirrors and the spiritual world. Hi Michelle, Seems odd but shouldnt be a problem. In this way, the darkness in your life can be banished. Out of this whole, chi escapes, hot or cool air "escapes," and, if the mirror is big enough, outsiders could "climb in." . When looking inside this mirror, you have a greater vision of your surroundings. Thank you for your time. The Witchdoctor (Mago/Maga) Sleeping in front of a mirror depends on the position of the mirror. I find this a helpful method to turn around and look at the painting through the mirror, to judge the accuracy of my proportions, as looking at the painting through the mirror offers a fresh perspective. From sleeping in front of a mirror facing bed depletes personal energy, causes bad dreams and leads to at... 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mirrors facing doors spirits

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