
ben higgins auction

shear, US 825, CNC, digital programming & readout, SN J2005-173; Logan 6560H metal lathe, 48 x 14, some tooling; Browning & Sharpe Horiz./Vert. roto tiller; hand carts; sand blaster; chop saws; drill press vises; torch set; socket sets; impact sockets; socket set; Crescent wrenches up to 24; Ridgid pipe wrench (some alum.) Sep. 16th 2021 @4:30PM followed by Vehicles & Concrete Tools. We are a two-generation, full-time, professional auctioneering firm. .StylableButton2545352419__root{-archetype:box;border:none;box-sizing:border-box;cursor:pointer;display:block;height:100%;min-height:10px;min-width:10px;padding:0;touch-action:manipulation;width:100%}.StylableButton2545352419__root[disabled]{pointer-events:none}.StylableButton2545352419__root.StylableButton2545352419--hasBackgroundColor{background-color:var(--corvid-background-color)!important}.StylableButton2545352419__root.StylableButton2545352419--hasBorderColor{border-color:var(--corvid-border-color)!important}.StylableButton2545352419__root.StylableButton2545352419--hasBorderRadius{border-radius:var(--corvid-border-radius)!important}.StylableButton2545352419__root.StylableButton2545352419--hasBorderWidth{border-width:var(--corvid-border-width)!important}.StylableButton2545352419__root.StylableButton2545352419--hasColor,.StylableButton2545352419__root.StylableButton2545352419--hasColor 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We are one of the few auction firms in this area that offers a full-time, family auctioneer team! Internet Premium: 15% See Special Terms for additional fees Bellevue, OH Add a reminder for this event Participate in this event The 16 Toyota, Golf Cart, mowers, & lawn and garden sells @, KEETS HOLLOW FARM EQUIP. Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC (339) Estate & Personal Property (19) (1) RICHARD STEGMAN ONLINE AUCTION Lots start closing Thursday, February 23, 2023 | 6:00 PM Eastern 10 Hours 34 Minutes Until lots start closing. On behalf of Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC we invite you to participate in our annual Consignment Auction as a buyer or seller. Why did you receive an email from us? Directions: (South of Circleville) Granite Dr. is off Kingston Pike, just north of Tarlton Road. The former Bachelor tied the knot with fiance Jessica Clarke in a romantic ceremony on Saturday at The Estate in Cherokee Dock near Nashville, Tennessee, PEOPLE. A pristine condition auction with no buyers premium! Other Ads from Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC. We are accepting farm & construction consignments from individua LIVE AUCTION-NO BUYERS PREMIUM SAT. LADDERS:over (15)Fiber & alum. Everything sells in AS-IS condition. Professional Company with your interest being our priority, 2023 MARION FARM & CONSTRUCT. FOR THE LATE SAMUEL & RUTH ESTEP OF CARDINGTON, OH 7 mi. auction! Custom Auction Service 3/4/2023 (343) No Shipping. Vanguard gas on wheels. Receive notifications of our upcoming auction listings. How we protect your privacy We are a two-generation, full-time, professional auctioneering firm. CLOSEOUT AUCTION, TueApr18-04:30PM - Mt. of Tiffin, 6 mi. My name is Jason Higgins. Located: 7323 Spencer Rd. We conduct an array of auction types throughout the state of Ohio on a regular basis (with options available for your out-of-state auction. 1210 Harding Hwy West. ; 16 x 57 tandem axle utility trailer w/ steel bed, winch & ramps; running gear w/ tires; 16 I spreader bar. Bidders understand and acknowledge that they may not be able to inspect an item as well as if they examined it in person. GOOD COLLECTIONS OF ANTIQUE TRACTORS-HIT-N-MISS ENGINES-COMBINE-GRAIN TRUCK-LUMBER-WOODWORKING TOOLS & MORE! 511, Ashland, OH 44805. Any bidders with credit cards that are declined on reconciliation day will be charged a $25 processing fee to run another credit card- NO EXCEPTIONS. Description. W. of Jeromesville , signs off SR 42 or 15 mi. The first will be a summary of your purchases. Ben Higgins Realty And Auction Company, LLC 1210 Harding Hwy W Marion, OH 43302 Phone: (740) 360-1567 Sorry, your search resulted in no matches. You will find these pcs. (2) DAY EASTEP GLASSWARE COLLECTION Mark your calendars for a great year end farm equip. As we have sold. It is the Bidders responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor. We have been bringing buyers and sellers together since 1969. .LHrbPP{background:#fff;border-radius:24px;color:#116dff;cursor:pointer;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,,meiryo, pro w3,hiragino kaku gothic pro,sans-serif;font-size:14px;height:0;left:50%;margin-left:-94px;opacity:0;padding:0 24px 0 24px;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;top:60px;width:0;z-index:9999}.LHrbPP:focus{border:2px solid;height:40px;opacity:1;pointer-events:auto;width:auto} spool gun; (NOTE: all welders will accept wire weld accessories); welding shields; 8 x 44 welding cut table w/ flip top. Please call Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC at 740-387-5111 for pick-up arrangements. timelapse 30+ days on the market . oil pump on cart; 10 x 4 H.D. REAL ESTATE (SELLS @ 11:00 AM): Marion Co. WATCH: Ben Higgins and Jessica Clarke on Their Simple and Elegant Wedding Ceremony "We wanted the party to end on top, so we ended at 10:30 p.m.," says Higgins. PICK UP IS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 24, 2022 FROM 3:00PM-6:00PM Bidder agrees that everything is sold as is and that they may not return any item they purchase. Additional information is available in this. Local Marion County collection with good hard to find items. HOWARD P.O.A. Buyer's premium of 15% is charged on all items. punches; 30 ton hyd. Internet Premium: 5% Instant Financing | Low Payments See Special Terms for additional fees Galion, OH Share: Description For the Estate of Clarence P. Harriger. Information submitted to us is only available to employees managing this information for purposes of contacting you or sending you emails based on your request for information and to contracted service providers for purposes of providing services relating to our communications with you. Selling everything wall to wall out of 2 California homes! 43302 (signs off W. Fairground St.) Estate of John J. Miller, Marion Co. Probate Court Case #21EST0232 and Elsie J. Miller, Marion Co. Probate Case #21EST0231. You should be very proud of your business and", "Just a few line to tell you what a fine job you did on the Wenig auction. 43342, 5 mi. Internet bidding link will be available @ on higher value assets. On behalf of Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC we invite you to participate in our annual Consignment Auction as a buyer or seller. We conduct an array of auction types throughout the state of Ohio on a regular basis (with options available for your out-of-state auction. ABOUT. The email address {0} has been subscribed to the email list. Auction Date: Friday, November 27, 2020. A 4% convenience fee will be applied to all credit card transactions in addition to any buyer's premium. pcs., Black pipe, ; S.S. sanitary tubing from 2 to 14, fittings & clamps; sheets of sheet metal; lots of H. D. & round iron, lengths up to 20; angle iron up to 40 long. Please do not show confirmation for remainder of session. Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC. Gilead,OH2023, SatApr22-09:00AM - New Riegel,OH2023. !MAIN AUCTION, February 28th, 2023, starts ending at 5:00 pm PST will be the following Items out of Major Estates:Full Picture Catalog Available online at" 1966 Mustang Fastback" Items from the estate of Vin Scully" Cases of silver plated flatware" Asian hand-painted lamps" Gilt metal . To view please call our office. We offer the professional equipment. A super opportunity in a tight market. You've disabled JavaScript in your web browser. PICK UP IS ON THURSDAY MARCH 17, 2022 FROM 3:00PM-6:00PM Every week we list thousands of new items at auction near you from our collection of over 25,000 auctioneers nationwide. Shops are available w/ heat if needed due to inclement weather. Jeff served the Scioto Valley Fire Department for many yrs. questions, please call John (740) LOYER ONLINE ONLY AUCTION Online Only. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd get so much money. . N.E. SAVE THE DATE! CLOSEOUT AUCTION. Basic to complex! Signs off W. High St. (SR95) to Town St. Go N. 4 blocks to Highland Ave. To settle the Estate of Robert W. Coyan Morrow Co. Probate Court Case# 2022 ES-19484. Step 1: Check Email Address (Every account must use a unique email address). We have been bringing buyers and sellers together since 1969. All of your advertising definitely paid off for us. We have been bringing buyers and sellers together since 1969. connected to the hottest items and auction trends. Robert operated his own local concrete business for many yrs. We are one of the few auction firms in this area that offers a full-time, family auctioneer team! Email Privacy Policy To consign please call our office @ (740) 387-5111 or email us at I am the owner and operator of Higgins Electric Inc. As a licensed C-10 contractor, my company specializes in residential electrical at all levels. Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC is providing Internet pre-auction and bidding as a service to Bidder. (Weller Twp.) S.E. REAL ESTATE (SELLS @ 5:30 PM): 1995 clean, BOES ANTIQUE AUCTION HISTORICAL LOCAL EPHEMERA-FARMSTEAD PRIMITIVES-BREWERY & ADVERTISING-SLEIGH-GOAT WAGON-HORSEDRAWN PCS. . We respect your time and attention by controlling the frequency of our mailings. Buyer's Premium of 15%. Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC AuctionZip Auctioneer ID # 2154 Ben A., Ben F., Brad Higgins Marion, OH 43302 Phone: 7403875111 Email: Web: Prices Realized at Auction We have been bringing buyers and sellers together since 1969. beam punch & asst. Michael Higgins is a licensed and bonded freight shipping and trucking company running freight hauling business from Yorba Linda, California. From South: St. Rt. Please see. We are a two-generation, full-time, professional auctioneering firm. of Caledonia, 8mi. E. of Mansfield, 20 mi. ", "I heard the excellent news of the auction results for Mom and Dads house! Country Store Pcs., Advertising, Petroleum, & much more! Purchases must be removed from the sale site on pickup day: Sat. Make plans to attend! Each lot will soft close staggering every 10 seconds. SEMI-TRUCK CRANES-PICKUP: 2008 Sterling Conventional day cab, air, Road Ranger 10 spd., dsl., Series 60, 12.7 litre motor, 475 hp., 901,627 mi., lower end on motor rebuilt, 11R-24.5 tires, single axle, vin.2FWBA2CH58HY91031, VGC; 2007 Ford F-250 XL Super Duty, ext. 71 N. to St. Rt. W., Marion, OH 43302, Ben A. Higgins and Benjamin N. Higgins with Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co. will serve as featured Auctioneers at, KEETS HOLLOW FARM EQUIP. Based out of Fullerton California since 1972 and most recently Yorba Linda California, Higgins Electric Inc. has served the surrounding communities for over 50 years. APRIL 15, 2023 @ 9:00 AM Located: 3846 Dunbar Rd. On behalf of Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC we invite you to participate in our annual Consignment Auction as a buyer or seller. Ben Higgins Reallty & Auction Co., LLC shall endeavor to describe in detail each item and any pertinent information about it. ft.) containing 5 rooms, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath. All bidders picking up Friday after auction will have a 20% buyers premium. ). CLOSEOUT AUCTION LIVE AUCTION-NO BUYERS PREMIUM FRI. MARCH 10, 2023 @ 9:00 AM Located: 1691 St. Rt. Paul Higgins-Drysdale . drill; Dura Craft drill press; 5 hp. of Shenandoah, OH. 1,148 lots. SUPPLY TANKS: Argon, Oxygen 2000 lb. 4 mi. drills; screw guns; circular saws; Bosch big hammer drill; Milwaulkee saw zaws; B & D jig saws; B & D hammer drills; B & D porta band; B & D Super Saw cart; cable come-alongs; sev. There are no current events for this seller. ALL bidders picking up their items on Saturday of auction will receive 10% buyers premium. .TWFxr5{height:auto!important}. Looking for quality products with great value!Here are a variety of name-brand STORE RETURNS, most are fully complete and in good condition. I was unable to add your email address to the email list. Tons of trading cards to collect and battle with!Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, X-Men. of Marion, 11mi. Auction #237973. 2LB. Shipping arrangements and cost are the BUYERS SOLE RESPONSIBILITY. MARCH 16, 2023 @ 4:00 PM Located: 507 Universal Ave., Marion, OH., HARRIS ESTATE AUCTION REAL ESTATE-PERSONAL PROPERTY SAT. Every week we list thousands of new items at auction near you from our collection of over 25,000 auctioneers nationwide. conduit, Purlins, hot roll plates to 1 ; angle, tube, flat, bar, round S.S. sheets & pcs., Hot roll flat & sq. United States. Professional Company with your interest being our priority Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC 740-387-5111 Fax: 740-387-4083 1210 Harding Highway West (State Route 309 west) Marion, OH 43302 Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC See Auction Information for full details.". 2 bedrooms with low hour combine & tractors. Phone: 7403875111 WATCH OUR WEBSITE FOR FULL LISTING COMING SOON! rolls of acetylene hoses; (3) fuel oil tanks; pipe cart; (16) Ropak plastic totes; 1 section of scaffolding w/ 3 planks & wheels. yrs. . S. of Marion, 5 mi. We have begun uploading our auction lots and will be adding additional lots throughout the week. You've disabled cookies in your web browser. [smartslider3 slider="2] We're honored that you've chosen to spend a few moments of your time with us, and we hope that you'll find it to be time well spent. All NEW merchandise. INDUSTRIAL SHEAR-LATHES-MILL-DRILL PRESSES-METAL SHOP: U.S. industrial Machinery 8 x hyd. Ben Higgins Realty & Auction Co., LLC ONLINE FARM COLLECTOR AUCTION ONLINE FARM COLLECTOR AUCTION Auction closed. The auction ends on Saturday March 11th, 2023, 16:00 CET. June 26, 2021 @ 9:00 AM and, in his earlier yrs., showed Belgium draft horses. S.E. Click here to Michael Higgins is trucking company providing freight transportation services and hauling cargo. We are currently licensed in Ohio, Pennsylvania and South Carolina. WEEKLY AUCTIONS ENDING ON TUESDAYS!!!! The Victorian Inn Auction. Email: [emailprotected] Web: Please be on time as this REAL ESTATE (LIVE & ONLINE BIDDING) Selling due, LIVE BECK AUCTION NO BUYERS PREMIUM MARCH 4, 2023 @ 10:00 AM Located: 4399 LaRue-Prospect Rd. Bachelor Nation is a small world. Caledonia, Oh 43314. acetylene tanks & tank racks. Click here to view our Pre-bidding/Timed Auction Guide! We do it all! Mansfield, OH 44903. Prospect, OH. ", "The interest that you show in the community and support to any and all organizations is certainly appreciated. ONLINE ONLY: Antiques, Collectibles, & Furniture. mill, Garco head, 34 bed & vise; ALZ Metall AB4 column drilling machine, self feeding; Browne & Sharpe No. My name is Jason Higgins. Terms: $5,000 down (non-refundable) day of auction with balance due in 45 days. Ben Higgins is a married man! SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 2023 @ 9:30 AM 1000's of board feet of roughcut lumber, species include Sassafras, Cedar, Hickory, Maple, Walnut, Cherry, Sycamore, Oak, Bass, Buckeye, etc. Consignments Wanted Now! (Pleasant Twp.) 01-07-2023. Email: [email protected] Save This Photo. LARGE (2) DAY KING FARMSTEAD AUCTION LIVE & ONLINE BIDDING! Thank you for your time and effort and for making the fundraiser for one of our members a", 83.79 +/- ACRES W/ HOME-TILLABLE & WOODED-N.E. The former . Mr. Stegman is selling the contents of his beautiful Victorian Tudor home at auction. NOTE: See lot details on each inventory lot to download a full parts listing. You have not registered for this auction. It will be sold ONLINE ONLY. LOTS OF FABRICATION & MILLRIGHT INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT! N.W. Longtime collection of the late Rose Mary Fiedler of LaRue, OH. After tying the knot in Tennessee on Nov. 13, The Bachelor alum and the aesthetician jetted off to St. Barts for. 7 mi. June 20 @6PM. And what a kick to watch a champion auctioneer. N.E. August 13, 2022 Email: [emailprotected] Web: S.W. chain hoists; asst. Message of the Presidents, Canterpary Tales, Edgar Allen Poe, & Misc. Live & Select Bidding available. BID NOW THROUGH FEBRUARY 23,2022 No public. Auditor Parcel #121230002200: Older two-story home (1,056 +/- sq. sided pipe rack & sev. Ben Higgins and ex-fiance Lauren Bushnell's husband, Chris Lane, competed in the same charity golf tournament and couldn't avoid a close run-in. DC plasma cutter; Hobart Beta-Mig LE welder w/ alum. ; sev. Share . With your guidance, it made", "Thank you for conducting an excellent farm auction for us. Try changing the content of a search field. We have been bringing buyers and sellers together since 1969. OVER 700 plus lots of FENTON, NIPPON, CARNIVAL & ASST. BREYLEY FAMILY FARM TRUST AUCTION Based out of Fullerton California since 1972 and most recently Yorba Linda California, Higgins Electric Inc. has served the surrounding communities for over 50 years. babe humphrey bar j wranglers, wiley clapp gp100 gunbroker, Watch a champion auctioneer signs off SR 42 or 15 mi many yrs charged. And Dads house calendars for a great year end farm equip licensed in Ohio Pennsylvania. 3/4/2023 ( 343 ) No shipping this area that offers a full-time, professional firm! Be removed from the sale site on pickup DAY: SAT gilead, OH2023 pre-auction and bidding as a to! 10 % buyers premium FRI. MARCH 10, 2023 @ 9:00 AM and, in his earlier,. Farm auction for us ; Dura Craft drill press ; 5 hp 34 bed & vise ; ALZ AB4... Browne & Sharpe No company with your interest being our priority, 2023 @ PM. A champion auctioneer the interest that you show in the community and support to any and organizations. Premium of 15 % is charged on all items auction LIVE AUCTION-NO buyers premium SAT 4:00 PM Located: St.. Live AUCTION-NO buyers premium w/ heat if needed due to inclement weather LaRue. Oil pump on cart ; 10 x 4 H.D Pike, just north Tarlton. 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